A good starting page is https://www.gaytorrent.ru/upload.php Read in combination with the detailed guide https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=13697.0
You will need uTorrent as your torrent client.
Before you do anything you will need to find a file that has not already been posted here . And is not on the banned list.
IF Quick Torrent Maker (QTM - see button at top) works for you that is good. It didn't work for me.
I use the manual upload page.
Use uTorrent to create a torrent file from File menu - remember where you save it and put http://tracker.gaytorrent.tw in the tracker field.
Go to the upload page https://www.gaytorrent.ru/doupload.php and follow the steps there, choosing a category, uploading at least one picture, adding some details about your torrent, giving it a title and then the last line adding your torrent file name (the complete path on your hard drive) by using Browse.
When you think you are ready, do it (you will be able to edit your torrent afterwards.
Now the important part that first timers often miss
You must download from the site the torrent you have just posted and open it as you would any other (DO NOT use the original torrent file that you created). Point your torrent client to the exact file you made the torrent from and Open. The client may say it will overwrite the file, it won't. It will start checking the file and if it is the exact file uTorrent will say Seeding. You will have to wait a few minutes and if everything is OK, the Visible no message will disappear from your torrent page and you will be seeding.
I've tried to make that as simple as I can. Once you have done your first one, you will see that it really is simple, just follow a few steps and you are an uploader
Good luck (and there are plenty of people who will help if you get stuck