I think that has something to do with being connectable or not, a pure setup issue (which can happen on both). bitTorrent got one or two additional functions, e.g. "DNA" (nobody needs that for torrenting IMHO).
Posts made by Popper
RE: Utorrent vs BitTorrent
RE: Posting low quality videos as high quality videos…
If there are such issues with particular torrents, please write the Helpdesk or report them with a clear description of the issue, so we can at least improve the information on its presentation page (or remove it or …)
RE: What settings should I use to increase upload speed?
@addidasjock: Looking through the torrents seeded, it appears that low upload rates are due to missing downloading peers.
I've made 5 torrents out of them with a low seed number freeleech. If missing downloading peers are the issue, you should see soon a short spike in your upload rate.
RE: "Your torrent client is not connectable" yet with port forwarding active
If it is that, can you look if all your torrent's from GayTorrent.ru tracker announce URL begin with "https://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/…" (means with https, without :2710 and with .ru, not .tw)?
If not, can you change all to the https beginning? Then inspection by your ISP of the packets should be difficult (or practically impossible?).
RE: Does anybody have a problem with the torrent search engine?
I get as well only one result.
Could you please copy the URL of the search result here?
RE: Money shot from eating out 2
The link to the picture doesn't work any more
RE: Total download and upload registers
It is difficult to compare both information, because the way they are calculated is different. µTorrent will show you in about 1 seconds intervals its actual upload and download rates so these change any next moment. It includes as well torrents not from GayTorrent.ru.
GayTorrent.ru's information is based on the announcements of Upload and Download amounts your µTorrent sends each 30 minutes for each torrent, each on its own schedule and calculates from that the upload and download rates.
Your Upload and Download doesn't depend at all on the "speeds" indicated in either µTorrent or GayTorrent.ru, but on the amount of uploaded and downloaded data announced by µTorrent and are registered by the tracker.
RE: Near dead torrents
It depends for which reason you look for them. To reseed what you've downloaded upon:
Go to your Profile by a click on your name in "Welcome back, …" then down the Completed torrents, look there for torrents with 0 (or only 1) seeder.Else, sort the "Search" results by number of seeder and ascending (there will be thousands)
RE: Freeleech of torrents younger than one week.
There is a way, we the moderators, can make a "new" torrent freeleech: taking an old torrent, give it freeleech and than promote it to the top of the list (which changes the date to the current date/time, adds the recycle symbol to the title and the original date to the description).
RE: Seeding
What's confusing me the most is when the sites telling you if your connectable tells differently from what your torrent client says.
First the site will tell you that your torrent client isn't connectible as soon as one connection attempt of the tracker fails. The tracker will retry 30 minutes later, so you can expect the message to say for at least 30 minutes.
Secondly, it would be interesting to know where your torrent client tells you it is connectable. If it is the green round sign just at the bottom right corner of the µTorrent window, it doesn't mean much.
If it is the µTorrent > Options > Setup Guide > "Network" test result showing a green check sign, your torrent client is indeed connectable and you can more or less ignore that blue message box.
However if the result there is a yellow/orange check sign, there is an most likely setup issue.
Also, confusing is when I can upload/seed (with other members able to snatch my torrents) and I am still not connectable.
If a torrent client doesn't get incoming connection attempts, downloading will (almost) not be effected and uploading is still possible, especially initial seed on own new torrents, but as soon as there are other seeder available the upload will cripple (usually).
RE: MAC uploading woes
I've experienced for years that either the upload succeeds (if it is a relatively small video file) and then some sort of error meesage or if it is a bigger file taking very long to upload it times out with another failure message.
Sorry, don't remember the wordings of the failure messages, don't do that often >:D
RE: Que faut-il faire???
Les box des FAI Français grand publique sont configuré en UPnP par défaut. Donc normalement ils doit suffire de configurer le client torrent (e.g; µTorrent, BitTorrent, Vuze, etc …) d'utiliser UPnP et NAT-PMP et l'exception du parefeu de Windows.
Si c'est fait, redémarrer la box et le ordinateur doit réinitialiser la connexion automatiquement par UPnP.
Ceci dit, des logiciels anti-virus (suite sécurité internet) peuvent avoir leur propre parefeu, donc if faut veiller de configurer une exception pour des connexions d’entrée pour le port configuré pour la connexion de votre client torrent (e.g. µTorrent > Options > Préférences > Connexion). Comment faire dépend la suite que vous utilisez, à voir dans leurs manuel d'utilisation ou aide.
RE: Invited someone who turns out as a "foul" friend
He seems to be a notorious double account creator and leecher… the way he used his new account will make it nearly impossible to get back on track, except having a fibre optics internet access at home or a seedbox. :afr:
RE: MAC uploading woes
This "… the upload page hangs ..." can be as well because you try to upload the big movie file, but you shall upload only the small .torrent file which you've created upon from and for it.
RE: Que faut-il faire???
Il utilse µTorrent. Comme ous les box des fournisseurs accès internet Français sont en UPnP par défaut, C'est effectivement cette fonction à activer dans le client torrent, ici µTorrent, ainsi l’exception du parefeu Windows.
Après, et aussi si ils sont déjà activés, redémarrez µTorrent.
Il y a un test dans µTorrent Options > Setup Guide > sélectionnez "Network" (Reseau?), puis lancez le test. Si toute est bonne, le résultat est un signe de coche vert.
Si le résultat n'est pas bonne, avant de changer plus de configurations, redémarrez votre ordinateur et la box FAI.
RE: Seeding
There are two observations with your seeding:
1/ Your torrent client is not connectible. So if ever there are other seeders available being connectible, it will be those getting the upload to the downloading peers.
2/ You're seeding only one of the downloaded torrents and there the one with the most other seeing peers. that is not maximizing your chances to seed either.
RE: Seeding
@rimcrazy: You've completed to download more than 100 torrent's files, yet you seed only one. you could optimise your chance to upload by seeding some more torrents …