IMHO, members which are new to trackers with minimum ratio requirements are all set to run in these issues. Actually our system starts early and low, to make new users aware of it, when it is still easy to correct.
Now, what you plan might work, but a success is not warranted. Best are very new torrents, with only 1 file, you like to keep, having only the initial seed and not yet many peers (so more are suspected to follow).
Another good choice to improve the share ratio are freeleech torrents. During the freeleech period, only upload is counted, not the download. It is always wise to verify the remaining free duration and to ensure the download is completed within that period.
As a side note, the account won't be terminated due to low share ratio, only the download suspended (except freeleech torrents if I remember correctly). Seeding and uploading own torrents will remain possible after the grace time is over. Even if you don't upload data, seeding will get you flat 0.5 seed bonus points per hour. There are many other ways to earn bonus points, too. To learn about them, click on the"Ratio: …" below the blue menu band on our pages.