Short of knowing what the video titles and/or studios are, it would be really hard to say exactly how to find such torrents.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Sleeping theme..
RE: Boyfun Zips
Where are you getting these ZIP files from? If it's from this site, I will need to look into it because we do not allow corrupted content to be uploaded.
RE: Exchanging seedbonus
I know that it seems a little strange, but there is a reason for it. This is mainly to prevent users from digging themselves a hole with their ratio that they'll almost certainly never get out of short of donating a LOT of money, just to invite themselves back to the site under a new username to continue their downloading spree, without seeding anything.
RE: Wasn't there a Porn Studio with Poz Actors?
Yes… Yes there is.... It's called Treasure Island Media :funny2:
RE: Error: Not enough quota is available to process this command.
Ah yes… Disk quota crap as implemented by Micro$oft..... I remember the reasons why I abandoned their bulky and proprietary ways and jumped ship over to Ubuntu..... hehe
RE: Gift Seed Points
I just stumbled across this thread now…... I have a few things to add...
@wesleyrayne: As staff, we do see which users are and are not at least making a reasonable effort to maintain their ratio. I took a quick look at your uploads, and while the descriptions aren't the way I like to see them, they're actually better on average than most that I've seen. Also, it is likely that your uploads may not have previously caught my attention because their content is not usually what I look for. That being said though, I do feel your pain with respect to the SBP issue, so I've just tossed you another 350 SBP to help make up for the mysteries of other users.
RE: Exchanging seedbonus
As far as I'm aware, you do not need to be a power user to exchange SBP for an invite. You do however need to be a Power User to be able to use an invite through.
RE: Does minimum ratio lower at any point?
I wouldn't be too overly worried if I were you as long as you maintain your current average. Your share ratio is currently 1.330, and at the VERY most, your required is 0.800 when you hit the highest bracket. As a general rule, as long as you keep your ratio above 1 (such as the 1.040 required for power user status, you should never really need to worry about having too low a ratio, especially if you maintain the ratio as you download more.
RE: I can't view the what I downloaded? It says can't open the file..i'm using andro
I think you're confusing the .torrent files with the actual torrent's contents. In order to open the .torrent files on an Android device, I would recommend first going to the Google Play store and downloading uTorrent for Android. In order to properly seed torrents from your android device, you may need some special provisions programmed into the wireless router your phone is connected to, otherwise, it would be your mobile data carrier you would need to consult if your android is not directly connected to the internet when using mobile data.
I would however caution against the use of uTorrent for Android while on mobile data, at least until you verify what your mobile data rates are with your carrier. Within North America, mobile (cellular) data is rather expensive and seeding or downloading torrents is rather data intensive, especially if you're downloading entire DVD images. Once you have downloaded and installed uTorrent for Android, you should be all set to open the .torrent files to be able to start downloading their contents. I would caution you as a new user though that your ratio is important, so starting off with the correct selection of torrents is critical to ensuring that you start out on the right foot. As a general rule, downloading of freeleech torrents is a good way in which to download without having to worry about it affecting your ratio. Aside from that, I would recommend that you read our Suggestions for Newbies thread as well as our Guide for Starters in the forum. You may find these useful in helping you to get off on the right foot.
RE: Power user status - when does this occur?
The short and sweet answer is power user status is obtained when you have been a member for at least 4 weeks, have a share ratio of at least 1.000 and have more than 40 GB of upload.
RE: Down for maintenance
Thanks for the heads up… I just thought I'd let you know that while we strongly suggest seeding at least one torrent 24/7, this is by no means a mandatory requirement, as there are other ways in which to get your ratio up, so fear not... You will not be penalized in any way, especially since you have a share ratio that exceeds your minimum requirement.
RE: Is It TRUE?!?!?!
This is the case to some extent. When I upload new torrents, I don't often get a whole lot more upload credit than the actual size of the torrent itself. Sadly, this is because I live in rural Canada, where I'm lucky if I can maintain a 600 kbit steady upload speed using an oldschool legacy DSL line (ADSL2+). I can say with great confidence that I really do feel your pain. Where I'm at now, it's even a blessing to get more than about 3.4 mbit in download speed, unless I go into a more major city, and even then, depending on the type of connection, it's not more than about 7 mbit.
So…. I do feel your pain, but sadly, that is the nature of the way that torrents work. If there are a great number of leechers, but not many seeders, it is still possible to get some traffic from seeding torrents, although history will dictate that this number is not as high as one would expect, even with a faster connection speed.
RE: I can't seed anymore
I believe that this could be because of the default settings in Transmission. By default, Transmission is configured to "hit & run". Fear not though as there is a rather easy way to fix this little problem. I too use Transmission and fell victim to it. To fix this issue, please do the following:
Open Transmission
Click the "Edit" menu, then click in "Preferences"
Click the "Seeding" tab
Uncheck both of the checkboxes ("Stop seeding at ratio" and "Stop seeding if idle for N minutes")
Click the "Close" button
Start the torrents that otherwise say "Finished" or "Paused".
Once you have done this, your desired torrents will continue to seed regardless. You can also change the setting for each individual torrent after it is added by right clicking the torrent, then going to the "Options" tab and looking for the "Seeding" options. By default, Transmission will assume the global settings when a torrent is added, however it is possible to change these settings for an individual torrent if you so choose.
RE: Signups
Yes… More specifically, in recent times, we have seen a huge influx of serial cheaters attempting to abandon one account, then create another. By closing the signup to make it invite-only, we have effectively closed the door to this option.
RE: Where can I go to ask for Torrent requests/trading?
Yes… The request board is where you want to post your inquiry. That being said, you do need at least THREE forum posts to be able to see this board. It would appear as though this inquiry gave you your third forum post, so you should now be able to see the requests board.
RE: Chat issues
Google is a highly functioning retard….. More or less...
As for getting into IRC, there's a little secret to it. I found I have to use the secure SSL IRC in order to login. You can do so with just about any ordinary IRC client. My recommendation is XChat, as it is available for just about any platform for my second favourite four letter "F" word, which is also my "favourite price"….. FREE
The server info you will need is as follows:
Port: 6697
Channel: #gaytorrent.ruYou can program XChat to automatically login as you if you reserve your IRC nick, as well as to automatically join the IRC channel directly on startup. If you require further assistance with it, I'd be more than happy to assist you.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, for users who are running Ubuntu or any Debian based Linux distro, you can use the apt repository to install XChat, instead of having to use a tar ball to install it. To do this, please use the following command
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install xchat
If using Ubuntu, this package is also available directly in the Ubuntu Software Centre just the same.
RE: Not getting credit for uploads.
It would appear that you may have stopped the torrent at some point and restarted it. Once you stop a torrent, your torrent client will still acknowledge the full amount seeded from the beginning of it being added to your torrent client. The tracker however will only show how much you have uploaded on that particular session. Once you stop then restart the torrent, the session is refreshed and the tracker count goes back to 0. You would need to look at your overall ratio to be able to tell, but the problem comes in when you're dealing with numbers that are over 1 TB. 1 TB = 1024 GB, so it takes a while to make up the difference when the gap in the numbers is that large.
RE: Not Connectable?
From the sounds of it, it sounds like your router is not properly forwarding the correct port (46317) both in TCP and UDP from your router through to your computer. In some cases, UPnP can accomplish this, but from my experience, it's always best to manually forward said port to ensure that it is properly configured to forward your torrent traffic to you.
A lot of people do not realize that they're behind both a DNAT (Destination Network Address Translator) and SNAT (Source Network Address Translator) on their connection, as this is often built into the modem itself on most common setups these days. What happens is your ISP will assign a public (WAN) IP address for your connection. This IP is generally assigned straight to the modem. This will mean that you will get say (a random IP address for this purpose), which will be acknowledged by the modem. Your modem/router will then assign an IP address on a private subnet to your computer (say, When your computer makes a connection out to the internet, the SNAT automatically converts your computer's IP of to before sending it out to the internet so that the internet knows how to route back to your connection.
The problem comes in here where the rules for the DNAT are missing. Unless your computer manages to negotiate with your router VIA UPnP (which can be hit or miss sometimes), your router will receive the connection request on TCP or UDP port 46317, however since it does not consistently have the DNAT rule in place to forward those connections to your computer and there are now follow-back paths from open connections in which to route to your computer with, the signal does not make its way back to your computer, and thus, incoming connectivity is lost. Forwarding these ports however varies from one router setup to another, so in order to give you more specific instruction, I would first need some basic information about your network's setup.
Also, please be aware that there is such a thing as a DHCP lease time. In a nutshell, when your computer requests an IP address from your router, it will obtain a DHCP lease, which binds the IP address to your MAC address for a predetermined period of time. If this lease should expire or the power to the router device is lost, the IP address goes back into the pool for another device to potentially claim. For this reason, sometimes these settings will need to be adjusted when this change occurs. There is however a way to get around this. Some routers will allow you to add a static DHCP reservation to bind your internal IP address to the MAC address of your computer. This is the recommended option if it's available, as this does not require changing settings on your computer should you ever move it (which is often the case with a laptop). The other option of course is to manually set an IP address for your computer outside the DHCP range on your router. This will ensure that another computer or device doesn't come along and steal your computer's IP address with all of these forwarding rules set into place.
RE: Unintentional 'Thank you'
Negative…. The only way to erase a thank you from a torrent is to hop into your Dr. Who telephone booth and blast yourself back in time.
RE: Torrent stuck at "calculating"
It would seem that you have downloaded two torrents today, so I'm at a bit of a loss to explain exactly what is happening here. When you click the torrent, then go to the "Trackers" tab, do you notice an error message by chance?