Yes… When your download rights are taken, you can still download one torrent at a time, however this is limited to only torrents that are on freeleech. I try to go about the site on a daily basis, adding little goodies, and I try to ensure that every niche, fetish, interest, etc is covered. This is not only to help restore the life of torrents, but in some cases, this can even be a means of helping users restore their ratio by making some of the less popular torrents they are seeing a little more popular and visible, as to encourage people to download them.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Download rights taken
RE: Suddenly nothing will download….
I think I can shed some light on that…
When you download a torrent, if you do not download 100% of ALL of the files, the tracker will still recognize you as "leeching" the torrent, even if your torrent client says that you're seeding the contents that you have. It is only once 100% of ALL of the files are downloaded that the tracker will recognize you as seeding the torrent.
RE: Where can we post video for streaming?
There are many tube sites available, but on the most part, they're all subject to the DMCA, so it really doesn't matter where you post them. That said, streaming video and torrents are two completely different breeds of distribution for content. The two do not usually mix very well, if at all.
RE: Suddenly nothing will download….
Unfortunately, these screen shots are not sufficient to determine the cause of the problem. It is critical to know what the tracker status and/or error message is in order to determine the exact cause of this issue. To get this, click on the torrent within uTorrent, then click the "Trackers" tab and look for the message listed beside the tracker.
RE: Huge problems with your website!
It sounds like you're using an ISP that leaves much to be desired, or that uses DNS servers that for some reason, are not resolving the IP address of the site or tracker. I would suggest changing to Google DNS or manually adding the entries into your system's hosts file to ensure that you always get the right address, and therefore, always connect without any issue.
RE: Broken images?
This is a known intermittent issue, and we are working to resolve it. It seems to be the result of a server upgrade that we recently conducted.
RE: Huge problems with your website!
Does the hosts file fix work in your case?
If it doesn't, then it's possible that either your ISP is blocking P2P traffic, or your ISP is blocking our site or systems either by IP address, or by IP Subnet. In most cases, the hosts file fix should get you around the issue by making your computer remember the IP address, without needing to use DNS.
RE: Ratio Question
That's what a VPN is for. In reality, I'm in the middle of nowhere squared, in a trailer, in the bush, hiding from civilization in Southern Ontario, Canada, however according to the internet, with the magic of a VPN, I keep appearing as being either in London, UK, or in Norway. Not only can you hide your IP address with a VPN, but you can also hide your location, and avoid ISP traffic throttling for P2P traffic, because not even your ISP can tell what you're up to when you're on a VPN.
RE: No uploading amount increase by uploading video.
Stopping the torrent was your biggest mistake. See, your torrent client only updates with the tracker once every 30 minutes. If you stop the torrent before it updates with the tracker, then it does not update with the tracker, and the uploaded data is never credited to you because it isn't reported to the tracker. THAT is likely why you didn't see much upload traffic. You stopped the torrent before it was able to update with the tracker.
RE: Huge problems with your website!
It sounds like your ISP has either suddenly blocked our site, or more likely, they have not updated their DNS Root zone, and as such, their DNS servers are pulling up a previous cached record for the site. The other possibility is that the DNS simply will not resolve the domain, which can also be the sign of a root zone issue.
Your best bet here would be to add the following lines to the hosts file in your computer. Those lines are: tracker.gaytorrent.twIf you add these four lines to your system's hosts file, this should resolve the problem. If you're not sure of how to modify your computer's hosts file, I would encourage you to check out this comprehensive guide.
RE: Ratio Question
Also, increasing your ratio generally works best when you're actually seeding your torrents.
RE: Anyone knows which mesh system to choose?
I have several across my network, most of which are older… In the trailer I use a WRT-610N, and in the main house that the trailer feeds off of, I use a different Linksys router, but I forget the exact model that I use.
I used to use them exclusively, that is of course, until I had to resort to MLPPP, which bonds multiple DSL lines together for me. That's when I started making the switch from Linksys over to Mikrotik, as the Mikrotik has way more advanced features that I actually use.
RE: Is there any way to be notified when a specific torrent is uploaded?
The short answer to your question is no… The closest thing we have is the RSS feed, but that doesn't get specific and updates with ALL new uploads.
RE: Anyone knows which mesh system to choose?
I would go with the Linksys personally… I find them to be die-hard reliable, and their performance to be stellar.
If you're looking for something a little more high performance or high-end, I would be inclined to recommend a Mikrotik router. They're what runs my entire super custom super network.
RE: Hash Pieces Error Message
This error most commonly comes up when one of two things happens….
The torrent exceeds 50 GB in size
One or more of the file or folder names contains an invalid character that QTM doesn't support. Check the file names and ensure that there are no strange characters. It should only have numbers, letters, spaces, dots, dashes, or square brackets. I'm not 100% sure if it supports round brackets. I believe it does, but I'm not positive on that. Apostrophes and characters with diacritical markings such as accents are the most common things to trip up QTM.
RE: Selective problems with leeching new torrents and reseeding old torrents
You are going to need to inquire to the helpdesk on this one, as it requires discussing sensitive information about your account.
Also, given the amount of time that your post sat before I found it, I have also reset your passkey, as you posted it in the public forum in your original post. I went ahead and removed it from your original post, however given how long your post was in public view, it was necessary to ensure the security of your account.
You will need to update your announce URL in all of your torrents, or re-download all of the .torrent files to re-seed the torrents with. All future downloads shouldn't be a problem, as they will already contain your new private passkey.
RE: Can't download through PIA proxy.
Also, with the way the site is setup, some proxy systems choke on the site's security, which somehow causes the connection not to pass all the way through to the server.
RE: Can't download through PIA proxy.
If you are using the full VPN, you shouldn't need the added layer with the extra proxy connection on top of the full VPN.
That being said, as I recall with PIA, it requires that you use certain servers for port forwarding, and it requires that you use a specific port that it will assign to you. You need to ensure that your torrent client falls in line with the port number that they assign for P2P port forwarding. If you do not do this, it can become extremely difficult to get upload traffic.
RE: Upload not going to uploader?
It sounds like you do not have the correct port forwarding settings configured on your network. The other problem with this is that your torrent client seems to use a random port every time you start it up. This can become problematic….
See... In order to get optimal upload traffic, even when you're not leeching the torrent or are the only seeder, you need to ensure that the port that your torrent client uses is forwarded to your computer, both in TCP and UDP. To do this properly and securely, you need to first turn off the random port option, so that you can forward just ONE port to use with your torrents. Once this is done and incoming connections can be properly forwarded through to your computer, you should notice a HUGE difference in the results.
RE: No uploading amount increase by uploading video.
You uploaded your torrent a couple of months ago and have long ago stopped seeding it. In order to get upload traffic, you must be seeding your upload. As soon as you stop the torrent, the stats that will show in your profile will reset to zero, as they show the total amount that has been transferred in that particular session.
With that being said though, when you are seeding the torrent, any traffic that you obtain while seeding that torrent DOES get counted towards your overall totals, which are what is used to calculate your ratio.