I really liked France this year. Her song gave me chills and I think it's great that she sang in french and not english
Posts made by Opiam
RE: Eurovision contest
RE: Advice for the closeted…
I don't know if this word exist where you live but in France we would say that we live in a manichean society because there is just black or white, good or bad.For some people to have just two possibilities in sexual orientation is impossible so if we add something else …
RE: Best places to spend honeymoon after your wedding?
France is nice but I don't know try something more exotic maybe and btw Congrats for the wedding
RE: Sexy schoolboy or teacher?
sexy teacher so he can teach some new tricks
If you are not ready don't live together it will be a huge mess
RE: The King of Bubble Butts - Fitness Model Bryan Hawn!
I want to see his dick first then his ass is mine
RE: How old were you when you find that you gay ??
I knew when I was 11 - 12 but I "tried" to deny that part of me. I came out when I was 19
RE: Norway, Denmark, Sweden rated happiest people in the world
France is not in the top 20 :cry2:
Do you think that "race" or religion can ruin a relationship
According to me:
I like men, they just have to be honest, nice and funny. When you date someone different than you, everyone will look at you like you are a kind of monster, if you are gay it's worst. We are human beings not a color, or a religion or others. (My english is bad I know) -
RE: What to do? i'm still single!
Be yourself. Just go out more maybe alone or with a group of friends and maybe you will meet someone.
RE: Just came out
Lean on your friends and one day everything is gonna be alright. :hug: