The sad reality to the internet is that once something is out there on the internet, good luck getting it back off the internet. I do understand your frustrations with respect to only wanting to share content here. The only problem is that ultimately, we cannot control what our users do.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Gated Community
RE: Help In Voting
I used to be able to vote on completed downloads but now I can't. Everytime I go back on my previous torrent downloads, the option to vote isn't there anymore. Any advise? Thanks.
It seems that you have already voted on all of your torrents up to the first one that you completed on December 21. Are any of the other torrents that you finished downloading on or after December 21 doing the same thing to you, or is it only torrents that you finished before December 21 that are doing this?
RE: How Torrrents work
This is largely due to a combination of two different factors:
Some of our uploaders (such as myself), do not have a very fast upload speed, while some of the leechers have an amazing upload speed. In the case of uploaders such as myself who don't have a decent upload speed, it is only possible for me to upload any of the parts of the file to any given user at a slow rate (usually about 45KB/s). When there are one (or more) leechers who can crank out speeds of say 1MB/s and there are several leechers, eventually those leechers with the quick upload speeds will help get other users caught up to where they are in the process as the torrent traffic tends to favour the fastest connection, generally preferring active and connectable nodes, often ignoring the passive ones that use follow-back packets.
In light of the last portion of #1, there are a large number of users who are running behind a NAT, which is most often found built right into their broadband modem to masquerade a /24 subnet (say issued to each computer connected to the modem's built in router behind a single IP address visible from the internet. This is not necessarily a problem though, if the NAT is configured correctly. In my case, my torrent program listens for incoming connections on port 22791. When my computer announces to the internet through the NAT, it can get an outbound connection no problem to announce that it's listening on port 22791. If you do not program the NAT in the router to forward inbound connections from the WAN (Internet) on TCP & UDP 22791 through to my laptop in some way, the NAT will drop them by default because it does not know where to route them to, since it does not use these ports itself for anything. The result is that you end up becoming a passive node. More often than not, passive nodes are unable to upload if they have SPI/Firewall protection enabled on their router and have not properly confiugred the port forwarding in the NAT. Some connectivity will be lost to discovering the passive nodes and sniffing out active ones to take preference over.
RE: Downloading Torrent that now says dead
Okay, do you made it freelech? OMG thanks. :cheesy2:
Our pleasure. At, we aim to please.
RE: QTM Questions / Answers and suggestions
Haha… My bad... In that case, yes... I would suggest uninstalling QTM, then installing it again by running the installer as an admin and putting it in C:\QTM when it asks where to install it. From there, you shouldn't have to run QTM as an admin, but if it fails when you reinstall it as an admin, as a last ditch effort, then try running it as an admin. There is also a way to tell Windows to automatically run QTM as an admin when you open it normally. If you'd like, I can help you with that if running QTM as an admin is required to make it work after installation.
RE: QTM Questions / Answers and suggestions
If just running the app as an administrator and not minimizing it seems to work, it would stand to reason that you should be able to get away with just doing that. If you need to re-install it a later point, I would deal with it then as long as it works when you run as an administrator.
RE: UTorrent Mobile (Android version) or Maximum Download locations
The number of download locations is irrelevant. What does matter though is how many torrents you're downloading at one time or in a 24 hour period. I will check into that to see if maybe you've hit the maximum number of permitted torrents for your profile.
It could also be that the uTorrent Mobile app doesn't support SSL trackers. If that's the case, disabling the SSL tracker in your Profile Settings then downloading the .torrent file to use again should do the trick.
RE: QTM Questions / Answers and suggestions
If I'm not mistaken, this is a known issue that is somehow caused by minimizing QTM after being opened. You may need to try running QTM again as an administrator, and make sure that you do NOT miniize it at any point.
If this fails, you may need to uninstall QTM, then re-install it to somewhere OTHER than the Program Files or Program Files(x86) folder. Be sure you run the installer as an administrator to avoid potential issues when finalizing the install process.
RE: New layout
I think the pictures not displaying the way you prefer them on the torrent information page is something that you can revert back to the old method yourself.
Go to your Profile Settings and uncheck the "Pics 2.0" box. That will make all the images come up all at once on the torrent information page.
If you prefer the method with the auto play, then make sure that "Pics 2.0" is turned on.
As well, you may want to make sure that the radio button just above that is set to "Pics appear over mouse position" is set. I think this will render you something closer to what you prefer.
RE: Gay gene discovery
All I will say to this is check the sources and citations carefully… There's a lot that's lost in the summarizations. That being said, my personal conclusion is that it lacks much explanation on some key aspects.
RE: Acne wound while having sex
The chances of anything from a wound of that nature are almost immeasurable, they're that slim. By the same token, there has not been so much as one documented case of HIV transmission from oral sex alone, unless you count the very not well documented case where a woman alleges to have received it from a man she later found out was HIV+ with whom she had oral sex the day after dental surgery while everything was still bleeding…..
Needless to say, the chances of it being transmitted even if they are HIV+ are damn near nonexistent.
RE: Where'd my torrent go?
It is possible that one of our moderators may have made a mistake. I will look into that for you now.
EDIT: I'm not sure why it was moved or even who moved it, however I have restored it back to the regular torrent queue and promoted it for you.
This type of torrent removal can be undone.
RE: Helpdesk not working?
I see exactly what you mean… I can fill in the information in Chrome, but it will NOT allow me to hit the "Help me" button. It won't even acknowledge that it exists as something clickable. I will forward this to our admin. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
RE: Picking popular torrents
The other thing to look at is the top torrents list on the front page of… Those are the most popular torrents, which means they are potentially great for the ratio if seeded enough, especially if they're FL
RE: Where'd my torrent go?
After looking at your profile, it appears that it was removed as being not gay themed. When posting reading material, there must be some sort of gay theme to the content of the torrent.
RE: Sex!!! Condom or bareback?
Edit: sorry I didn't save the numbers, but my math does include the actual HIV transmission rate, which some may find surprising what it actually is.
Yes… The shocking thing is about the rates is that since 2000 when the studies started getting done with the newer meds that have come out post 1998. The interesting thing with them is no matter what the regime was, if the person had an undetectable viral load, there has not been so much as ONE documented case since the studies began 14 years ago of HIV transmission from an HIV+ partner who is undetectable. This is why I say that you could reasonably conclude that it's "safe" for lack of a better term. Even the statistics with condom use do have some (albeit not many) cases where infection has occurred as the result of a condom failure.
RE: Sex with married men
It seems to me that you are just looking for exceptions almost as if that justifies the act, no matter what you wish to call it. A rose by any other name is still a rose.
Not at all… What I have been wondering for a while now and am going to finally outright ask is why do you seem to feel the need to be so argumentative with everyone? I was only pointing out that "cheating" is a matter of opinion. Some relationships will accept cheating as any type of contact with other people such as a simple kiss, whereas other couples (like my last ex and I) don't consider it to be cheating if you go out and shag some random fling on the side as long as you do not withhold that from the other. All I'm saying is that "cheating" is not a cut and dry term. It's a matter of opinion.
Now that gay marriage is becoming more common, do people's answers to this question change if the married man is married to another man rather than a woman?
With the change in gay marriage laws, I think it does have some impact, at least for me. Part of the thrill of the married man experience is knowing that you're converting a "straight" man over to the dark side of gay sex. If you they're married to another guy, while it can still be fun and all, there's that extra little something about it that's just not the same. At least, that's the way it is for me anyway.
RE: Sex with married men
If you believe there are differing views about what constitutes cheating, make sure you and the person with which you enter into a relationship share the same defintion.
This is why a lot of relationships fail. The definition of cheating is not a literal term. Where one person may see kissing someone (even just a quick peck) as a form of cheating, someone else may not. That's the down side to opinions. That should be the case with any relationship as part of the discovery stage of the relationship.
Enough of that though…. What about sex with me? I'm still technically legally married, but haven't actually been with my still legal husband since September 11, 2007. Would that make sex with me constitute sex with a married man?
RE: Very low upload rate… what's wrong?
I am available over the holidays for assistance with setting up the NAT correctly. I support all makes/models of hardware, and can offer remote assistance over TeamViewer. It's available for Windows, Mac, and Linux (Debian Package / RPM / Tar Ball). It's free to use and it works over a secure connection. I can also do telephone support walk through in many places in the world if I dial out to you, and it's potentially free if you have a long distance plan that includes Canadian OR US calling. I have digits in both countries that will route the call through to me.