Chances are you do not have the correct ports forwarded from your router to your computer.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Why not all peers see me?
RE: Fatal error: allowed memory size exhausted on line 220?
Are you by chance trying to upload a torrent with a huge file collection such as a picture set with a whole whack of images?
If so, it's likely that there are too many files in the torrent and that you need to group photos together into a zip or rar format to upload them.
RE: Making HDD last longer.. Turn disk off after idle?
My solution to this a while back was to convert everything over to SSD (Solid State Drive)… Not only are there no moving parts, but because there are no moving parts, the drives will naturally last longer.
RE: Now, the GayMafia has decided who can and cannot identify as "gay"
What a load of–---, there will be so many definitions soon we will all have our own individual classification!
I couldn't agree with you more on this one… The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me in all honesty.
RE: How many men you have had sex with so far?
If asking anal then around 15-16 and I'm 31. A super low number for me at least :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
i don't think that that is a low number!
It is in contrast comparison to someone like me… I'm only 30 and I honestly cannot answer this question because I lost track about 10 years ago. :hehe:
RE: How much porn do you have on your external hard drive? And does…
1.5TB, is that sad??
Not as sad as me…. I'm just about to break the 1 PB mark. That is of course, counting all of my various drives in my various locations across my network. I'm actually about to roll out some upgrades so that I can privately stream some of the content across the internet from one location to another.
For those of you who do not know, 1 PB = 1024 TB
RE: OK, What's a CREAMPIE to you?
Personally, the little piggy in me has never understood the pull out… I mean, if you're going to do something like take a rock hard monster cock balls deep, to me, it only seems right to accept the seed being dumped while still balls deep. After all, if you're going to do something like take a rock hard monster cock balls deep, you may as well do it right...
To me, anything less than feeling the load unload balls deep (regardless of which hole, although the back end is preferred) is just a waste.
RE: Downloading part of a collection
Funny question… Is your avatar you?
RE: Where do you want to cum?
Either balls deep inside the ass I'm fucking, or balls deep down the throat I'm stretching.
If you're gonna do it, do it right or go home lol
RE: What is your role?
I'm mostly bottom, and luckily for me, also collared property.
I do occasionally have my cravings to top though, although these aren't all that frequent.
RE: How to get someone to bareback with you?
What about asking "will you do me bareback?"
There's nothing sexier than a guy who can be straight to the point about what he wants
RE: Am I Ugly?
Maybe it is because I'm into young twinkish guys. I just find it hard to believe that none like an older guy.
Ah yes… From my experience, the younger ones are way more narrow-minded and shallow than they were even when I was still just a twinkie. A lot of the ones that I've seen will take one look at the long hair and keep scrolling sadly.
RE: Downloading part of a collection
There is no rule that says that you must download the entire torrent. With that being said however, if you do not download 100% of the torrent's contents, the tracker will not acknowledge you as seeding the torrent, even though your torrent client will say that you are seeding. The problem with this comes in whereas if you ever lose your download rights due to low ratio, you will not be able to seed that content because the tracker will acknowledge you as a seeder because your torrent client does not report that it has 100% of the entire torrent, but only the content that you have selected to download out of that collection.
RE: Im seeding my files and people are leaching just not from me?
There isn't any security issue with port forwarding, as long as Transmission is the only thing that listens on that port.
That being said though, there is a potential security hazard to using UPnP, which is why by default, it is disabled on all of my networks. In theory, malware can get in and inject itself into your system with UPnP, thus allowing an intruder to be able to potentially compromise your system through software you may not even know you are infected with.
The down side to UPnP is that it doesn't always work the way it is supposed to, which is why I recommend port forwarding manually. If you forward the ports manually, this ensures that the correct port is always forwarded to your computer.
RE: Find User problem
This feature was disabled for normal users for security reasons. If you are trying to reach out to a particular user, there is a workaround that I can facilitate.
With your permission, I can search for the user myself and make contact with them to provide them with a link that they can use to get in touch with you. To do this however I need your permission as we have a very strict policy with respect to privacy. This way, the only information that I have to disclose is the link to PM you, and let the user decide whether or not they wish to make contact.
If you're interested, please click here to send me a PM with the username you are looking for, and I would be happy to assist you.
RE: Im seeding my files and people are leaching just not from me?
Forwarding port 51413 in TCP and UDP from your router to the device that is running Transmission alone should solve your problem.
RE: Am I Ugly?
Please do not take what I'm about to say the wrong way as I do not mean to be offensive…
Given your facial features and the type of lenses that you require, I would be inclined to suggest perhaps a different kind of frame. Since you have a more rounded face, I would be inclined to recommend staying away from a rounded frame. In your case, I honestly don't think that the rounded frame suits your facial characteristics, largely because it draws more attention to the glasses than the beauty of the face under them. In your case, the round frame matched up against your facial structure sticks out like a sore thumb IMHO.
Don't get me wrong.... I'm definitely NOT saying that there's anything wrong with your face... Quite the opposite actually. What's under the glasses looks mighty fine to me. I just think that with your facial structure, that style of frame off-sets your overall image when compared to your facial structure by making your face under it almost look out of proportion (particularly in the cheek area), which to a lot of people (especially the shallow ones) can make you appear to be less intelligent than you actually are. I would be inclined to recommend a more squared frame, since it will not only help to make the glasses look better fitted to your face (without looking out of place), but it will also help to give you a much more sophisticated look. Also, the more squared frames would be a better fit to your facial structure, which will make them not look like they're out of place. In all honesty, I think the style of your frames looking so small compared to your facial structure, making both the glasses and your cheeks almost seem to look like they're out of place may be what is repelling people.
Again, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your face (because there most definitely is NOT), it's just that those particular frames don't compliment your facial features the way that they should, rather than clashing with your facial structure by making them almost look too small to fit your face, which I think is what makes them look out of place. With more squared frames, the lenses themselves would not only be that slight little bit larger, but I think they would also help to bring out your cheeks better, and would look like they're better fitted to your face. This would not only help to give you a sophisticated look, but I also think that they'd help to work with your facial features, bring out your cheeks more without making them appear to be so rounded, and most of all, would make them look more like they belong.
As for the hair, I must say... I'm not normally one to take a liking to guys with long hair, but with your facial features, I can honestly say that you're one of the few guys who I've seen who can actually rock the long hair and work it, rather than just looking like a drag queen with a 5-o'clock shadow. So... To bottom line it, no... You are not ugly... I think the problem is that your glasses are not as well suited to your facial features as they otherwise could be, which is what is throwing a lot of people off. If you had glasses that better accented your facial characteristics, I honestly think you'd get a much different response from people because a different frame would complete the ensemble, drawing more attention to the beauty of your face by complementing it, rather than looking like they're out of place.
So again I will say... NO... Your body isn't the problem... It's just that those particular glasses do not do compliment your beautiful face properly. I guess what I'm saying here is that if you can't stay away from the glasses (for reasons that are understandable), you would be better off to go with ones that "accessorize" your face better, thus completing the ensemble in a more sophisticated manner. I think you could totally rock the sexy look by only changing the glasses. Everything else looks damn fine to me. Â ;D
As for feeling out of place like you're turned away by your community no matter where you go, man… do I ever feel your pain. In my case, it's not my looks that do it. The problem that I have is that I live in a more closed minded community, so the second you say that you're HIV+, you'd better be prepared to live in exile.... So trust me when I say that I feel your pain. Far too many people are either way too shallow, or are narrow minded bigots who love nothing more than to judge other people, without even getting to know them. Just know that these judgements that people make reflect more upon the people making them than they do upon yourself. I've cried myself to sleep many a nights at the sheer amount of rejection that I've faced, either because I have gained a little bit of weight, or because I am HIV+. Sooner or later, you will eventually find someone who wants and accepts you for who you are.
For that matter, if you weren't so far away from me (I'm in Southern Ontario, about an hour West of Toronto), quite honestly, I'd jump at the opportunity to meet you and get to know you more. Just know that you're not alone in your feeling of being ugly, or otherwise being a social outcast that nobody wants. I know it's hard to deal with at times, especially with the constant rejection, but don't let that discourage you from trying. I know all too well what it feels like to just give up trying to connect with people for fear of the rejection. I know all too well that you can only get rejected so many times before eventually, it begins to hurt, and you can't help but wonder if you're either ugly, or have some kind of unsightly skin condition like Leprosy, and after a while, it becomes one hell of a bitch of a blow to the self-esteem. Just keep your head high and never lose hope... Eventually, there will be someone out there who accepts you the way you are and wouldn't have it any other way.
RE: Im seeding my files and people are leaching just not from me?
Thanks for pointing that out… I didn't think of that until you mentioned it. I took a quick look at the torrent in question and this is definitely NOT the case as the leechers are reporting less than 2% of the torrent downloaded, so I doubt that's the case.
RE: Im seeding my files and people are leaching just not from me?
Peer priority is generally sorted based on the connection speed of the peer. Also, with our tracker, even if you have a faster speed than any of the other peers in the pool, if you are a passive node, you are automatically thrown to the bottom of the priority. To make sure that you are an active node and not a passive node, I would recommend being sure that the correct port in TCP and UDP is forwarded from your router to your computer. This will maximize your potential for upload traffic.
After looking at your profile, it would appear that your Transmission client is using the default port number of 51413, and that your uTorrent is randomized. For optimal results, I suggest forwarding port 51413 from your router to your computer, as well as setting ONE port number in uTorrent and keeping that setting, instead of randomizing it. This way, you can be sure that the correct ports are forwarded through so that you receive as much upload traffic as possible.
RE: Ubuntu 16.04 & MLPPP
So here's another interesting question along the same lines as the other one….
I've added a third line to the MLPPP setup, and I'm having a hell of a time getting Ubuntu to play nice with bonding all 3 lines... Anyone have any advice or should I just bite the bullet and reformat the server to make it work?