Goodbye Obamacare! You just lost your subsidies which was like pouring fuel into a fire.
Goodbye Obamacare! You just lost your subsidies which was like pouring fuel into a fire.
She did this AFTER already being censured for calling for Trump's assassination!
Why isn't she in PRISON?
Imagine doing this to Obama?
Denying individuals essential opportunities is not treating them fairly. Pushing them closer to becoming second-class citizens is not treating them fairly.
Hmm.. who in the history of the USA pushed people into becoming second-class citizens more than Obama? Nobody!
Yeah, because President Obama told the Justice Department to push for changing workplace guidelines to discriminate against gays and to push for allowing companies to discriminate against gays. This is disgusting and a slap in the face to LGBT individuals who voted for this president. What is he going to say to gays who are fired and find themselves having to fight against a federal government who is against them? This will do nothing but create an uprising against companies who practice bigotry against their employees and further divide this country.
I agree! Shame on OBAMA! for telling the he Justice Department to push for changing workplace guidelines to discriminate against gays and to push for allowing companies to discriminate against gays!
You agree that #45, the current president, is disgusting for telling Jeff Sessions to discriminate against gays? Finally, we agree on something other than Facebook being dirtier than garbage. :cheers:
Did you read your own post? You said OBAMA.. not Jeff Sessions. Maybe you should put the bottle down and give your liver a break.
filibuster of bullshit.
I tried to report this but couldn't because of the "hacking attempt" error message, but this is a tad bit too extreme to label a post you disagree with, Frederick.
Now I am curious..
why would you report me saying "filibuster of bullshit"?
Also, I just posted that within the last hour. You were also trying to report me yesterday about something and were bitching about that.
Are you aware that some people's accounts have been disabled for making too many nonsensical reports?
You people never learn. when you get muted, take the hint and behave!
If I was muted, I would stop posting even when unmuted.It's flaming. You've already stated you didn't read what I posted, so why continue to dwell on about it if you didn't read it and then proceed to call it a "filibuster of bullshit?"
If you think that is flaming, I would suggest that your skin is a bit thin for a "Politics & Debate" group.
It's also quite a coincidence… because just yesterday I was watching a new video clip of Don SourGrapes Lemon telling his guest that his comment was bullshit.
This is from 2015.. and Don Lemon said he would NEEEEEVER say it again...
Youtube Video
this is from YESTERDAY. when Don Lemon said the "B" word again!
Youtube Video
and then there is CNN's official resident terrorist - Fareed Zakaria WITH Don Lemon…
Youtube Video
… and her goes Farted again! (#deportfareedzakaria)
Youtube Video – [00:02..]
Denying individuals essential opportunities is not treating them fairly. Pushing them closer to becoming second-class citizens is not treating them fairly.
Hmm.. who in the history of the USA pushed people into becoming second-class citizens more than Obama? Nobody!
Yeah, because President Obama told the Justice Department to push for changing workplace guidelines to discriminate against gays and to push for allowing companies to discriminate against gays. This is disgusting and a slap in the face to LGBT individuals who voted for this president. What is he going to say to gays who are fired and find themselves having to fight against a federal government who is against them? This will do nothing but create an uprising against companies who practice bigotry against their employees and further divide this country.
I agree! Shame on OBAMA! for telling the he Justice Department to push for changing workplace guidelines to discriminate against gays and to push for allowing companies to discriminate against gays!
filibuster of bullshit.
I tried to report this but couldn't because of the "hacking attempt" error message, but this is a tad bit too extreme to label a post you disagree with, Frederick.
Now I am curious..
why would you report me saying "filibuster of bullshit"?
Also, I just posted that within the last hour. You were also trying to report me yesterday about something and were bitching about that.
Are you aware that some people's accounts have been disabled for making too many nonsensical reports?
You people never learn. when you get muted, take the hint and behave!
If I was muted, I would stop posting even when unmuted.
Some of you may have noticed that:
Sutieday, Aadam101, and RoyalCrown all resumed posting yesterday. A coincidence? Hardly.
I enjoy having bozos gang up on me. It's kind of like having a couple of sane people taking out an entire city of brainless zombies.
I've been through this routine a few times before, both in real life and on the internet. I gave one example of that happening in my real life just yesterday. I mentioned that the people in an office hated me when they should have appreciated me.. and when I left, their jobs became totally miserable, leading to several of them being fired, and the entire office closing down less than 2 years later. I've had dozens of cyber death threats, and at least 3 times, people have traveled hundreds - even thousands of miles to try and track me down and intimidate me or worse.
Denying individuals essential opportunities is not treating them fairly. Pushing them closer to becoming second-class citizens is not treating them fairly.
Hmm.. who in the history of the USA pushed people into becoming second-class citizens more than Obama? Nobody!
I pity anybody that took the time to read your dissertation of pure piffle.
I spent my time more productively - by taking a crap.
Seriously though… you keep ranting about "tax returns"... It must drive you nuts... well.. nuttier, that with Trump's new tax cuts, most people's tax returns will be as short as a postcard.
It wasn't in response to you; therefore, you reading it or not reading it is irrelevant.
It's ironic that you said that.. because my response was not to YOU either! It was to anybody who wasted their time reading your extremely wordy filibuster of bullshit.
Sick people are less likely to have the ability to pay. Let's say little Charlie Gard was an American and he survived. He will be sick his entire life and need lots of medical care. Assuming ObamaCare is repealed the moment he turns 18 he will need to find his own insurance. How will he afford it? The poor kid will have spent 18 years fighting for his life only to die at age 18 because he doesn't have the ability to pay? That's silly…..
Nice try at giving a "doomsday" scenario. You know quite well that even with no insurance, nobody is left to die. At the very LEAST.. they would be put into a hospice and get their meds, oxygen, food, shelter, wounds dressed, etc.
People do die. Are you suggesting that everyone with emphysema, heart disease, cirrhosis, or kidney failure should have a lung, heart, liver, kidney transplant?
I suppose that murdering a baby - even a 100% perfectly healthy baby - like Hillary advocates is OK.. but having a person have a chance at life despite their challenges is bad? This is why anybody who knows about Hillary's stance on abortion and still voted for her is going to hell - if there is a hell. And they should know it, because she laid it out in the 3rd and final 2016 presidential debate.
Sick people are less likely to have the ability to pay. Let's say little Charlie Gard was an American and he survived. He will be sick his entire life and need lots of medical care. Assuming ObamaCare is repealed the moment he turns 18 he will need to find his own insurance. How will he afford it? The poor kid will have spent 18 years fighting for his life only to die at age 18 because he doesn't have the ability to pay? That's silly…..
The right is pro-life until that life is out of the womb and needs care. That's when you better put that six-month-old to work no matter how sick he is doggonit! :laugh:
… I will say one thing about your comments.. they are consistent! (consistently irrational and inane)
I don''t understand why Conservatives are so butt hurt over this. This is a private group. A decade ago they were allowed to ban gays because they were a private group and Conservatives cheered when they won that fight because they didn't want the government interfering with what a private group does.
Now these same people are complaining about a private group making their own rules privately as they have always done.
Let me educate you again.
The name of the organization is the BOY SCOUTS. There is also an organization called the GIRL SCOUTS. (by the way, the GIRL SCOUTS are furious about having girls join the Boy Scouts). Women have officially been allowed to be BoyScout masters for the past 29 years. My own mother was not an official scoutmaster, but was a boy scout instructor to teach the boys ceramics and candle making. Who the scoutmasters are is irrelevant - other than it is highly suspicious when a scoutmaster was never a scout themselves, nor do they have children who are in the boyscouts. When Scoutmaster Chester the Molester shows up to show the boys the proper technique to take a shower.. that is a problem.
Getting back to the actual BOY SCOUTS.. one would hope that boy scouts were.. boys.. and girl scouts were.. drumroll.. girls!
Getting back to the feminazis.. they are all for having girls join the boy scouts.. but they would be appalled at having boys join the girl scouts. can't have THAAAAAAT!
By the way.. anybody ever hear of a nightclub that offers free drinks and admission to men while the women pay to get in and pay for their drinks? Why don't the feminists complain about being given free admission and free drinks? (I wonder how many alcoholics have done drag to get free booze at a club!)
It's impossible to focus on getting rid of military grade assault weapons because the NRA controls Republicans and Democrats are split between wanting to ban all guns and wanting to create registries as if we're in a socialist country or something;
maybe it truly is the cost of freedom.
Making new laws is somewhat pointless because the laws on the books are not being properly enforced already.
Seems to me the solution is to get the lobbyists out of Washington and do away with that ruling from the Supreme Court that Corporations are People. These would be longterm goals and I don't think American people have the attention span to carry them through, so you might be right: Having guns readily available might be the cost of this version of freedom (there's more than one).
The odd thing to me about present-day America is that there are more restrictions in getting a gym membership and buying medicine in bulk than voting and purchasing a gun. How did that happen?
We got here by years and years of both sides not wanting to deal with the problem or finding a way together to make it worse. Neither side seems to want to get rid of lobbyists and other special interests, and that ruling by the Supreme Court is heavily supported by the Republican party who could easily pass legislation to say corporations are not people but refuse to at this time. Remember, it was a 5-4 decision of the more right-leaning justices against the more left-leaning justices that decided corporations are people so in that light one side was the problem. However, overall, we got here because of both sides.
Uh.. that is the definition of a corporation.
Having a corporation limits the liability of specific people - and allows a company to continue after the executives die, retire, resign, etc.
There is a downside also.. in that the executives in charge get taxed as a corporation, and again as individuals. If the business was not a corporation - they would only get hit with with a corporate tax.
Also, you mentioned that the Supreme Court is packed with republicans. Well, whose fault is that? In the past 24 years.. we had 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Obama. It's going to get much more republican because the moonbats were so sure that Hillary was going to win, that the senile moonbats such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not retire during Obama so they could find another moonbat to replace them. There are 3 moonbat justices that are so old and senile that they won't last the 4 or 8 years of Trump.
Labels get applied to things that stand out, as a very short way of characterizing something. The left do it ad nauseum. Anybody they don't like is "Hitler", "Racist", etc.
Yup. That's absolutely true. And you know I've told you, Federick, directly I don't like it (fistbump) and we're still friendly with one another (fistbump). I'm not going to police someone's speech. It's not my place. To have a tantrum everytime someone does something I disagree with isn't a blanket endorsement.
I simply want people to play nicely so I have a place to come to for discussion and different points of view.
I also want the country to heal and the only way to do that is for us, each and every individual, to have civil discourse.
You were not here several months ago when the moniker battle was going on. The moonbats were tearing into Trump with every derogatory word and slanderous bullshit that they could conjure up. I needed a word to apply to the people I now refer to as "moonbats". I didn't want to use the broad term "liberals" because just because someone is liberal doesn't mean they are a complete idiot or bad person. I needed a word to distinguish the "moonbats" from the liberals. Let me use an example applied to my own race so I don't get attacked for being "racist". All rednecks are white, but not all white people are rednecks. It would be bad for me to criticize white people when my target for derision was actually rednecks. Likewise, I prefer to limit my criticism to moonbats instead of to all liberals. I even went so far as to repeatedly ask the members of the group for suggestions on a word I could use that they would approve of. I got no responses. Finally I suggested several words myself, and "moonbat" got approved. I also pull no punches in criticizing police - which is in contrast to Trump who consistently praises them. I think of the bad police as being stormtroopers.
That is why I posted the image of the reputations earlier. People earn their good and bad reputations.. which is why RaphJD and myself have mega long green lines.. whilst the bad bad boys have long red lines.
President Trump sat and talked through the nightly playing of "Retreat" as the American flag was lowered on a Pennsylvania Air National Guard base during his interview with Sean Hannity.
Trump, who has been criticizing NFL players who kneel through the national anthem to protest racism, seemed caught off-guard by loudspeakers playing "Retreat." The song is played every night at military bases to signal the American flag being lowered and the end of the official duty day.
Military site Task and Purpose was the first to notice Trump sitting during the song. According to Task and Purpose, uniformed service members are required to stop what they're doing and salute the flag as its lowered during the song while civilians are required to place their hand over their heart.
I guess I'll use Trump's own words, "Get that son of a bitch outta here!"
This is so ridiculous. Someone was being cute at that base. They OBVIOUSLY knew that the #1 person - the Commander In Chief - was on the base and some moonbat hit the recording of "Retreat" as he was speaking.
Let me re-state this simply:
Everybody on that base knew that Trump was on the base doing an interview.
Nobody would be stupid enough to hit the recording of "Retreat" over the loudspeakers while Trump was inside giving an interview.
It was an interruption of Trump that was a complete surprise to everyone.
I looked it up, and they don't play "Retreat" at any specific time, someone screwed up - either intentionally or unintentionally.
One more thing.. Presidents just don't casually show up in places. Their movements are scheduled LONG before the actual event, and the locations are saturated with secret service and meticulously scouted to the most minute detail for at least days - if not weeks before the president arrives. The most recent personal observation of what goes on was a visit about 2 years ago by failed president Obama to a college a mile away from my house. They do all sorts of things, such as spot welding the manhole covers on the streets along the route of the motorcade.
I pity anybody that took the time to read your dissertation of pure piffle.
I spent my time more productively - by taking a crap.
Seriously though… you keep ranting about "tax returns"... It must drive you nuts... well.. nuttier, that with Trump's new tax cuts, most people's tax returns will be as short as a postcard.
I would rather eat Hillary's snatch then get anywhere near a naked Trump.
OMG, I just realized what could actually force me into committing suicide. If those were my two choices, I'd just leave this world permanently.
That reminds me of the question I have asked moonbats many times, but never gotten an answer. If not Trump.. who? They typically reply "ANYBODY!" without specifying anyone. It's funny that even though they only had two choices - Trump or Hillary - none of them have the guts to say that they would prefer Hillary. I did hear one mentally disturbed bitch democratic strategist say yesterday that she wishes Obama was president - which is ironic - because Obama has already completed 2 terms and can never be president again. Oprah can't be president because the Russians have nude photos of her when she was 350 pounds having sex with Gayle King - and they could blackmail her.
@cteavin, you claim to be new to these parts of the forum so I won't go deep into the reason why I have no patience for a lot of those who take up for the right on here. I had a long, popular thread about civility on here and basically everyone who takes up for the right spat in my face repeatedly.
Childish name calling (moonbat, cuck, etc.) is perfectly fine with you so once again, you have no right coming at me accusing me of being uncivil when you're fine with worse behavior.
Did you spit back? If you spat back, then you are as much to blame. If you lose your patience, then you become part of the problem.
I am not a fan of name calling and do not like terms like moonbats and Osama for Obama or even Kim Jung Dung. I sometimes call it out. The solution isn't a tirade but compromise and patience and time.
:poorthing:Now, what say you to my comments on the left and their virtue signaling vis a vie sitting on real sexual harassment?
Labels get applied to things that stand out, as a very short way of characterizing something. The left do it ad nauseum. Anybody they don't like is "Hitler", "Racist", etc. I sometimes call Kim Jun Un things like Kim Dumb Dung because he is such a low life evil turd that he doesn't deserve to be dignified by his proper name. Same situation with "Crooked Hillary" and "Lying Ted" and "Don Sourpuss Lemon".
Another way to put things in perspective in an instant without having to spend months re-stating and examining the past posts of this forum is to glance at this image..
Surely it is a sign of the "end of times" that we agree on something!
Well, Frederick, whatever the future holds, please don't stop assigning me that Negative Reputation. While many of my real-world acquaintances know that I have a "long red one," I think a little Internet validation can only help. :cheesy2:
I haven't given you a negative reputation since August 27.. it is now October 12.
You are moderate compared to the other moonbats.