So you don't care about the people in China. I thought not. Look man, I've heard you guys make these arguments for almost two years now, and I'm just tired of having to go over it again and again. You're just wrong. You're not looking at all the facts, and you're not listening to both sides. What you are doing, is looking at the facts you want to look at, and listening to the mouthpieces that you want to hear. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative that you want to believe, goes in one ear and out the other. You are not capable of comprehending the information. You're just not. You act like the hundreds of millions he put into charity was unethical and fraudulent, and you base it off of this totally ridiculous nonsense that you heard from your fake news. You don't know what you're talking about. There is blatant evidence of Hillary's charity scams that you completely ignore, and there is no evidence of Trump's. There is only your imagination. The idea that he had multiple bankruptcies is stupid. He has over 500 companies and what 5? 5 went bankrupt? Do you know how many people failed 100 times before succeeding once? That's a stellar record. You just don't make any sense. Your perception of reality is distorted.
You have crammed so many howlers into one paragraph, it is swirling into a black hole of false claims about your hero, as well as assumptions about me of which you own no knowledge. But since you reference the next point specifically, I need you to produce, as verification, some detailed data on the "hundreds of millions he put into charity."
Yeah, I really need you to prove that claim, and not in generalities. To own that high ground for Trump, you better pony up some published, line-item research that supports that charitable claim, or I'm calling total BS on you. And I am talking HIS OWN money. Too bad you don't have his tax forms to rely on. (Well, those might be a tad disappointing.)
Good luck.