A good number, about 15 million would forego insurance due to elimination of the individual mandate. While this may seem good, remember that if these people do get sick, the burden of their care will eventually fall on the taxpayer.
Another 4 million would loose their employer-provided insurance, again because it will no longer be mandated. And not everyone's premiums would go down. In fact, those nearing retirement age would face an astronomical increase in premiums and may price them out of the market.
Here we go again. I'm going to tackle this a different way this time:
Anytime that "insurance" gets involved, costs SKYROCKET. When people pay "out of pocket" they demand to get their money's worth. When they have insurance, they want the most expensive options available to them. A simple example of this is eyeglasses. If you have no insurance and go to buy frames, you might pay something like $50 for the frames. If you have insurance, they often have a separate area in the store to buy frames which cost $250 and up - for virtually the same frames.
Does it make sense that the government should FORCE you to purchase health insurance like they force you to buy home and car insurance? NO! Obama forced people to buy insurance even if they did not want it, did not need it, or could not afford it.
As for employers paying for it.. do employers magically produce the money to pay for it? NO! That money ultimately comes out of the workers one way or another. Just look in stores and restuarants.. they have far fewer employees than they used to.. because the employers cannot afford to pay for more than skeleton crews. Aslo, employers are extremely reluctant to give people full time jobs because when a worker is full time, the employer gets stuck paying the tab. Because of that, employees work only part-time, and are stuck working 2 or 3 jobs - none of which have the "free" health insurance.
Here's a brief list of some medical costs and how outrageous they are:
LASIK - $2200 per eye.. takes about 1 minute to perform and you are with the doctor about 15 minutes. That's $4400
Dental Implants - all teeth replaced with an upper and lower arch that is screwed into your jawbone. The entire procedure takes about 10 hours - done in one day - and the cost? $48,000
Heart Stent - a one hour procedure. a small incision is made in the thigh, a tiny metallic "balloon" is fed through up into your heart, and when in position, expanded where it keeps a valve open. Cost: about $78,000 (which includes 2 days in hospital for observation)
Who has money to piss away like that? It sickens me that anybody is paying that amount of money. Those insurance companies are getting their money from somewhere. Wouldn't you like to have that money in your pocket rather than have it sucked out of you like a vampire for your entire life and given to the insurance companies?
Let me summarize all of this. Moonbat democrats would like the government to tax away all your money either directly or indirectly, and "give" (force) you to have things like health insurance and other programs. They want the government to control your life, take your money, and take the power away from the citizens. You know what the term for that is? COMMUNISM!