I don't mean necessary active seeding, just seeding, i.e; indicating the tracker that you are available as seeder (but not just queued seeding either).
Posts made by Popper
RE: No Credit for Uploads
RE: GayTorrent.ru torrents on other sites.
Yes, of the member who leaked the torrent and with it his personal secrete passkey. That is the very reason why the rules don't allow posting of GayTorrent.ru torrents at other places.
Most likely his share ratio is below the minimum and download rights taken by now, the passkey reset to avoid that or the account given up.
Could you please logout and send the torrent file as attachment to the Helpdesk?
RE: Clarification on seeding limits
There is no limit in seeding torrents. However, depending on your internet connection upload rate, you should limit the number of active uploads in your torrent client and more than 100 "seeding" (without active upload) usually doesn't make sense when you got a normal ADSL(2+) internet connection.
RE: Can't donate
The biggest obstacle is the process to signup at an Bitcoin exchange like Coinbase, Bitstamp, OKCoin, Bitfinex or BTC-e and get the account verified.
The next thing taking time is to credit the account at the exchange, because exchanges do not accept credit cards, which could be charged back in opposite to Bitcoins which transaction can't be reversed.
In reality, it isn't more complicated than creating and get verified a Paypal account … so may be the right occasion to got through these steps.
RE: Vuze seeding connection error
You'll need to upgrade your Java Runtime to version 7 or above.
If Java was installed by the Vuze installer package, it is a little more complicated as indicated there >
https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=28957.msg139675#msg139675 -
RE: No Credit for Uploads
While i just look now at your Profile, there is only one downloading torrent connected to the tracker. If you are seeding any torrent from GayTorrent.ru, can you please look to the tracker and tracker status message what it says there and report it back?
RE: Turn a torrent into freeleech
Sorry, nobody, except the Administrators can turn torrents into freeleech before they got 7 days of age.
RE: Size computations
The site displays in the binary powers 1KB = 1024 Bytes, 1MB = 1024 KB and so on. The ratio is calculated on the actual bytes registered, not the rounded values displayed.
RE: New to this site. need some upload help here!
You did the upload process correctly.
the tracker when creating the torrent isn't that important, as long as there is one, because the site script is anyway repacling it with the right tracker and the personal passkey of the member downloading the .torrent file.
So if the re-downloaded ;torrent file is used, like you did, it will have the right tracker.
The low upload rate is rather due the torrent client not being connectible. That makes connections to seed more difficult, but not impossible. It is something you should change when possible.
RE: Connection Error
The other better solution with Vuze is to upgrade the Java Runtime to version 7 or above > https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=28957.msg139675#msg139675 (the only sticky topic on this board)
RE: Simultaneous Downloads
You have to distinguish between two things:
1/ The number of **.**torrent files you can get within a gliding 24 hours window. Those increase with the minimum ratio, the ratio you are above the minimum, the own uploaded torrents still listed and finally the amount of donation. This is controlled by the site frontend. The calculation is described on the "Rationator" page https://www.gaytorrent.ru/rationator.php and the result shown on your Profile page.
(Remark: own .torrent files, already downloaded (green background listed torrents) and Freeleech torrents are not count)
That is not simultaneous downloading, which happens in the torrent client:
2/ The number of torrents "Downloading" data files by the torrent client simultaneously being with the GayTorrent.ru tracker. This is controlled by the tracker backend. The limits are described at the "Downloading Rules" https://www.gaytorrent.ru/rules.php#96 and depend on upload amount, ratio, user status (User or Pwer User and above) or being donator (limit = 100), unless being in download rights gracetime or download rights taken (limit = 2). With downloads rights taken, only "Freeleech" can connect to the tracker as downloading.
My first answer was regarding this item 2/ and here the "Donator" (star) status will be kept as long as the account exists, i.e. the account life time. Some members try to create multiple accounts and when caught don't keep the account on which they donated, that is why I mentioned the "account lifetime".
Many data files downloads complete very quickly, so even with a limit of 2 here, more than 2 can be completed within 24 hours usually. However some bad seeded can take weeks to complete and block a precious slot. If the allowed number of torrents downloading data at the same time is exceeded, the tracker will send the "bad ratio: x torrent limit" style message to the torrent client.
(Remark: for the tracker all torrents which have not completed the download off all the files listed in a torrent's file list are count as downloading, even if the files selected for download are completed and seed. The uploaded data will of course be counted correctly towards upload).
RE: Simultaneous Downloads
If you haven't donated, 15 simultaneous downloads are the maximum. Donators have 100 (I'm not sure if the 200 mentioned in the "Downloading Rules" are still right). Already the lowest donation step is enough to get the donator status for the account lifetime.
RE: Where is my uploaded torrent?
Your µTorrent is reported as not connectible. That means peers torrent clients who want to download can't reach it to request download. Therefore it is your µTorrent which has to offer upload to them. However the client will update with the tracker only in 30 minutes cycles, so only earliest after the first cycle it will know the IP of other peers to send them offers.
Not being connectible doesn't make upload impossible, but more difficult. Downloading peers will get data easier from connectible peers and therefore you have always a competive disadvantage.
There are many topics about getting connectible here and on the µTorrent support (forums).
RE: Where is my uploaded torrent?
You should read about the First Time Upload Program and write junior
RE: Download rights not restored.
Yes, you have to upload data to raise your upload.
The other indirect way is to collect Seed Bonus Points and exchange them against upload credit to your account's statistics.
There are multiple ways to earn points, see https://www.gaytorrent.ru/rationator.php -
RE: Torrent is not valid bencoding
My assumption would be that QTM tries to store it in a directory where it didn't got writing rights and than "opens" a not existing file.
You could try to start QTM with a right mouse button click on it an then selecting "Run as administrator" so that QTM gets elevated rights.
Another solution could be to uninstall QTM and then install it into another directory and run the installer as administrator
Finally you could use still the normal method: create the .torrent with your µTorrent, use the Upload webform to upload it, then the download button to get the .torrent file back with your passkey inserted and open it with your µTorrent and directing the download to the directory with the file from which you've created the torrent. (See our Upload Guide)
RE: Proxy Problems (PIA)
There is a setting for the tracker URL to be http or https in the "Profile Settings" > https://www.gaytorrent.ru/my.php
"SSL Tracker [ ] (Uncheck to Turn off SSL Announce Urls)"
That is the second item and the box need to be unchecked and the tracker URL in the torrent will be the http URL.
RE: Now unable to download
Most likely that is what you should do > https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=28957.msg139690#msg139690
@deeteedub: it would be interesting to understand what you did, perhaps it can be used to help users …
RE: Proxy Problems (PIA)
You could still try the non SSL (https) tracker connection through the proxy. When trying that, you have not only to change https into http, but as well add the port 2710.
So for example the starting of the tracker URL from
http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru:2710/… or http://tracker.gaytorrent.tw:2710/…