I'm kind of on the fence about this one… On one hand, there are religious groups that use the internet to send out their "message", on the other hand, there are too many anti-religion groups out there who want nothing more than to silence every religion. That's the down side of a world-wide network. To some extent, the internet does "kill" religion as it offers a more scientific perspective to the outside world, which most religions do not exactly like.
So the argument could go either way really... It's all a matter of where you go looking on the internet. There are even people (and I am one of them) who are dead set against the churches being tax exempt. That's just plain wrong in my view because it allows the richest organizations in the world the ability to avoid having to pay any taxes, thus contributing back to their communities, while the members of said churches suffer and on the most part, a lot of them struggle to make ends meet.... It just doesn't make sense.