You have to stay above 0.950 to keep the Power User status.
Posts made by Popper
RE: A question about being a Power User
RE: Gay.Ru received a take down notice regarding a torrent i uploaded.
I am not sure to which other gay torrent site you refer:
- allows to show the uploader name if he wishes, but defaults to hide it at upload
- allows to hide the uploader name, but Extra User can spy at initial seeding who seeds it
- always show the uploader name
It is to note that and hide as well the peer list, which can be consulted by Extra User on
RE: Vuze Help To Seed
Force start is the quick way to fix the Vuze queuing priority, i.e. overwrite it for torrents. Its OK, but not elegant.
I'd rather change the queuing setting as indicated in our small guide there >
RE: Gay.Ru received a take down notice regarding a torrent i uploaded.
I think you are over afraid here a little. No member (except torrent staff) can see the uploader names. Only way an agent or owner could know the uploader name, would be the uploader marking it in the torrent description, a torrent comment or in the forum himself.
This is valid even with the lowest Profile privacy setting "normal", where the Profile still got a PM button. The other two privacy settings haven't even a PM button and show nothing more than the account name, it's ID (in the page link) and the selected country flag (any country from the list can be selected, e.g. a total different from the real residence).
The SBP earned through referral link sign-ups are invisible to other members than staff, too. Only the total SBP is visible aside a forum post.
What recommends is to use a VPN or proxy for torrenting to hide the home IP from the other peers.
RE: Personal referral link still active despite taking it down.
Moderators can't follow-up the origin of the site from which a visitor comes using a referral link.
As long as you keep your user ID, the link will continue to work and sign-ups credited to your account. The referral link can be copied and reposted by someone else on other places, but it will bot be "his" it will remain "yours".
I am not sure if we can change the referral link at all. As far as I understood, it contains the user ID of your account in an encrypted way. That you still get the PMs and the 250 SBP rewards proofs the link is still working and accessible somewhere.
I'd suggest you write to the Helpdesk and it should then be forwarded to the Administrators. Not sure if they can do something.
RE: Upcoming Changes to the Upload Rules
The changes are gone live :love:
RE: Avatar not present in torrent comments.
Interesting, because I see that (including with my test account) with avatar …. perhaps an issue with the browser options? Or the browser ...?
I've tried with the 3 major browsers: Firefox, Chrome and IE9, all show the GIF. -
RE: Other hot gay porn torrents?
OK, OK, Google is not our friend.
However I don't know another good alternative, Bing certainly isn't one and Yahoo! is powered by Bing …
IE needed one Google certainly needs a real alternative.
RE: Gay.Ru received a take down notice regarding a torrent i uploaded.
There is no logic. Only the owners can answer your question why they request some and not other torrents. got often open signup periods and if not open signup, an invitation system. Therefore any owner or agent can get an normal user account if he wants and use the "Search" on site. as a legal service has no need to restrict access. The restrictions in place have all as target to prevent circumventing the minimum ratio requirements through multiple account creations.
It is, BTW, an illusion that invite only sites provide an protection against owners and agents. They can always buy an invitation on some torrent invite sites and get in, if they really want.
RE: Is their a moderator for S.I.G.?
This board is missing a moderator :blownose:
Volunteers step forward >:D and please fill a questionnaire there >
RE: Gay.Ru received a take down notice regarding a torrent i uploaded.
Take down requests need to include quite some information about the owner of the copyright (real name, address, e-mail, telephone number), the agent and the copyrighted works etc … see the "DMCA" page. That should reduce "spurious request".
Takedown requests should provide links to the alleged infringing content to be taken down.
RE: Upcoming Changes to the Upload Rules
You sound disapointed. Perhaps you could explain why you'd be happy that would change?
RE: Need to delete account, cant log in, lost email. pls system support!
He just has to click on Helpdesk and write a request by e-mail to it, indicating his account's name.
RE: Upcoming Changes to the Upload Rules
There is indeed no change regarding duplicate interpretation / handling in the upcoming version.
The changes made to the Collection paragraph have as only intention to better transport the idea of what a collection is. It are files collected thoroughly together, because they have something well-defined in common. It are not random files put together, or files which have just a whole category in common. Therefore the words "random" and "category" have been eliminated in the list of examples.
The interpretation of the rule " 2. … Duplicates may be accepted when part of a themed collection. ..." is done permissive in both ways, in and out of a collection.
Understand a collection as a service to download all files at once, instead of the need to search them together from different single files and collections. They can be collected together by different themes and therefore overlap.
If a member likes to get only a single file or a set out of a larger collection, downloading from the collection is not the best idea:
- First, many don't know how to select only to download some selected file of a multiple file torrent and will get therefore a much larger download than what they like to get or worse stay away from the download.
- Secondly, if they know, because they haven't got all files, the tracker can't count them as seeder and will continue to count that torrent (of course not the upload) as downloading peer. The number of concurrent downloading torrents is limited (see the Downloading Rules) and those seeding of incomplete torrents can quickly occupy all slots and block further downloads for "bad ratio" even if the member got the maximal 15 because of a good share ratio.
You comment made me think to a rule (?) that single video torrents already available in collections need to indicate a link to that collection.
There is a recent related topic regarding duplicates >
RE: Upcoming Changes to the Upload Rules
it looks good, with regards to the "good quality" pictures would it be reasonable and less vague to ask for "a picture of a quality which is representative of the content of the torrent"
That is the case with the proposed version, because
"11. Any information, e.g. the title, categories, pictures and description must correctly represent the content of the files shared with the torrent and avoid misleading members about the content. …
I hope this isn't getting too off-topic but in my experience if you use Media Player Classic to make thumbnails 6 across x 6 down at about 1500 pixels wide it gives a good size picture on this site
It is a little off topic, but that depends partly on the definition in pixel of the screen used by the viewer. The site's picture resizing was dropped (resizing to 1024x768 pixel, basically) because of the difficulties to make it work correctly with very longish pictures. Since then, pictures are kept in their original size. If they are larger than the viewers screen, there are difficulties to view them correctly now.
Most common desktop screens have today 1080x1920, but older LCD screens 17" and 19" had 1280x1024 and 15" 1024x768. I am not very familiar with smartphone screens. I think 4x9 with 1000 pixel width is better than 6x6 with 1500 pixel width, just saying …
… I also like the plan for a better standard of thumbnails.
Can you elaborate that a little more?
RE: QTM Questions / Answers and suggestions
You mean you don't get QTM downloaded? That can be due to your anti-virus software, not liking unsigned home-brew software like QTM.
RE: Upcoming Changes to the Upload Rules
600x800 is a too high definition for many type of content. It is even above standard NTSC definition (480x640, if square pixel, respectively 360x640/400x720 if cropped from a letterboxed source with 16:9 active content, not to speak about 2.40:1 format movies).
As well vintage content from tape is often only available from transfers to VCD (320x240) and grabs from tube sites offer often only low definition quality downloads …
That is the reason for the "... pictures should have at least a width of 300 pixel, or if lower the definition of the video, ..." in the explanations to the rules, taking in account 5% overscanning at the analogue TV times. -
RE: Posting of "Her" (2013) is Offensive
As for my motivations, there are only two: ratio and fairness.
I consider ratio to be currency just like cash. When I upload a lgbt themed film, I earn currency. I can then go to the lgbt-themed-movie store and purchase downloads. This lgbt-themed-movie store promises all non-porn material must have LGBTQ THEMED CONTENT (Plot / Characters) or involve VOYEURISM of the ADULT MALE PHYSIQUE . Gay-interest, an openly gay actor or minor gay characters are insufficient to meet this requirement. When I open my purchases and find one is not lgbt themed as promised, I feel cheated. To prevent others (including GTRU) from feeling/being cheated, I report the movies that fail the "lgbt characters and plot" test. That's it.
As for fairness, I do not believe it is fair for someone to earn ratio by uploading inferior goods and passing them off as lgbt-themed-movies. That is unfair to everyone who scours the internet and other sources for quality lgbt-themed-movie. The most insipid are those with "homosexual overtones", as any film with two men as the major characters could fall under this cheap umbrella.
…Not specific to LGBTQ Themed Movies, there above expressed concern should be partly addressed by the upcoming change of the Uploading Rules:
"11. Any information, e.g. the title, categories, pictures and description must correctly represent the content of the files shared with the torrent and avoid misleading members about the content. This applies as well to additions, votes or comments made by other members than the original uploader. In doubt, rather than providing wrong information, omit it. …"
I agree that the definition of what makes a LGBTQ Themed Movies is rather good as result of a fine-tuning over the years. There is no reason to touch that, now.
Remains the how to handle cases of reports, where it isn't evident that a movie got "enough" of LGBTQ Theme to fit into that rules or not.
The difficulty is to find / define objective verifiable criteria for such a decision, instead of depending on the moderators gut feeling. Something for what I've not yet found a solution ...
RE: Avatar not present in torrent comments.
Strange, I see the .gif aside your torrent comments … did you find the solution in the mean time?
My first answer would have been that you need to set the avatar in two different places, the Torrent Site Profile and the Forum Profile.