@vanman Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine? Haha!
Best posts made by MrMazda
RE: Content lacking
RE: Report says Israel had NO covid deaths, for normal people under 50
@raphjd Justin Trudeau tried such measures in Canada. It failed miserably as many police forces refused to enforce the powers that he gave them on the grounds of them being unconstitutional... For example, Justin Trudeau gave police forces the power to stop people (like drivers) for no reason other than to question them about where they are going and why they are not at home like they're supposed to be. On the most part, most police forces refused to exercise this power. The closest that many of them came was setting up speed traps and pulling people over that they caught for speeding (a valid reason to otherwise pull them over even without the restrictions) and asked them the questions.
What's worse is that if you had to travel to and from work for some reason, you had to have papers from your employer with their contact information to vouch for your need to be out and about to travel to and from work. Also, you were only allowed to travel to and from work if the job that you do was considered "essential". If your job was not considered "essential" by the government's standards, you were SOL.
The other thing we saw was a restriction on what products you can buy. If the product was considered "essential" such as groceries, it was fair game, but things like clothing (including bras and underwear), and many other things you could reasonably argue are essential for some people were not allowed to be sold. It was insane... Going into Walmart and not being able to buy about 90% of the stuff on the shelves. It was insane. On that note, we even had a very interesting case that we came across where a man went to do his grocery shopping wearing nothing but a pair of tighty-whities. The media covered it extensively as it was considered so "groundbreaking in uncertain times". His claim (which I kind of agreed with) was that if clothing was not an "essential" item, then why is it required to do our shopping?
Getting stopped by the police, questioned, and needing papers in order to travel freely between places without police interference is awfully reminiscent of things we learned in history class, isn't it? Those times were very 1930's Germany, don't ya think?
RE: You are not allowed to upload more pictures...
There is a maximum for pictures when adding pictures. Once this limit is reached, you'll get this error.
If the torrent doesn't seem to have many pics, it's likely that the torrent has pictures attached to it that are pending approval by staff.
RE: Merry Christmas!
Haha.... Don't let all my secrets out of the bag now! -
RE: Muslims attack LGBT school materials...in heart of USA
@blablarg18 Well.... To be fair, I kind of agree with the teacher on some level.
You can practice whatever belief system you want, but part of being Canadian is accepting EVERYONE. It's just part of the rules. I have often said if you want to come here, you had better be prepared to follow the same rules that apply to everyone else.
RE: Ratio not increasing
It should be noted that your torrent client only updates with the tracker once every 30 minutes for each torrent. As such, there is a delay in your stats updating. On that note, with most torrent clients, when you close your torrent client or otherwise stop a torrent, any data that has been transferred since the last tracker update is generally lost. So closing and re-opening your torrent client is part of the problem.
As well, the stats on the site only show the total amount transferred for the current session. If for some reason you stop your torrent and restart it, the stats associated with that torrent on the site will reset back to zero until you transfer more.
Use of a VPN should not affect your stats at all, however if you use a proxy server on top of the VPN, this may explain the issue as proxies do not allow for proper traffic flow for new connections back to your system (among other reasons).
RE: hopefully, a better year for gay porn...
@lololulu19 Well.... To be fair, the terms of service do state that you shouldn't upload anything unless you certify that you own the copyright rights to it. Just sayin'
RE: The march toward fascism continues.
@blablarg18 Yeah.... It's a sad and strange world that we live in at this day and age. It really makes me wonder how some people manage to reproduce. There should be a universal law in all countries that says that if both parents have the combined IQ of a potato, they should not be allowed to reproduce. That would solve much of the issues we're having at this day and age.
When it comes to riots, looting, arson, etc. people don't bat an eye, but the moment that religious belief comes into the picture, all shit seems to hit the fan and everyone goes into some kind of satanic panic as it was once called back in the day.
RE: What's the best bittorrent client for macOS (easy to use, free)?
@ricknyc This is likely as our tracker requires that the port that your torrent client uses is forwarded through the VPN to your computer in order to get proper upload traffic. If this port is not forwarded, you may experience all kinds of problems trying to get any upload traffic.
RE: Recycle Icon ♺
@ianfontinell If its an older torrent, is large, and has few seeds (generally less than 10 unless it's more than a few years old), I can freeleech and promote.
RE: YouTube says Pride isn't fit for kids
@raphjd It's just another way for the big companies to try to control the flow of information. It's effectively homophobic, but being done under the guise of trying to protect the children.
They can go sodomize themselves with a retractable baton!
RE: Uploads not being credited, mods not responding
@AMPTWO The problem in your case is that the difference between the amount you have uploaded and the amount you have downloaded is more than 1 TB. When the numbers are this large, 113 GB is not that much of a difference.
According to your profile, you have less than 10 GB left until your low ratio warning is removed.
Since 1 TB is 1024 GB, 113 GB would only equate to about 0.11 TB.... Not enough to really make much of a noticeable difference. Now, if you look at the buffer/deficit size, that's where you'll notice the difference, even when the difference between your total upload and total download is so large.
RE: Reseed Request Grayed Out
@BlackCat94 If the request reseed is greyed out it means either that there are at least 3 seeders, or that the torrent has not yet been snatched, and thus, there is nobody in which to request a reseed from.
RE: NPR promotes bug-eating for years, then says people who notice are "racist"
@blablarg18 Applying some critical thinking, this statement doesn't make sense. How does eating bugs in any way have anything to do with race?
Unless it's specific to a certain geographical region or culture, eating bugs has nothing to do with race, so to just cry racism is in and of itself rather racist. Oh the irony!
RE: Uploads not being credited, mods not responding
@AMPTWO Click your username in the top right corner of the page, then click "Details & Stats".
Look for "Download Buffer" or "Amount to Seed"... This will tell you how much you either need to seed to reach your minimum ratio, or how much you can download before you will reach your minimum ratio and go into low ratio status.
RE: Recycle Icon ♺
@ianfontinell Sure.... Just throw me the torrent URL
RE: Canada PM honors Ukraine Nazi (Waffen-SS vet), then tries to cry about it
There was actually a recent headline about this in the Toronto Sun.... Trudeau didn't like it. All the headline read was "I DID NAZI THAT COMING"
RE: Uploads not being credited, mods not responding
@AMPTWO Just a funny question... Are you by chance using a proxy service with your torrent client? This is the kind of thing that can happen with the use of a proxy service instead of a full VPN.
RE: My uploads keep getting taken down
@flozen Also, when you make too many requests in the forum, eventually you do get banned for breaking the rules. Some bans are temporary (for a set period of time), while others are permanent, depending on a few factors, not the least of which is how many times you have violated the rule previously.
RE: Tucker visits Canada, snowflakes melt
@blablarg18 That's because Trudeau and his libtard party cannot stand any form of criticism. If it doesn't align with their elite globalist WEF agenda, they can't have any tolerance for it and must do everything in their power to silence it. Hands down, the current liberal/libtard government we have in Canada is the most corrupt out of any in Canadian history.
For example, when people started protesting mandates and lockdowns, Trudeau started freezing all their assests, arresting them without officially charging them, and literally taking everything they own. The same has happened for many other people who have stood up to him. For example, there's a business owner that I know of who refused to close the doors to his restaurant when the lock downs happened. Do you know what happened to the guy? He had the government freeze all his assets, and the government took EVERYTHING.... His business, his home... EVERYTHING!
So it comes as no surprise that Trudeau and his goons don't like someone with an opposing view coming to his country, as it threatens his superiority because it's a voice of opposition. What's worse is how heavily censored Canadian media has become, and how heavy they are with propaganda, rather than news. It's sad... Many Canadians feel we live in a dictatorship known as Chinada because of some of the shit that's gone down in the last few years..... And it's only gonna get worse.