Above all, do whatever you can to keep your mental health as good as possible! If you can't get into the right headspace to manage your condition then you're going to end up in a downward spiral.
Even as a child I was never good when it came to taking pills, so having to take daily medication is a real struggle. There have been times when I've stopped my meds for various reason, be that just hating the pills, depression, hating the fact the I need the pills at all, or just forgetfulness. Sometimes this has lasted for several months, and I ignored contact attempts from my healthcare worker. My last break lasted around a year.
Finally got off my ass and got in touch with them again, and my CD had crashed to 96. They've moved me onto a single daily pill as opposed to 3 different ones, and I've done everything I can to be a good boy. In the last 2 months I've only missed a single dose, and that's because I just forgot one night. Overall, my numbers are climbing nicely now.