Possibility is that you've modified your "hosts" entries from times were we had DNS issues and it was a quick fix. It was the case on one of my PCs.
To correct that with Windows Vista and 7:
1/ In the Start menu select Accessories > right click on Notepad and select to start as administrator
2/ In the Notepad select File > Open > navigate to C:/ > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc
3/ Select in Notepad to show all files bottom right instead .txt files only, open the hosts file you'll see
If you see entries for gaytorrent.ru and gtru.net, just put an # sign in front of them or delete those line.
Save the file, which will only possible if you opened notepad with right mouse click as administrator as said upstairs.
ATTENTION: Do NOT touch any other entries, wrong manipulation may result in loosing internet navigation.
Feedback if it helped or not is appreciated.
This is rather to exclude that possible cause. Normally the hosts files should have been corrected by active members already at the previous changes some months ago. However I had still at least one case this time on the Helpdesk.