Uploader Incentive - Bonus Points Reward Poll & Site Feature Suggestion-Request
It would be nice to have an ongoing incentive for uploaders offering the award of bonus points based upon the number of uploads.
The point total would equal the current number of total torrents uploaded to-date–1 point for each upload, to be given after every 100th upload…
100 points earned at 100 torrents uploaded, 200 points at 200 uploads, and so on.
The current one-time award of 600 points for a first upload is great, but after that, the only appreciation the uploader receives for his merits comes from the members, and their generosity and thanks–essentially never to receive the same from the site ever again.
An ongoing incentive program like this one would help to maintain an interest for one to keep uploading and really show the continuing appreciation from GAYtorrent.ru as well!
So, vote Yes! :cheers: