… I very well can. ...
Right, you can. However the only conclusion will be that seeding there is easier … for the reasons I've tried to explain and will try again in longer ways in this post.
… I'm so tired of arguing with you. I can fiddle around with firewall settings, my router, any torrent client and I can properly upload/seed on any other tracker, in the end the problem with GTru doesn't lie on my side.
There is visibly nothing wrong with your settings for the part you control. You get the peer information from the tracker and if I understand right, the "Network" test of µTorrent has a green check mark result (not only orange).
… If you say your tracker has nothing to with the upload, why does it work on others but not yours? Blaming the others, that it's because of the minimum ratio, seems like a lame excuse to me again. ...
Again, for the reasons I've tried to explain and will try again in longer ways in this post.
You have to distinguish between 2 things:
1/ The technical points:
1a) The tracker configuration: The tracker is working well, you get the peer information from it, means the number of seeder, leecher and their IPs to connect to them. The tracker is adding up the upload and download statistics received from your torrent client. Please stop to accuse us to have the tracker not well configured!
1b) The settings in your torrent client, firewalls, modem/router port forwarding: If your "Network" test is giving the above mentioned green check result, you've the configuration correct.
2/ The site rules and the members dynamic resulting out of it:
This is the what I've tried to point out and explains why upload data here is more difficult than on other trackers to which you compare.
2a) The seeder to leecher ratio. The higher it is, the less each seeder can upload to the leecher. Gay-Torrents.org got 20.9 seeder per leecher, to my memory Gay-Torrents.net has a seeder to leecher ratio of about 23, we got a ratio of 48.76 seeder per leecher. That means uploading here is more than twice as difficult than on these two sites.
2b) The number of new torrents per period. The original torrent uploader has no download, that means the leecher will always remain short of that original uploader upload portion. The more new torrents and the less members, the bigger the effect. Some numbers:
| Tracker | New Last Week | Members | Members/New |
| GayTorrent.ru | 558 | 60941 | 109 |
| Gay-Torrents.org | 379 | 94237 | 248 |
| Gay-Privacy.com | 195 | n/a | n/a |
| Gay-Torrents.net | 164 | 254570 | 1552 |
| OurGTN.org | 104 | 18099 | 174 |
2c) The ratio of dead torrents, which if reseed will generate full amount of upload once someone starts downloading:
| Tracker | Torrents | Dead | % of Dead |
| Gay-Torrents.net | 30565 | 6122 | 20 |
| GayTorrent.ru | 62937 | 15098 | 23 |
| Gay-Torrents.org | 37221 | 10563 | 28 |
| OurGTN.org | 11832 | 6294 | 53 |
| Gay-Privacy.com | 2555 | 1451 | 56 |
2d) The user base, the more members, the more potential downloads. Free inscription means more user turnover (new members, will download old torrents, thus increasing the share ratio of older members seeding)
| Tracker | Members | Inscription |
| Gay-Torrents.net | 254570 | open |
| Gay-Torrents.org | 94237 | invitation, donation |
| GayTorrent.ru | 60941 | invitation, open periods |
| OurGTN.org | 18099 | invitation |
| Gay-Privacy.com | n/a | invitation |
2e) The dynamics of a torrent swarm, common to all tracker:
New torrents are always those which are most downloaded. However, once the original uploader's initial seeding phase is over, the torrent swarm will turn over from leecher to mostly seeder. If a new torrent swarm is joint lately, close to that turning point, no upload can be expected.
Then, after there is a long period with many seeds, but only occasional downloader. That generates only little upload for any of the seeds. Only when a torrent gets close to it's dead, with only a few seeds left it's occasional downloads will generate good upload for the (few) seeder left.
That is why I recommend to download only torrents which are liked, so that one keeps the file(s) for a long period, means over years. It isn't a sure approach to count on new torrents. One can't know most of the time to be early enough.
Of course, you it is arguable if the set of GayTorrent.ru's rules is good, can be improved (sure it can) and if the resulting members behaviour is the desired. There are indicators which say that they are not that bad:
- The number of alive torrents
- The number of new uploads
This is a result of the high minimum share ratio requirements. They put the pressure to keep seeding downloaded torrents and to upload own new torrents.
The drawback of that is the rather difficult start to new members to built a good share ratio (anything around 1.000 is good), which anyway will go yo-yo at the beginning. However, there are the Seed Bonus Points and since recently the Freeleech torrents, which can help any member really willing out of a bad share ratio.
Another drawback of the higher share ratio requirements is that multiple tracker members will prefer downloading torrents on tracker without share ratio requirements (Gay-Torrents.net, OurGTN.org) or with lower requirements (Gay-Torrents.org). There I can only remind that each download will generate upload at the seeder, which will increase it's ratio and therefore will be able to download and so on ...
With above I don't want to say that a tracker is better than another. All these tracker have a different approach and history. For example:
- If you look for your daily entertainment without hustle, Gay-Torrents.net is certainly a place to go
- OurGTN.org got a very friendly forum and a small but close community of original torrent releasers, you'll find some precious items there. It got a large mature section, too. Lastly there is no minimum share ratio.
- Gay-Privacy is quite new. That gives the opportunity to take profit from being an early member, by jumping seeding on the numerous dead torrents, upload own torrents etc ... all what allows to reach a privileged member status.
- Finally there are Gay-Torrents.org and GayTorrent.ru, with quite a similar approach. I think especially GayTorrent.ru is a "must" for all serious collectors. The rules are made for that.
All this said, there is something you can improve in your own seeding behaviour. While you've downloaded many torrent's files, out of which a lot got only 1 seed, you seed only 2 torrents with many other seeds. These 2 torrents are multiple file torrents, where the leecher are likely hidden seeder, which don't have all files ; therefore no upload can be expected on these two.
You'll be better of restarting seeding the old torrents with only 1 other seed or even better, no other seed.