Hmm, where can I get funding to do a study like that?
Posts made by cannonmc
RE: Religious People Might Think Online Sexual Habits are Harmful.
RE: Gay themed section and actual movies
Miscellaneous would be good too. But I don't know how much trouble it is to rewrite the tags. I feel it is not just a matter of adding something to the end
RE: Determining Video ID Number for Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, etc.
I think it was Sean Cody that stopped using ID numbers a while back.
The guy who maintains a list on another site just made them up as they were posted on the SC site.
Although I've just checked the SC site and the trailer URLs do have a number i them
I am not familiar enough with either SC or CF to know properly
RE: Hey… It's the New Guy!
:hiya: nice to see you. Lots of people from Britain but it's sometimes hard to find them
Have fun
RE: Anyone still in the closet?
Neither my family nor friends know that I'm gay
I wouldn't bank on that… Sometimes they know but just don't say
I live in Indiana…
I have no knowledge of Indiana but given the number of cities and the listings of gay bars for the state I wondered if there might be something near you. Please bear in mind I am from England and don't know a lot about huge distancesÂ
RE: This Christian group is campaigning to recriminalize homosexuality in the US
"Paul Madore and this small group of people"
But let's be grateful that there are no wars, poverty has been solved and there isn't a refugee crisis so that they have the time to spend on the important matters…
I have booked a phone booth for the upcoming AGM
RE: [Request] Lyrics of song
Hi hona, I have just listened to Level Up by Josh Whitehouse and didn't get much more than you already have. Just the occasional half-line.
I see you have also made a cry for help on a lyrics site
I don't think I am going to be much use
Perhaps if you could find a link for him (not easy) you could contact him and ask for the lyrics
RE: Gay themed section and actual movies
I am not sure about the compulsory bit - what sanction would you have?
But I have suggested before that 'Themed Movies' could do with some sub-sections, for instance, shorts, documentaries, romance, comedy.
I also think it would be a courtesy if people would indicate the language and whether there are subtitles.
RE: Hello! Anybody in the Ottawa Area?
:hiya: I'm a long way from Ottawa but nice to see you in the forum
RE: Texas Lt. Gov. Dallas Protestors Who Fled Sniper’s Bullets Are ‘Hypocrites'
Just goes to show you don't need to think before you speak if you are a politician
RE: Where's my Summer TV?
My big problem with police procedurals (I watched an Aussie one as well) is by the time you get to decide they are crap you need to stay with them to find out what happens
RE: Andrea Leadsom, speaks against same sex marriage in the UK
Normally the woman is refreshing to listen to even when I disagree but heard her on the radio earlier where she was explaining that she voted yes to same-sex marriage because she agreed with it but no to same-sex marriage because she didn't like the law as written
RE: The rules are so hard to understand…
:hiya: - nice to see you. You don't need to know all the rules immediately.
Important one to remember is the ratio rule. Keep your downloads seeding if you can
RE: Hello from belgium
:hiya: - nice to see you. Hope you enjoy yourself.
If you search the torrents for 'socks' there are quite a few torrents, but none with twink tag
And have you found the Socks and Underwear forum?