Pothead? Someone is pro drug war…
I am no fan of pot.. Justin Trudeau is working on legalizing it and also opiods (heroin).
They keep trying to shove the idea that marijuana is a good by calling it "medical marijuana". Fine.. let them dispense marijuana extracts in the form of pills, creams, etc. Not smoking it. What other medication is delivered by smoking it? NONE It's just an excuse for drug addicts to have another drug to abuse.
Ironically, the most abused drugs of all are the legal ones. 70% of Americans are prescribed some form of medication that acts upon the brain.
A teenage boy (who was the leading character in 3 mainstream movies years ago), was asking me about marijuana on facebook last year. Apparently his parents both use it and they say it is good stuff. They live just outside of Los Angeles where potheads are everywhere. Despite being in big movies, as the lead, actors under 18 get paid VERY LITTLE. This kid knows the value of money.
He said "marijuana isn't addictive"… but then I pointed out to him that people with no jobs or minimum wage jobs are willing to pay $200 - $300 an ounce for that stuff.. so obviously it's addictive. I've known people who have quit smoking cigarettes but they never quit smoking weed.
Then there are those that say it is not dangerous. Well, not directly, but it is quite dangerous. When I was a teenager, I saw this car flattened like a pancake on the back of a flatbed truck being hauled away from an accident scene. I found out later that it was a friend of mine from the 6th to 9th grade whom I had not seen in a few years since I changed schools. He was the smartest kid in school in grades 6, 7, and 8.. but became a stoner in 9th. He had driven out of the parking lot of McDonalds, high as a kite, right into the path of a Semi truck. RIP.
Also.. I am frequently telling people that while drugs can be miracles - such as for pain, infections, and other things, they should only be taken for a short time. After about 30 days, the body develops a tolerance for the drugs, and the beneficial effects are diminished. The toxic effects don't diminish though! Avoid any medication that is needed more than a few months.
About the effects of medications including marijuana. The liver and brain filter out almost all toxins in he body. The brain has a special membrane that lets almost nothing through. A good example of that is alcohol. If you drink a little, your liver is able to catch it all and it doesn't get to your brain. If you drink more (or if your liver didn't do it's job) then the alcohol gets to the brain, but even then, the protective membrane stops it. If you drink a lot, it gets to your brain and kills brain cells - a LOT of them, which is easily demonstrated by the person's slurred speech, loss of cognition, and loss of motor coordination. Brain cells do NOT regenerate. The liver is the only organ that DOES regenerate, but if it's functionality is less than 17%, you are dead.
I will cut this short.. mainly because I have other things to do. But getting back to "drugs"... drugs are substances which are able to get to the brain and have an effect. People have the false impression that marijuana is perfectly safe.. it is not. Marijuana damages the brain - permanently - and is like inducing premature dementia / senility - in that it creates dead zones of activity in the brain. In fact, this is ALSO why it has great medical uses! For instance.. in people, especially children, who have seizures for whatever reason including epilepsy.. those seizures are like mini-strokes, and each one permanently damages the brain a bit more. A seizure is TOO MUCH brain activity. One way of reducing seizures is to have brain surgery.. essentially various forms of "lobotomies". Doctors intentionally block or terminate activity in certain spots of the brain to reduce or eliminate the seizures. Another way to reduce seizures is.. you got it.. smoke marijuana! So.. just think of smoking marijuana as having a mini lobotomy. It also affects the heart in a bad way, but I haven't done enough research on that to talk about it.
If you don't believe me.. which is never a good idea.. then go ahead and spend a fortune on marijuana.. be a human vegetable,. and slowly kill yourself. Just don't be on the road when I am on it, or be my doctor or financial advisor.
I have to add one more thing about drugs. Almost ALL of them have a negative effect upon one's libido / sex drive, and even one's ability to get an erection. That is some price to pay to get high.