Treating women equally and with respect affirms your masculinity–-even if you are gay.
How would you define feminists then? They hate equality for men.
One time while on summer break from my university, I sought employment assistance from EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). They looked at me like I was crazy and it was quite clear they were not going to assist a white male at all. I tried applying for jobs with the county government. There are millions of people in this county, and a LOT of job openings. To apply for a county job, one has to take a test. They issued the test three times for a batch of jobs to fill, each time they tested hundreds of people. I did EXTREMELY well on the test, and got 99 out of a possible score of 100. However, to be considered for a job, you had to have a minimum score of 150. In other words, even if I got a PERFECT score, I still was wasting my time by even taking the test. It seems that if you were a minority.. you got an extra 50 points. If you were disabled.. you got an extra 50 points. If you were a veteran.. you got an extra 50 points. So, a person with the IQ of a turnip qualifies for a job while a genius such as myself is sitting their like a fool taking a test that can't possibly do me any good. I don't recall if women got extra points or not. But that leads me to my next point.
Out of desperation, I went to a temp agency looking for work. again, I did fantastic on all their tests. However, the clients were calling in asking for temps.. and demanding people of a certain age, certain race, and women. Unless the job entailed physical labor, they wanted women.
There are other organizations such as the "Urban League" which give jobs to African americans. Imagine if there were some group that only gave jobs to white people? There would be a riot!
It is ironic that skills and intelligence don't get people jobs.. it's all that other crap that does it.
Oh, I forgot one other item… even in offices which employ white males, they still have another massive bias. They want white males who are MARRIED and with CHILDREN. They are far more likely to get hired, and paid more. Seems to me, they should have no business asking if someone is married or has children. It used to nauseate me when someone would come in applying for a job.. and just by mere coincidence their wife and children would show up to meet daddy at the office while he's applying for the job. I would recommend that any young man looking for employment should go hire a hooker with massive tits and get some pay some kids to go on job interviews with him.