Yes… Do not confuse downloading the .torrent file with downloading the contents of the torrent. The .torrent file is only the small file you need to make your torrent client (such as uTorrent) work with the tracker and its peers in which to share said content. You can find out how to go through the steps of adding the torrent to uTorrent by looking at our upload guide starting at step 4.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: No visible content
RE: A rant for a reliable tracker…
We are aware of the current issues with the tracker and are working to resolve them as quickly as is feasibly possible. The tracker itself isn't "down" exactly. It's just over-loaded with higher than anticipated network load levels, and as such, sometimes is not able to properly respond to all inquiries that are being made. The result is session time outs and HTTP 502 errors. I too know how frustrating this can be as I too am affected at times with this issue. Please be patient with us while we get things back up to "Go-Go Gadget" speeds.
RE: Ooops… I uploaded a duplicate
I just thought I'd add that when a duplicate torrent is removed, it is removed differently than it is for other types of removal. It is pulled from the public view, but is kept active on the tracker until all active peers have finished downloading its content. Removing a torrent for a duplicate does not prevent anyone's successful completion of the download.
RE: Auto Login
Funny how I only started having this issue now. I recently upgraded my computer to windows 8 and it is now always asking me to login every time, whereas before upgrading, I never had this issue!
I'm not sure how that is even possible given my knowledge of the way that the system is setup. That is strange indeed.
RE: VANISHED! beau90 Straight B0Y Whisperer
Normally we can at least see it in some aspects because the torrent has been moved to ModsOnly, but in this case, I'm not entirely sure as to what happened with this torrent. I've never seen anything like what I see on my end when I open the torrent information page.
RE: Tracker offline (timed out) for four days now…
We are currently experiencing higher than anticipated network load volumes across the tracker at this time. As the result, you may notice tracker time outs or HTTP 502 errors when trying to update with the tracker. To ensure you are properly credited for your upload/download totals, please be sure to leave your torrent client running so that any unreported traffic can be reported at the next update. This is an intermittent issue and is affecting a lot of our users. We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause.
RE: Tracker offline (timed out)
We are still experiencing difficulties with the tracker, particularly higher than anticipated load volumes. As the result you may experience this error from time to time. In order to ensure that you are credited properly for your uploads and seeding, please ensure that you leave your torrent client running so that it can update your session totals upon the next successful update. We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause.
RE: Server Error 500 when I ck messages & A VERY EMBARASSING BUST by my ISP
From the sounds of it, it sounds like you downloaded this file while connected directly from your internet connection, rather than the VPN. The VPN itself will tunnel absolutely ALL of your internet traffic through the VPN server so that your ISP cannot see what you are doing, and by the same token, to the internet, you will appear as being somewhere other than where you really are.
As for the server error 500, I'm not sure what to say to that, as you seem to be the only person to experience this issue.
Now as for the speeds, this does make sense as most ISP's will automatically throttle your connection speed once they detect any kind of P2P traffic passing through your connection. When you're connected to the VPN on the other hand, all your ISP will see is your connection to the VPN, without being able to tell anything more.
As for having been "found out", this is likely a case of a copyright troll started IP sniffing through the peers list and found your IP address associated with an active P2P connection while you were downloading the file. This can easily be skirted around through the use of a VPN as this will mask your IP address to the internet as being that of your VPN, rather than that of your ISP.
RE: Still no points for duplicate torrent report?
Also, be sure that you are reporting them correctly. The vast majority of duplicate cases that I decline are because the original torrent was reported as the duplicate, leaving the actual duplicate torrent being reported as the original. In such a case, there is no option but to decline the duplicate because the duplicate is not the original torrent.
RE: Seed problem
We have been experiencing issues related to a hardware failure. The tracker should now be back up and running, without any issues. Sorry for the inconvenience. As for the website, please be patient while we continue to make a few upgrades. In the meantime, you may experience brief periods where neither the main website, nor the forum will work. This shouldn't last for much longer though.
RE: Tracker down?
We are experiencing tracker related issues due to a hardware failure. The problem should now be resolved and you should notice your torrents begin to pick up again.
RE: What do you know about PrEP?
Truvada (often referred to as PrEP) can be a very useful thing…. By the same token, it can also come with a hefty price. For example, when I was taking Truvada as a post-infection med, it made for a very "shitty" experience. To this day I still have not been able to shit quite right. If used properly, it can be rather effective, however I must forewarn that the "shitty" side-effect is among one of the most common, next to dry mouth.
RE: Was there a change in rules?
From what I can see, the tracker isn't wrong. There are several torrents that you have not downloaded 100% of all of the files for them. When this happens, the problem you end up with is that until your torrent client can report that you have 100% of the torrent (not just 100% of the files you downloaded), you will be seen as leeching the torrent. It is only when you have downloaded 100% of ALL the files in the torrent that the tracker will acknowledge you as seeding the torrent. This is why you're running into this issue.
RE: Upload credit
As a general rule, alittle bit of patience will go a long way…. See, your torrent client will only update your totals with the tracker once every 30 minutes. For this reason, you may notice a delay in the amount of data that has been transferred compared to the amount of data that the tracker shows.
RE: Download rights taken even though I uploaded
Yes… This is a common mistake that most people make. See, your torrent client only reports to the tracker once every 30 minutes. Because of this, you may notice a delay in the stats being reported accurately to the tracker.
RE: Is there any method to upload faster?
5 mbit upload?!?! I'd kill for an upload speed like that. I'm currently stuck on a legacy DSL line where I'm promised a max upload speed of about 800 kbit, but in reality, I only actually ever receive at most about 600 kbit. You should count yourself lucky that you're not living in the middle of nowhere where internet speeds are a complete joke.
RE: Time Zone Setting?
Those messages are actually based on the time zone of the server. The only thing that changing your time zone setting (which can be done in your forum profile settings) will do is change the date and time that appear on forum posts to make it show the date and time in your local time, instead of the server's time.
RE: How to see full download history?
There is a loop-hole, however it only works once. Go to the search option and look for the link for torrents you have not yet voted for. It will only show you the last 250, however when you start voting for them, the remainder will start to come up one by one. The only down side is that you can only do this ONCE. Once it's done, there's no way to go back through the list a second time.
RE: IOS app for torrent browsing
I wouldn't be so sure of that… Our site owner often uses his iPad to poke around the site. While it may not be all that mobile friendly, it is compatible with an iDevice of any sort. I've also found it works equally as well on an Android device too.
RE: Best ways to find FREELEACH to up ratio.
@tranxuan: If you hadn't said anything about your English and grammar not being so great, I never would have noticed.