We is agin segregation, buts we's ain't lettin' any no crackers crash our celreebration!
…and for that we bid her adieu!
We is agin segregation, buts we's ain't lettin' any no crackers crash our celreebration!
…and for that we bid her adieu!
I am NOT going to reveal the project I have been working on for over 5 years. It has to do with a massive case of fraud and corruption that is virtually unknown outside of one country (and no.. it's not the USA). My knowledge of that case is correct, and all the rest of them are wrong. I can prove they are wrong. And I will be proving them wrong when the time is right. The right time is approaching.. could be before the end of this year. A major development in this case is about to be unveiled within the next 40 hours. (hmm.. what is he referring to?)
You sound a lot like Trump. You should be on a reality show with a teaser like that. Can't wait!
It's not really a political issue.. and it is not related to the USA.
I have mentioned that I tend to stick with hard FACTS, and I'm not interested in opinions or assumptions. The case I am referring to is nothing but a mélange of misinformation, extremely biased opinions, and mistaken assumptions. This forum is not the place for that case.
I'm mainly here to see if there are any lunatics who can manage to prove me wrong about anything. A skilled debator can do that. In debate classes, they give out topics in which the debator not only has to win their debate, but then take the OPPOSING view and also win! There are champion grand masters of turning reality into lies. Hillary Clinton is one of the most skilled liars I can think of. I will admit that I am not very skilled, however, when the truth and reality backs one up.. that is a massive advantage. For example.. proving that 1+1 = 2 is not difficult. Proving that 1 + .999 (repeating infinintely) also = 2 is a bit tough, but I can prove it. Proving that 1+3 = 2 is something that only an evil witch such as Hillary Clinton could do.
I was not implying that if they do it it's OK for us to do it. I was suggesting we keep our discussions of opinions to public figures because there are obscure individuals on both sides that will say objectionable things that do not represent the group as a whole.
Just because the liberals choose to ignore public figures that conflict with their agenda doesn't make them obscure.
There are a lot of moonbats who don't want to acknowledge that Obama and Hillary ever existed! How convenient! They want to restrict all criticisms to those people who are in positions of power. Since the republicans are in charge of virtually everything now, that is quite convenient for the liberal attacks, isn't it?
Your rantings become more removed from reality by the minute. Republicans may control the Executive and Congress, they do not hold every elected office. There are more than enough publicly known Democratic targets for your ire without discussing obscure figures who have no impact on the country.
Oh boy.. here's your big chance! Name one Democrat who is in charge of anything in the Federal government? The republicans dominate the State Governors also.. but that is a different kettle of fish.
Name me one democrat who is even a chair (chairman) of any committee? There is ONE.. but you would not dare mention that one.
By the way, you left off the 3rd branch.. the Judicial branch.. which is also controlled by the conservatives.
I am seeing more and more lately that Trump's healthcare plan is a tax cut on the wealthy.
How is that possible? Isn't the entire concept that the government negotiates with the medical providers to lower costs, making health care affordable? In Obama's plan, people were FORCED to purchase healthcare whether they wanted or needed it. In Trump's plan, that is not required.
The only thing I can think of that involves taxes is Medicaid. The issue with Medicaid is that there are far too many people getting Medicaid who are not really entitled to it. For instance.. why should someone who is NOT a service connected Veteran get free healthcare from the Veteran's administration? I know that happens ALL the time, because my mother was a head / charge nurse in a VA hospital. If someone complains enough, they get free health care. I had a sister-in-law who had MS, and then attempted suicide - leaving her a quadriplegic for 15 years until she died. She had broken her neck, leaving her head fused at a permanent 30 degree angle from her shoulders. She got million$ in medical treatment via Medicaid, even though she was not entitled to it.
Another thing.. Obama's forced health care plans typically didn't cover anything other than the most basic problems - such as pregnancy, abortion, broken arm, lacerations, infections, etc. It covered virtually nothing significant in regards to vision, hearing, or dental.
Nobody ever was, nor ever will be turned away if they have a broken arm, gaping wound, etc.
Seems to me that the people complaining are those who want million$ in health care services but are not entitled to it.
I'd like to see some examples of who is complaining about Trump's healthcare plan being a "tax cut" for the wealthy, and just how that plan amounts to a tax cut.
I also have some news for people who say "well so-and-so country has free healthcare for everybody!" Uh.. no they don't. countries like that wind up putting people on waiting lists to see a doctor that are often 6 months of waiting.. and even then, if the patient is still alive, the healthcare is mediocre. I remember when I lived in England and when I visited Norway, Wales, etc. I never saw so many people with horrifying scars on their faces, amputated limbs, missing eyes, horrible teeth, etc. In most cases, you get what you pay for.. and if you didn't pay for it.. you are likely to wind up looking like you just walked out of a horror movie. When the healthcare is "free" it's nothing fancy. Save a leg or tooth or eye or amputate, excise it? Hmm.. I would prefer to save it.
Personally, I don't like the idea of subsidizing someone else's health care when that other person smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day, is an alcoholic, or drug abuser.
I was not implying that if they do it it's OK for us to do it. I was suggesting we keep our discussions of opinions to public figures because there are obscure individuals on both sides that will say objectionable things that do not represent the group as a whole.
Just because the liberals choose to ignore public figures that conflict with their agenda doesn't make them obscure.
There are a lot of moonbats who don't want to acknowledge that Obama and Hillary ever existed! How convenient! They want to restrict all criticisms to those people who are in positions of power. Since the republicans are in charge of virtually everything now, that is quite convenient for the liberal attacks, isn't it?
You don't have to search for the quote, just click where it says "Quote from: : mhorndisk…" and it will take you to the quoted person's post.
Don't play dumb, we are talking about the 1+ billion Muslims to which mhorndisk loathes.
I did click on that quote.. and you MISSTATED it. Aren't you the naughty little booger?
At no point did Mhorndisk call for 1 billion people to be put to death. He was saying the muslim religion (Islam) is a cult, and that it needs to be eradicated. Eradicating a cult doesn't mean you have to kill the cult members. Scientology is certainly a cult. In fact, one could argue that any faith based ideology is a cult.
I am in the tiny minority of people that has zero use for cults or opinions. This is not the stone age.. and I have a brain. I couldn't care less if 7 billion people all had the same OPINION that was opposed to mine. If I know I am right.. then I know I am right! You can be the tail of the dog if you like.. I am the head. Go jump off a cliff with the rest of the lemmings.
I am NOT going to reveal the project I have been working on for over 5 years. It has to do with a massive case of fraud and corruption that is virtually unknown outside of one country (and no.. it's not the USA). My knowledge of that case is correct, and all the rest of them are wrong. I can prove they are wrong. And I will be proving them wrong when the time is right. The right time is approaching.. could be before the end of this year. A major development in this case is about to be unveiled within the next 40 hours. (hmm.. what is he referring to?)
:police: Don't report lies. prove them wrong. Unless those lies are directed at another user, like "you called me a faggot nigger". Then the accuser needs to prove it or face punishment.
Mods specifically assigned to the forums (as opposed to torrent mods), global mods and above can see all versions of a post. So post editing won't help you. :police:
I hope Flozen read that ^^^
In the long run, the moonbats destroy their own credibility, which is why the dark lord of the moonbats hasn't posted in over a week. The moonbats just make things up, with little or no credible sources. I tend to always provide links to what I'm referencing.
Civility is a two-way street.
A PhD does not cure stupidity. And stop lumping liberals together. You may not like us, but were are not a monolithic group.
…actually.. the liberals ARE a "monolithic" group. They are very united in their efforts to undermine the government. Virtually NONE of them are supporting Trump - and Trump isn't even considered to be conservative enough by many Republicans. Imagine what the demoboobs would be doing if the president was conservative!
Trump dominated in the farm belt and dairy country. Does that mean cows and sheep voted illegally?
The entire premise is flawed without underlying facts.Trump won over 98% of the counties across the USA. Hillary got her wins almost exclusively in the major city centers, which are also the hot spots for crime.
Frederick you are a hoot and you just shot yourself in the foot. The Snopes article you cite rates the claim as FALSE.
"the claim that Trump won all but 57 of America’s 3,141 counties appeared to be completely untrue."Clinton actually won 487 counties out of 3, 141. But looking at county data is just a way to dilute the influence of New York and California. Los Angeles county has population of 10.1 million, which is more than 43 states.
I am in no way diminishing the strength of Trump's victory, but let's not get carried away…
You are an idiot. You just confirmed the point I was making. Whether 57 of 3141 (over 98% Trump) or 487 of 3141 (85% Trump) - Trump still won an overwhelming number of the counties.
As for looking at the popular vote - which means nothing - It is true that Los Angeles county has a population of 10.1 million.. however, a vast number of them are not citizens. For instance, in California, non citizens are eligible for driver's licenses. And people who have driver's licenses are AUTOMATICALLY registered to vote in California! That is crazy. So.. you have the state of California with 39 million people.. with an estimated 4 million of them voting who had no business voting.
But.. even then.. you can just forget all of the above, because Trump WON!
Trump dominated in the farm belt and dairy country. Does that mean cows and sheep voted illegally?
The entire premise is flawed without underlying facts.
Trump won over 98% of the counties across the USA. Hillary got her wins almost exclusively in the major city centers, which are also the hot spots for crime.
It's a nasty cult that needs to be forgotten and eradicated.
He's Literally calling for the eradication of over 1 billion human beings, and our moderator is fine with this. Even Frederick is not this radical!
You are the radical one, Sutiegay.
I couldn't find any part of that quote anywhere. I searched on both "nasty cult" and "forgotten" and "eradicated"
Just which 1 billion human beings are we referring to?
It's funny though, that Hillary dominated in states that required no id to vote.
Very interesting…
We all know how problematic the left has become, particularly on college campuses. The legislation being debated and passed in the Wisconsin State Assembly by Republicans is a step in the "right" direction. I say "right" because it only has support from fellow Republicans and absolutely no support from Democrats, which is a shame. When I was in college, we went to the speeches of those who said downright hateful things because there was always a chance we'd get to speak our mind to the speaker after he or she had done their speech. No one shouted. No one threw things. No one called names. No one burned buildings or took to the streets in a riot. Yes, it is extremely difficult to hold your composure when someone is making the argument that your entire race shouldn't exist and I've been to a speech where someone was making that argument. The key things to remember are that that person cannot legally cause you harm, they are only speaking with their voice and you can always use yours to speak back, if they are not making direct threats then they are not violating free speech, and you are not in your own universe; therefore, you have no right to keep anyone from saying anything. The legislation in the Wisconsin State Assembly isn't perfect, but it is a starting point to putting an end to left-wing violence and indecency in public spaces. You go to college to brace yourself for adulthood and the real world, not to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that only your opinion should be heard.
How about this gem? "If you find any good white people.. kill them first before they turn bad!"
Youtube Video
or this..
Youtube Video
Talk about hypocrisy!
Finally starting to see some toning down on here but the name calling is still too heavy. There is a huge difference in saying an idea or suggestion or piece of legislation is evil or disgusting and calling people childish names. If someone calls out an idea, suggestion or piece of legislation, then it doesn't mean that person is attacking you for supporting said idea, suggestion or piece of legislation. They are simply stating they view the idea, suggestion or piece of legislation as evil or disgusting. How about instead of childish names, we discuss why we oppose or support the idea, suggestion or piece of legislation? This constant name calling is pathetic. Claim and defend your arguments, ideas and views. This shouldn't be hard to do if you truly believe in what you say.
The reason for the toning down is simple. DrWas hasn't posted anything in a week.
Finally starting to see some toning down on here but the name calling is still too heavy. There is a huge difference in saying an idea or suggestion or piece of legislation is evil or disgusting and calling people childish names. If someone calls out an idea, suggestion or piece of legislation, then it doesn't mean that person is attacking you for supporting said idea, suggestion or piece of legislation. They are simply stating they view the idea, suggestion or piece of legislation as evil or disgusting. How about instead of childish names, we discuss why we oppose or support the idea, suggestion or piece of legislation? This constant name calling is pathetic. Claim and defend your arguments, ideas and views. This shouldn't be hard to do if you truly believe in what you say.
Agreed, and agreed. There has been some reduction in inflammatory remarks – one very satisfying change is the elimination of "tard" as a suffix in describing other posters.
But for all of us in the pro-civility ranks, I would just advise, there will be ongoing efforts from our most aggrieved and immature members to push back on these hard-fought gains. A fine example occurred yesterday, when one poster began a poll, where he gave us a choice of three childlike slurs that could be used, in lieu of "tard," to describe liberals:
"Instead of Libt***, what new word?"Now, I would have hoped that this thread be locked at the first sight of the headline, because it proudly reveals that it's nothing more than a gathering for name-calling, with no interest in proper political debate. In any event, once the thread was reported to the moderator, it was locked immediately, and I extend my thanks.
So what's the takeaway from my experience? If you see something that violates GT forum guidelines on civility and content, report the thread, post, etc., directly to our moderator. It is especially helpful if you add a few lines describing why you believe it is in violation, as well as the sections from GT's Rules of Conduct that apply.
Don't count on others to do it for you. Better that all civil members of Politics & Debate contribute through reporting frivolous, mean-spirited and off-topic threads and posts. In this manner, the job WILL GET DONE. Thanks for your time and attention.
Should we report your blatant lies and spam too? This post of yours looks like you are inciting a war. If YOU have a problem, you can report all you like.. but inciting OTHER people to report things is incitement, and probably one of the biggest no-no's in any forum.
The moonbats have the idea that it is OK for a democrat to do something bad, because a republican did a bad thing also.
Tucker Carlson interviewed a Democrat who, within hours of the shooting, did #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.
Again, another obscure democrat–a NJ blogger. From the same article " Several New Jersey Democrats criticized Devine’s comments and said they did not endorse violence. "
Can we limit our discussions to comments made by our members or public figures?Someday you must provide us with a list of democrats that you deem suitable to comment about. There really are no high ranking democrats anymore.. since they lost their majorities in everything… Executive Branch, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Judicial Branch...
Who is the highest ranking democrat now? "Flo" the Progressive Insurance lady?How about Congressmen, Senators, State Legislators, DNC chairmen, etc. Everyone is his hired by the deocrats is not a part of the "Democratic Machinery." You guys really don't want to go there, since there are many examples of Republican supporters and staff that say objectionable things.
Here we go again….
You are using the "it's OK that democraps are bad because some republicans are bad too" argument.
Did you ever see me praise a republican for doing something bad? No you have not.
Have you ever seen me criticize a republican for doing something bad? Yes.. I do it all the time. Especially in areas that concern the police. One thing that puzzled me with the reign of Sheik Obama is that during his 8 year regime, there was a flood of police brutality which was WORSE than the beating of Rodney King. Yes, beating Rodney King was bad, but during the 8 years of Osama, there were several dozen if not hundreds of people killed by police abusing their powers - and Obama did NOTHING about it! Obama seemed to be trying to stoke the flames for a civil war.
I often tell black people.. several decades ago, police brutalized black people and treated them like garbage, while letting white people off the hook. Since then, there have been many civil rights protests demanding equality.. and we have finally got it! Now.. police treat both black AND white people like garbage!
Ya think this woman might have over reacted? Keep in mind, this took place in CANADA!
They's jus' two good 'ol boys.. never meanin' no harm..
A whacko professor thinks that removing a banner from a wall of one's hotel justifies being severely tortured, sentenced to 15 years hard labor, and left in a vegetative coma for over a year until he ultimately died.
Kathy Dettwyler, an anthropology professor, wrote Tuesday that Warmbier was "typical of a mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males who come into my classes."
I would suggest handing in homework assignments on time in that bitch's class!
Soon Kathy Dettwyler will be like school in the summertime.. "no class!" Hey Hey Hey! (My Cosby Kids homage).
Pelosi has done a masterful job for President Trump. Everything she touches is a loss for the Democrats. You go girl!