Justin Trudeau says "Trump actually LISTENS!"
Tucker Carlson interviewed a Democrat who, within hours of the shooting, did #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.
Again, another obscure democrat–a NJ blogger. From the same article " Several New Jersey Democrats criticized Devine’s comments and said they did not endorse violence. "
Can we limit our discussions to comments made by our members or public figures?
Someday you must provide us with a list of democrats that you deem suitable to comment about. There really are no high ranking democrats anymore.. since they lost their majorities in everything… Executive Branch, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Judicial Branch...
Who is the highest ranking democrat now? "Flo" the Progressive Insurance lady?
i dont like him but that seems like a weak thing to go for considering how flaming some gays are
I'm waiting for the first presidential debate in which one candidate says "WhatEVERRRRRRRRR!"
There are more than enough legitimate reasons to blame Trump. We don't have to add trivialities.
Really?? Name a LEGITIMATE reason to blame Trump.
Here is President Trump in the Oval Office last week, posing with the very Queer Teacher Of The Year.
You don't see the leader of ISIS (Whom the Russians supposedly killed last month) posing with any gay people - other than when they are throwing them off of the roofs of buildings.
So the part where Comey said he hoped he could let Flynn go was a lie. Everything that Comey said that promotes Trump and Republicans is true and everything else is a lie. Not only that, but it was Trump's lie about tapes that forced Comey to tell the truth. The logic is dizzying.
:crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:
Put down the tube of airplane glue..
By the way.. the reason I get away with telling you to put down the tube of airplane glue is because what you are saying is blatantly FALSE!
Trump never lied about the tapes. He never said there were tapes. He merely suggested that there might have been tapes. Just about everything said in the white house is recorded.. and has been for about 50 years. In this case, it turns out that after checking, the conversation was not recorded. So, Comey got stuck saying what Trump had already said. Mainly that Comey told Trump not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES that Trump was not under investigation. Meanwhile, we now find out that Comey was LEAKING information to the media and others.. which is a massive NO-NO for an FBI Director.
Trump is steam rolling the losers!
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Huffington Post, George Will, Rosie O'Donnell, CNN, Cher, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Kathy Griffith, CBS anchorman Scott Pelley, George Soros, Demoboob wannabe congressman Jon Ossof (and 4 other demoboob congressional wannabe's), the demoboob that said he wished Rep Scalise had died when an assassination attempt was made, Johnny Depp, Madonna, Tim Kaine, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers.. etc.
Do note that Communism is not dead in Russia. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) is one of the largest political parties in Russia.
As of 2015, there are 570,000 members of the Communist Party in Russia.. that is not a whole lot considering the population of Russia is 144 million people.. that's 144,000,000 people.. they have been out of power for the last 26 years.
We all have our crosses to bear. The USA is stuck with the Democratic Party, which is about 50% of the country, and they have only been out of power for 7 months. (And the economy is now at an all time high!… Trump is taking on the moonbats and winning.. so hold on tight.. let the fight.. begin!)
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Much to the chagrin of a certain silent Doctor.. President Donald John Trump's popularity went up 3% in just the past month!
Here to sing about it is the most famous National Socialist of all! (Well 3rd.. after Obama and Hillary).
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"When it comes to domestic terrorism in America, the numbers don’t lie: Far-right extremists are behind far more plots and attacks than Islamist extremists.
There were almost twice as many terrorist incidents by right-wing extremists as by Islamist extremists in the U.S. from 2008 to 2016, according to a new report from The Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund and The Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal."
I've been saying it for months. The GOP is a terrorist group hell-bent on destroying America. Their healthcare bill will kill far more Americans than some little group like ISIS.
You have your head so far up your ass that you must be able to see your lungs.
I don't believe your made up statistics.. but let's just assume they are true.
You say there are twice as many terrorist incidents in the USA done by right-wing extremists as by Islamic extremists…
Well.. how many right wing extremists are in the USA.. and how many Islamic extremists are in the USA?
If there are a million right wing extremists, and 10,000 Islamic extremists.. then there should be 100 times as many terrorist acts by right wing extremists than Islamic terrorists.. not just 2 times as many.
As for the healthcare bill. Obamacare FAILED. It's a corpse. The democrats are doing NOTHING to offer any suggestions to fix it - they just want more of the same failure.
All the government is supposed to be doing is keeping healthcare costs down so people can afford it if they want or need it.
Obamacare did NOT keep healthcare costs down, and it FORCED people to buy healthcare even if they didn't want or neet it! How crazy is that?
You know who called Obamacare the craziest thing ever in 2016? Bill Clinton!
The democrats don't seem to realize that the Russians parted ways with Communism 26 years ago!
Take a listen to this Russian fellow. He looks vaguely familiar….
OK. He was democratic, but not a very high-ranking one. "Phil Montag, now-former co-chair of the (Nebraska) state party’s technology committee." His words were reprehensible and he was fired for it.
Why do you stick your neck out defending the indefensible?
I guess you didn't get to the CBS anchorman post yet. Say goodbye to moonbat Scott Pelley!
oh oh.. now the moonbats will be after me for collaborating with Russians!!!! :afr2:
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Except for the part where Comey states that the President was not under investigation, Trump has disputed and directly contradicted Comey's testimony. Who is telling the truth?
The part where Comey states that the President was not under investigation is the part that mattered.
The comment Comey made about Attorney General Lynch obstructing justice by telling him to say "Matter" instead of "investigation" was a doozey as well.
I'm quite sure that much of what Comey said was influenced by the prospect of their being tapes.
On June 15, 2017, CBS News Anchorman Scott Pelley suggested that Republican Congressman Steve Scalise's gunshot wound that left him in critical condition was self inflicted.
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On June 16, 2017, CBS News Anchorman Scott Pelley SIGNED OFF for the last time! Buh BYE!
Trump revealed that there are no recordings of Comey, after he hinted that there MIGHT be.
Now the libpoupons are up in arms because Trump "influenced" the testimony of Comey by hinting that there might be recordings.
Poor Comey had to tell he truth! Oh my! That's NOT FAIR! is it? wahh!
This democratic doofus wishes that the republican representative shot on a baseball field last week had been killed.
Willie Wonka was supposed to be "dark" from the beginning. It was never supposed to be a remake of the Gene Wilder movie. I like him as an actor. I haven't really paid attention to him as a person.
ANYONE who says shit like this, regardless of who the target is, should be prosecuted under incitement laws.
I don't mind it not being like the Gene Wilder movie. I did like the kids and Christopher Lee. I despised the CGI cloned Oompa Loompa's… and I didn't like how Depp was acting like a Barbie Doll. I read the "Glass Elevator" book, and that Wonka is nothing like Depp's Wonka. In fact.. considering the maniacal mood swings of Gene Wilder's Wonka.. and the psychedelic tunnel, and the sinister Mr. Slugworth made the ORIGINAL darker.
To me.. one thing stood out in the newer one that ruined the movie.. and it was those damned Oompa Loompas. The original one's had character and personalities. The CGI clones were empty and out of place.
Gene Wilder considered the Depp Wonka movie to be an "insult"
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Johnny Depp is a fool. He always takes very interesting roles - and butchers them. What he did in "Wonka" is unforgivable.
Anyway.. here is washed up Johnny self-destructing on stage and throwing his career away. Is it so difficult to not glorify the assassination of a sitting president? http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/06/22/johnny-depp-talks-about-assassinating-trump.html
Maybe Johnny will go into training.
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I've been saying this for months. The only thing that conservatives don't like about ObamaCare is the name (despite the fact that they gave it that name).
ObamaCare has always been their plan. Obama stole it from them. They can't do any better. They are not smart enough.
Even ultra conservatives like Mark Levin acknowledge this.
Assuming that what YOU say is correct.. that the bill is 95% Obamacare.. just how many democrats do ou suppose will be voting for it?
While it appears that most (of the dwindling number of) posters in Politics & Debate would like to see more civility, I'm afraid that the discussion has been sidetracked by all the back and forth about one poster's choice of graphics.
I was hoping that the thread would open a discussion on HOW to actually achieve more civility. The current, largely unmanaged and consequence-free state of affairs here is unlike any I have encountered on other gay sites (torrent or otherwise) that engage in political discourse.
Is it any wonder that so few GT members choose to participate here?
That is nonsense. This "Politics & Debate" group has far more participation that any of the other groups other than "Sex & Relationships", "Jokes", and "Chit Chat" which are all generic groups.
The liberals are being called out for their misinformation, bias, and outright lies so much that they are growing weary of posting volumes of new garbage. That is why the activity drops. If they can't have it their way - they stomp their feet and go home, like spoiled little children.Misinformation, bias and outright lies are so much the core of your tiring, repetitive responses that for you to place these qualities on others is simply a howler. :cheesy2: :cheesy2: It's more useful for us to return to the thread's topic: Civility.
And since you were largely successful in this post – we can all take the hit of "spoiled little children" -- you might be heading in the right direction. Or, is this just the rare moment of success for the broken clock, which is correct twice a day?
Being civil is a two-way street. You my dear, are hopeless. You could start by douching the sand out of your vagina.
I would suggest you post your own comments rather than attacking me personally, because you have zero chance of winning that battle.