That little recycle symbol means that the torrent has been promoted (refreshed) back to the top of the list. If you look at the first line of the torrent description, you will see the original date that the torrent was posted to the tracker.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: What are those triangles on some torrent names?
RE: ISP's End Copyright Alert System
Because in the United States, copyright trolls have nothing better to do than to needlessly harass people, even if it's over something that they distribute for free anyway lol
RE: MAverickmen
The only media ripper that I know of works with Firefox. It's called Flashgot
RE: My computer fritzed in a very weird way
As for the machine itself, I would suspect that it likely got hit with a power surge. This would explain why this suddenly happened.
As for Google, that is very bizarre, and I've never heard of that before. This makes me wonder whether or not you've been hit with a virus.
RE: Am I the only one that thinks there is too much "dad son" crap on here?
The other big problem that I find with a lot of the dad/son stuff that is posted on here is that the age gap does not seem to be all that great, if at all, which then leads one to ask themselves, which one is the "dad" and which one is the "son"… I didn't think it was physically possible, but it both sucks and blows lol
RE: I'm only be allowed one download at a time, it says, but I can't download at all
Even with no download rights, you can still download freeleech torrents, but you can only download one at a time.
RE: Downloads disabled today?
I have tried resetting your download rights, which seems to work for most users. Try downloading something now.
RE: ISP's End Copyright Alert System
I think the biggest part of the failure wasn't so much anything to do with Trump, but rather, the fact that ISP's actually have to do a great deal of work to throttle their customers for alleged copyright infringement. The other problem that comes into play here is that providers generally aren't willing to throttle or even disconnect their customers due to such allegations because of the potential impact that it can have to their profits.
Also, on that note, there is yet another problem that comes into play, which in Canada, was ruled to be a big issue and is the whole reason why the Canadian Notice & Notice system exists in the first place. As was argued in the case of Voltage Pictures LLC v. TekSavvy Solutions Inc (Case No. T-2058-12) back in 2013, TekSavvy set the precedent that an IP address alone is insufficient to require the disclosure of the subscriber identity under FIPPA (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) because the IP address alone does not prove who the end-user on the other side of the computer actually was, nor does an IP address appearing in the pool prove that the user has downloaded the content in full, or that they have shared it in full with another user. I think this is where the US is going to struggle the most, as Canadian law is often cited as the related case law in US cases, and vice-versa as both countries are said to be a "Commonlaw Country". The more troubling part in this case was that TekSavvy (my ISP) actually fought back and recovered some $22,000 in all the costs that they had to pay out for the case, as the case itself was ruled to have had an insufficient merit to pursue the ISP. (Things like this BTW are reasons why I stay with TekSavvy).
What will be interesting to see is how things go now that the USA is stuck with Trump as their president, as Trump has (on more than one occasion) made it clear that his aim is to at the very least seriously limit and censor the internet and what the US people are allowed to use it for, if not shut it down completely, depending on which version of the story from Trump's statements that you look at. Regardless of how this goes, because of the whole Voltage vs TekSavvy ordeal, it's going to be very hard for any copyright troll to continue to troll after any ISP, because you know damn well that this case will be cited as the relevant case law, even though it was a Canadian case.
RE: Downloads disabled today?
So what is the biggest file size I can download with the current ratio?
According to your profile, 190.34 GB… It's not so much about ratio as it is about the difference between your totals. You could have a higher ratio but be able to download less, or a lower ratio like I have and be able to download more. It all depends on how big the difference between the two totals is.
For example, with your ratio of 92.75 you can download 190.34 GB, but with my ratio of only a mere 2.731, I can download a whopping 3.12 TB of data before I hit my minimum ratio. This is because your figures are still in the GB range, whereas I have exceeded that and am now into the several TB range, so although my ratio is lower, the difference between my totals is far greater.
On that note, the greater that these totals become, the longer it will seem to take to affect your overall ratio.
Or is is just the 1 download limit since i cant download anything atm.. ?
There may be something amiss with your account, which sometimes happens to some of our users. I will reset your account now to make it work again.
RE: Downloads disabled today?
There are some restrictions that we place into effect depending on your ratio, whether or not you've made a donation (and if so, when) and a few other factors potentially. This is nothing specific to you, but rather is a set limit that applies to all users who fit a certain criteria. In the case of your ratio, this is perfectly normal. This is to help prevent users from being able to dig themselves too big of a ratio hole in a short period.
RE: When Downloading a Torrent
The only list that the torrent gets added to is the list of completed torrents in your profile, which only you and staff are able to see. Outside of that, there is no such list.
RE: Strange site performance
Yes… Time stamps are kinda helpful... I think I'll start poking through the RouterOS in the Mikrotik router the next time it happens and see if I can pull any useful information from there, as well as prod at the modems to see if there's anything out of place there (like maybe a high CRC rate on one of the modems, thus throwing the other 2 off maybe?)
I think the biggest part of my problem is going to be that since I have MLPPP in the equation, it could be increasingly more difficult to figure out the exact cause, due to the nature of the packets being sent from my laptop in the trailer, to the wireless router in the trailer, then out the trailer and underground to the house where it hits the "Grand Central Switch", which then passes it to the server on one network card, and out the other to the router. At the router level (it's a Mikrotik RB-750) the packets get split into 3 segments, each one of which is sent off on a different DSL modem (all TP-Link TD-8816 BTW), out a different DSL line, to be reassembled at my ISP's gateway level. That little voodoo magic though the magic of MLPPP may be a factor in the problem that I am experiencing. I just find it strange that it seems to be isolated to this site (that I've noticed so far).
RE: Too much Straight Porn
I like straight porn although I never download it from here. I totally forgot this site even had it! I need to go take a look!
Yes… We do... Click the "Profile" button in the blue bar at the top of the page, and you should see the check boxes to enable/disable those categories.
Strange site performance
I don't know if it's actually an intermittent problem with the site (or possibly HyperFilter), or something about my 3-line MLPPP setup not liking me, but I've noticed a strange behaviour from the site recently. At times, I'll click on something to load a page, and it's like I get stuck for a while at times waiting for the page to load. Every time Google Chrome comes up and gets stuck on "Waiting for…" or "Waiting for" before it finally loads the page. When it does get to loading the page, it almost seems as though the page takes significantly longer to load completely than it otherwise does. When this happens, it doesn't last for very long (maybe 3 - 5 minutes), and then the site starts loading lightning fast again. Also, when this does happen, it's like the page sometimes loads in segments... Like it will load about 1/3 of the page, then pause again for a short period, then load another chunk of the page, then pause again for a short period, then finally finish loading everything.
The interesting part is that when I load other sites like Netflix, YouTube, eBay, etc. they all seem to load at normal speed, and I typically do not notice any kind of decrease in my torrent transfer speeds. Also, when I run a speed test, I keep my usual ping of ~14ms and I seem to still be able to get the full 10.25mbit down / 1.75mbit up speeds, indicating that all three of my 4032/800 pre-Y2K legacy ADSL2+ lines are functioning and that the Mikrotik router is splitting the packets into 3 properly, and they're getting reassembled at the gateway into a single packet properly the way they're supposed to through the magic of MLPPP.
So... I'm asking here... Has anyone else noticed this strange behaviour, or do I need to start to rip apart my MLPPP settings to figure out what is going on and why I am experiencing this?
Also, if it's of any value, I can post whatever logs, config files, etc that may be helpful in figuring out where the problem is because it's reeeeeeally annoying when this happens, especially when I'm in the middle of a mod function and the site suddenly decides that it doesn't want to cooperate.
RE: Loud sex or nah?
I honestly hate old vintage porn, even when the guys are super hot, where they just play music. WTF, didn't they have mics on camcorders in the 90s?
Vintage porn from the 90's is old? Either you're still just a twink like pup, or I'm slowly becoming the crypt keeper! LOL
Granted, I'll admit that technically, as much as I hate to admit it, 90's technically can fall into "Vintage", but when I think "Old Vintage", the first thing that comes to mind is the 1960 - 1986 era… before the days of GRID[nb]Gay Related Infectious Disease - Now commonly referred to as HIV[/nb]. So… This begs the obvious question...
How old are you TheSlink?
RE: Cramps in stomach after being fill up
There's also this lovely product available from my favourite pig sex supplier (Fort Troff) commonly referred to as the "Shower Shot". There are a few versions available, depending on the application in which it will be used. They don't appear to have the same version as the one that I got once upon a time, but I don't imagine that it would be all that hard to find one. The one that I have hangs over your existing shower head, with a funnel like thing at the top to catch the water from your shower head, and let it flow down the hose.
The closest version that they would have would be the following: <– This one is more of a permanent solution, but it works nevertheless. The difference between this one and most of the others is the length of the rubber end... IMO, the deeper it can go, the better, especially if you're looking for a night of "ffun".
If you're looking for something less conspicuous, I would recommend something more along the lines of this:
The sensation may take a little getting used to, but I assure you that it's totally worth it in the end. If you start to shake it just right when inserted, it can make for quite the sensation as it cleans out both really well and really quickly. Something like this would definitely help as it can reach areas where you simply cannot get to on your own.
The little piggy in me loves using these things because it not only helps prevent that sometimes embarrassing "Hershey Highway" effect, which can sometimes turn into "Mud Valley" when they pull out, but it also ensures that you do not have that additional pressure from being "too full" during your sexual encounter, thus making it more pleasurable. With one of these, it eliminates the "oh shit" factor completely, and at the same time, prevents the cramps from having your shit packed (pun intended).
RE: Paper Tissues vs. Cloth vs. Moist Wipes vs. Washing
No one licks them up? lol :cheers:
I do… It's such a waste otherwise... Whatever I can't lap up gets wiped on a dirty shirt that then gets thrown into the wash.
RE: Do you like your ass hole licked?
best sensation ever
I disagree… While I will admit that getting rimmed is quite a wonderful sensation, nothing beats the sensation of a fist exploring your insides at LEAST wrist deep...
I can't handle it.
It does take a little getting used to, but once you manage to do it for the first time successfully (and poppers do help), it's quite the sensation.