I’m seeking help with the lyrics to Finlandia (On Great Lone Hills).
Written by Finnish composer Jean Sibelius in 1899, protesting against censorship from the Russian Empire, the work has adapted many lyric variations over the years–https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlandia--and I’m interested in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s rendition.
I don’t remember where I got these lyrics. They seem pretty accurate, but I’m unsure about the last stanza--around 4:17 on the “ending only” video, and about 7:59 on the complete orchestra/chorus one. To me, it just doesn’t sound like that’s what they’re saying. (I’m also wondering about the last word of the 2nd line in the 5th stanza.)
Anyway, here’s what I’ve got (and any help would be most appreciated!)…
On great, lone hills,
Where tempests brood and gather,
Primeval Earth,
Against primeval sky.
We, faring forth,
Possessed by fervent longing,
Have found a throne,
Eternal and high;
Have knelt at last,
In wordless adoration,
Till fire and whirlwind
Have both gone by.
With ardent song,
We greet the golden morning.
By faith up borne,
Remember not the night.
The whole wide world,
Triumphant, hails the dawning (or glory?).
God walks abroad,
In garments of might.
The hills, behold,
Are now a path of splendor,
Transfigured all,
And all crowned with light.
The hills, behold,
Are now a path of splendor, (What are they saying?)
Crowned with light, (?)
Crowned with light!
Choral ending only…
Youtube Video
Complete orchestra and chorus recording…
Youtube Video
Much appreciated!Thank you