When you go to insure your car.. would you expect to pay more for insurance if you:
A. had no accidents, had no citations, owned a car that cost $10,000, and drove 5000 miles a year…
B. had some accidents, some citations, owned a $100,000 car, and drove 80,000 miles a year?
Apparently, moonbats think you should pay the same regardless of whether you were A or B
Just today, the moonbats are whining that Trump's order will result in healthy people paying less for insurance but will also result in sick people paying MORE for insurance! Well.. boo hoo! Of COURSE they should be!
I can tell you that the profit margins of small businesses are quite often less than 5% per year.
Which business do you think would go out of business first in regards to paying for employee health benefits?
The one that hires young healthy people?
The one that hires eldery people, and those that take advantage of maternity leave and workman's comp?
At one small office I worked in, everyone in the office suffered because of one woman and her litter of little bastard kids making more health insurance claims than everybody else in the office combined. Why should I as a single male be penalized because this bitch has 7 kids from 2 marriages? (that company went out of business less than 2 years after I left.. basically.. I set up all their computers and software for them.. but once they needed to get new computers and update the software.. the whole operation imploded because they couldn't find anybody do to it right. What they had me doing for FREE on my own time, they paid an outside computer service $20,000 in just labor costs to upgrade their system.. which failed. I had set something up on the computer which would do in 30 minutes perfectly. what it took a person 40 hours to manually complete with errors).