I have just always known as far back as I can remember… I never thought anything of it really.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: How old were you when you find that you gay ??
RE: Hi form Canada, BC
I'm in Southern Ontario.
Also, I couldn't help but notice the name you're using… Are you in search of a sub?
RE: Connectable IP
This issue has already been brought up for the masses in this form thread. Please refer to that thread for assistance.
RE: A question about the bear category
Don't worry… It appears that our little friend has decided to go on a rampage in the last few hours tagging the comments on many torrents with such commentary. I will be keeping an eye on this and will correct the issues as they arise.
RE: What do you advise him
My suggestion would be to start with fingering yourself. Make sure to use lots of lube as the initial friction of the finger may cause some initial discomfort. Before you begin though, it is important to make sure that your finger nails are very short. I would also recommend the use of a non-latex glove (surgical glove) for a few reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that finger nails (especially when they're longer) can cause a cutting sensation when they brush against your insides the wrong way. If they have an end or a corner that is not completely smoothed out or has a little bit of a point to it, this can even cause scratching on the lining of your insides, especially if you have never inserted anything in there before). The other big reason is because between the under sides of your finger nails as well as any small cuts or nicks you may have in your hands, bacteria (and if you're not clean back there, potentially E Coli) can linger can get under there and either fester or possibly lead to infection. In both cases, a glove will prevent this from happening, similar to the way that a condom prevents the spread of STD's.
When you do start, I would recommend using a lot of lube. If you want to keep your lube supply more discreet for some reason, I would recommend Crisco. It is one of the top choices among the fisting community, but certainly is not the only option available. Start out with one finger and start to get a feel what feels pleasurable and where the spots are that you get a rise from. As you find them and get comfortable going with one finger, start adding more, one finger at a time. As an experienced fister, I can tell you that one of the keys to working it in is to turn your hand as you do it. For some people, going in like a cork screw is best, but others seem to respond better to pushing it in, holding it at a certain distance, then turning the hand/finger slowly. You may also find that just wiggling your finger a little and/or bending it slightly after it is in will help to reach some of your sensitive spots. This can also be helpful at relaxing yourself to allow your muscles to "open up" as it were.
When you get comfortable with 2 or 3 fingers, you may want to try upgrading to a small dildo or other such toy. Depending on how you respond to the fingers, I would recommend starting with something that is not too thick. Remember… Initially, the goal you're going to want to reach is to be able to fit a penis in there, so I would recommend looking for a toy that is about as thick around as an average penis, without being too small. I would also recommend that you be very careful if the length that you can insert is more than about 5 - 6", as that generally seems to be the point where your insides begin to bend inside of you. Depending on your body, this is the point where you will either feel a little bit of discomfort or even a mild pain deep within, OR, in my case, is the point where all of the sudden it starts to feel real good. Before you begin with the dildo though, I would strongly recommend working some lube up inside there with your fingers for two reasons. The first is that it will help your muscles relax to be able to be more accommodating for the dildo/toy, and the other is because the added friction inside of you can cause a sharp pain (almost like the feel of cutting yourself) or even cause small tears in your linings to occur, especially if you are a cherry pop virgin.
With all of this being said, remember to take it slowly at first and work yourself up gradually as you are comfortable with it. You may experience points where the feeling may get a little too intense. If this happens, your best bet the first few times is to ease back just a touch to just before that feeling becomes overwhelming, relax, then slowly experiment with turning or wiggling your finger to find where your pleasurable spots are that will help you relax and open up. After all, you want this to be a pleasurable experience, rather than one that will cause you harm, even if it is only a small "flesh wound" for lack of a better term.
EDIT: I forgot to mention one thing… If you like the sensations that you can bring on (especially when you hit the prostate), you can work your way up gradually. If you choose to go far enough, I will tell you now that if you start going with all 4 fingers in and the thumb tucked under your fingers (pointed in the same way your fingers are), you will experience an interesting sensation that will almost feel like a block once you hit the knuckles. There is a way to get past this if you choose to go farther, but it will take some time and work. If you want to know more about how to get past this point and the things you can do once you do, let me know. I would be more than happy to give you some tips.
RE: MAC uploading woes
This "… the upload page hangs ..." can be as well because you try to upload the big movie file, but you shall upload only the small .torrent file which you've created upon from and for it.
I thought that when you tried to upload the video file instead of the .torrent file, the server would abort the connection immediately and give you a message to the effect of "What the hell are you trying to upload?! That file isn't valid bencoding!"
Did this change somehow?
RE: Why on earth did you change the whole site?!?!?
That sounds more to me like you have a problem with your computer's cooling system. If this is the case, it's a simple fix as long as you're not afraid of messing with the inside of your computer.
First, what you would need to remove the cover or casing from your computer to get to the motherboard. If you're using a laptop, you may need to remove the whole motherboard to get the heat sink off of the CPU (or in the case of a laptop, to get the fan off the heat sink first).
Then, you will need to clean the crap (like the layer of dust you will likely find between the fan and the heat sink) off of the heat sink. This can be done with your fingers on the most part, but you may need a can of compressed air to be able to do get all the finer bits in between the slats of the heat sink.
Next, you will need to use rubbing alcohol and paper towel. Place the paper towel over the bottle of rubbing alcohol, then turn it to dab a bit of it onto the paper towel. Then, you will need to rub the paper towel with the alcohol over the top of the processor and bottom of the heat sink to remove any remnant of old and likely dried out or cracked thermal grease from the contact points.
Lastly, before putting it all back together, you will need to apply a high quality thermal grease to the top of the CPU itself. This should be done in as thin of a layer as you possibly can, and it must cover the entire surface area. If your computer's manufacturer used one of the cheap ass thermal pads instead of thermal paste, do yourself a favour and throw that shit away. The thermal pads are pure garbage and only cause more and more problems over time as they get older, especially if your CPU has been overheating. For more information on how to apply the thermal grease properly, please see this YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjF5jabXRCY
If you have questions about how to do this, or would like some assistance with how to do it, please let me know. This is the kind of thing that I do for a living, so I'd be more than happy to give you the information that you need and get you setup with the proper stuff that you need to do it. You will also notice once this is done that your computer will seem to run a lot faster in general.
RE: UTorrent - Proxy Server connections
Proxy servers are used for one of 2 main things:
Large networks (usually corporate networks) that funnel a whole sub-network through a single internal IP address as it passes through the network before actually hitting the main NAT to bounce the signal out to the internet. In such cases, these types of setups often have a wide range of blocks built into the proxy so that corporations can control what goes through their network.
Masquerading your IP address behind another network so that your actual IP is not directly visible to the peer pool on the torrent. This helps to give you an added layer of protection by not revealing your real identity That being said though, if you want some sort of peer protection or more particularly, honeypot/troll protection, I would recommend the use of a VPN for a few reasons. Aside from the added advantage that a VPN will direct ALL your network traffic through another source, a lot of proxy systems do not function with our site because of some of the security measures that have been implemented. There is a technical explanation for why this is, but I'll spare the lengthy story behind that.
Unless your ISP has advised you to use a proxy server, or unless you really want to take a chance in hopes that the proxy service that you're using does actually work with our site, I would recommend leaving the proxy settings set to connect directly (or no proxy used) in your uTorrent settings.
RE: Invited someone who turns out as a "foul" friend
There is of course another method in which he can fix his ratio. I'm sure that some of the site's crew (such as Joker) would reeeeeeeally love it too… If he were to make a 250 Euro donation, then make another 100 Euro donation (thus costing him a total of 350 Euros), he would be back on track, plus a little bit. That is of course a really fast way in which he could get his ratio back into a good standing.
I will be clear when I say that donations are NOT mandatory, and not making a donation will NOT in any way negatively impact your account status or affect the level of service we will provide you. It is merely an optional way to be able to do a few things, one of which is to be able to quite literally buy your way out of ratio troubles. It also gives you a few other perks such as allowing you to download more in a day than you otherwise could, have the advertising on the site turned off, or simply just give us money just because you can and you want to help contribute to our operation costs and overhead.
Aside from the donation option, I completely agree with Popper... Unless he's got something like a pretty sweet fiber connection where he can reach speeds of say 150+ mbit and he can constantly crank out that speed to users who are actually downloading the torrents he's got, there's not a bloody chance in hell that he'll ever recover from that. What will make it even harder for him is that most of the torrents he has downloaded have 0 leechers, and the ones that do only have a couple of leechers at best and a plethora of other seeders to choose from, so simply put, he's pretty screwed.
RE: What to do with the extra seed bonus points after becoming a power user?
Initially to get your ratio up, I would recommend exchanging your SBP in increments of 600 SBP (best value) for upload credit. Once you build your ratio up enough, I would be inclined to use them for other things such as helping out members who upload the torrents that you download that you really like. If all else fails, you can always let your SBP accumulate over time so that if you're ever in a pinch because you went on a downloading binge, you can help offset that.
Alternatively as you mentioned, you can also make torrents FL. This can be particularly helpful in a number of ways once you have built your ratio up. For one thing, you can use this advantage to be able to snatch a torrent that is near death because it's not being seeded, download it, then keep seeding it and make it FL to give other users incentive to download the torrent. This both helps to keep older torrents going and it also gives you an added advantage of being able to improve your ratio indirectly with SBP. If you play it smart, it really is a win-win situation.
RE: Seed Bonus Points
Yes… Once you become a Power User, you can exchange SBP for invites to be able to invite a friend to the site. I must warn you though that you must NEVER do this from the same internet connection and/or computer as your friend. Doing so will result in the system flagging you for having a duplicate account. When inviting a friend, always use your computer on your internet connection and have them accept the invite within 24 hours on their computer from their internet connection.
RE: Freeleech of torrents younger than one week.
Sometimes our system administrators will decide to make a torrent freeleech, even though it is newer than the 7 day period. Doing this however cannot be done by a regular user. Even at my level as a mod, the system will not physically let me do it. Such cases are generally decided by our system administrators, who are the only ones who have that power.
RE: Which Player do you use or how to convert files ?
I use Totem, which comes with Linux. For the odd thing that it doesn't play, I then use VLC.
RE: Who's your favorite out gay celeb?
I will have to admit… I have had a crush on Anderson Cooper since my days in highschool where I used to see him as a news anchor on the Doom & Gloom Channel (formerly CNN). Funny things is, I knew he was a closet case homo since long before he ever outed himself in public.
RE: Is the internet killing religion?
That's a big part of why I have turned more to the native methods of doing things. Granted, they do not have any physical proof of a great number of details, however in trying to "debunk" (for lack of a better term) their methods or otherwise question them, I have never actually been able to find any proof of any sort that either proves that it isn't true or that otherwise contradicts something else in their methods and teachings.
By the same token, when I myself have tried a few of their methods for accomplishing certain things, I actually found it quite interesting that each and every time without fail, there was some sort of freak coincidence (or so it seemed at the time) that happened to magically fall in line with exactly what I had put out to the universe to ask for. Granted, there are some basic ground rules that need to be taken into account when doing that kind of thing, however I still can't shake it off as bing just a coincidence, especially seeing as how every time that every time that I have opened myself to their ways and gave things a try, I always saw results.
RE: Outlawing all religions (the sooner the better)
Oh yes… Religion is just an excuse to justify the slaughter of the masses for an allegedly "greater cause". Every religion (even the Catholic religion) has at least one instance of such a thing in their history.
RE: How do you feel about lewd acts in public?
It wouldn't be the first time that I've done such a thing.
RE: What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
I know people that can take care of a body.
You watch all these TV shows and movies where the person kills the other person and forgives the spouse. Does that make the other person more guilty than the spouse?
I would have to find out if something was wrong in the relationship and try to fix it. If nothing is wrong in the relationship and it is just him, then I fucked up choosing the asshole as a partner and I would cut my losses.
Then I would move to Kitchener and take up with a computer geek. :cheers:
Please do
RE: What's better to use to open up a tight ass?
Definately lube and a dildo. Fngers don't do much for me
You just haven't found someone who knows how to work a hole properly. I can assure you that if done right, hands can be quite pleasurable.
RE: Hello from long time lurker.
Welcome to the Zoo… You don't have to be crazy to play here, but it helps. :crazy2: