This is seeming more and more like it's a site overload issue at those hours. I wonder if there's another upgrade coming soon?
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Intermittent/Daily Slow downs and/or "Site down for maintenance" errors
RE: Question about torrents and screenshots/covers
This depends, as some torrents will allow you to upload more than 10 pictures to a torrent. That being said, it is one SBP per picture that gets approved.
RE: Uploading While Downloading
This may be due to the nature of the way torrents work… See, your torrent client only reports to the tracker once every 30 minute on each torrent. For this reason, you may notice a delay in your stats being updated.
By the same token, please be aware that freeleech torrents do NOT count towards your download totals, however any upload traffic that you earn through freeleech torrents is counted towards your upload totals.
RE: Intermittent/Daily Slow downs and/or "Site down for maintenance" errors
This seems to happen around the same time on a daily basis, which makes me wonder if it's server maintenance, or if it's that the server at that hour is just too overloaded to be able to handle all the traffic it receives.
RE: How to send PM?
Sending PM's is currently not something that is widely supported, as it requires some knowledge of the system in order to make it work. Also, depending on your profile settings, users may not be able to send you a PM unless you have sent them a PM first, or they are staff.
RE: Intermittent/Daily Slow downs and/or "Site down for maintenance" errors
Yes… This seems to happen every morning around 1 AM in my time zone. I'm in Eastern Daylight Time
RE: How much storage do you have?
I have a whole series of systems… Just the system that I have on site in the main building where my trailer is has FOUR different 2 TB hard drives installed. Each one is accessible across the internal network, including from the extremities such as the trailer, which sits in the bush out in the field, some 200 feet away from the main building where my network begins.
From there, I have three other data stations that I've built myself. They are all in different locations, and all host at LEAST 2 TB worth of hard drive storage at any given point in time, all of which is accessible to me through the internet portion of my local network. For when I'm not at home, I have a way of being able to VPN into one of the two stations as though my computer were directly connected to the internal network, so as to be able to access the content from virtually anywhere securely.... All through a 100% home made system.
RE: Best anti virus software for a mac?
Just turn on firewall, keep a password on, make backups to an external drive, and use a vm for anything you might think is dangerous.
I assure you that this is a rather terrible idea… A firewall alone will not protect from certain kinds of malware, especially if it supports UPnP. While it may be sufficient to prevent most internet based exploits, it does not take into account that some of them take advantages of other loopholes in the system, not necessarily limited to just exploiting things like UPnP to be able to establish a Trojan Horse style attack, but also certain other hardware exploits that do not necessarily need the internet to be able to do their harm. Such examples include ransomware, which can encrypt your sensitive information and critical system components, or even worse, in the case of one Mac virus I was hit with back in the late 1990's, it actually did physical damage to the internal hardware of the system, which effectively destroyed the entire computer beyond repair.... A simple firewall in this case would not have been sufficient to be able to save me from this attack, as the particular computer in question was only equipped with a 56k DIAL-UP connection, which was not even established at the time. Believe it or not, simply by inserting a 3.5" floppy disk into my computer that was infected with the virus was enough to take everything down.... The down side of hardware that is designed to automatically read whatever media is inserted the moment that it is inserted...
RE: Problem loading the pictures
The last I had heard, this was something that was in the works. I'm not sure what ever came of it though, as it seems that completely restoring my browser to factory defaults, then rebooting my system does not even fix the problem, leading me to believe that there's something up on the server side that is causing this.
RE: Help - VPN for dummies?
In order to ensure your security with a VPN, you really do need a paid service. I personally use PrivateVPN. You will find that their Windows client will take care of pretty much everything you will need to use the service.
RE: How Do I Start?
There are also many things that the new user content does not mention. The biggest of these is the importance of port forwarding. I cannot stress enough how important this is.
If you would like more specific information, please PM Me and I would be happy to assist you further.
RE: Easter Freeleech
We do not have any plans of a freeleech marathon at this time. With that being said however, I may be able to help you out a little in other ways. Please PM Me for more information if this may interest you.
RE: Do you make category votes
This depends entirely on my mood and how much free time I have on my hands. :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:
Bonded DSL, MLPPP, and Rural Internet
I know that some of us suffer from bandwidth poverty, including myself. The funny thing is that I have the resources of a 3rd world country, yet I'm right smack in the middle of a 1st world country (Canada). So… I'm wondering, how many of you have had to get creative with more unconventional methods to be able to bring the bandwidth to you, and how do you do it?
I used to use MLPPP, which was fine enough for what it was, but still lacked in many ways. Sometimes video streams on the Android box were all but impossible, even though I had the 13 mbit / 3.25 mbit speeds on a speed test. I have since switched over to Bonded DSL and installed it alongside the existing MLPPP installation so that I can still reboot the modems, check on line stats, etc. without having to leave the trailer. I still have to build a better power supply, as that part of the network was also done on the fly, but it's WAY more organized and much more cat proof than it was. Yes... Unfortunately, cats are part of the reason why I had to get creative, even with how I attached the bonder to the wall. It does not have keyholes on the back of the unit, and according to the contract with my ISP, I am not allowed to modify the bonder, the modems they provided (which I don't use), or the cables that they provided (so I use my own). My cheap solution was steel strapping that I could pick up pretty cheap from the local hardware store.
Here's my new setup: seen anything like this before? Had to use something similar? Have a creative solution of your own for your area?
RE: Every day
We seem to have had a few users come out of the woodwork recently who have uploaded several torrents within a short period of time that fit this description. The problem is that we only have so many people who can only be around to do so much in a day, and it's not always possible to catch these things right away.
That being said, I can assure you that as these things come up, we are taking the appropriate measures (starting with revoking automatic approval of uploads) to ensure that these torrents that generate a plethora of complaints do not continue to go public from these users until we have had a chance to verify that they meet the criteria. At one point this was the norm for all uploads, however the volume of new uploads began to exceed the availability of manpower, which is why things are the way they are now.
Believe me when I say that you are not alone in this frustration, and we are doing everything we can to remedy the situation.
RE: Android or iOS?
I much prefer Android over iOS… Apple is very well known for cooperating with different agencies both in Canada and the USA. In fact, there have been a number of people in Canada alone who have had literally the entire contents of their whole device easily and willingly turned over to the authorities, without putting up any resistance, and in some cases, without even requiring a warrant to divulge that information. It was simply requested without any sort of legal process and voluntarily handed over, including live updates to keep track of a suspected crime in progress to use that information against the person, long before even having to seek a warrant for the arrest. The information in one such case that I can think of was used as their "probable cause" to arrest and detain first, THEN seek the warrant for custody. Granted, I don't intend on doing anything illegal, however having gone through a legal nightmare a few years back over something that I didn't even do, I'm certainly not about to give the wrong people anything that could be of any value to them if I can absolutely help it.
While Google does track certain things, they do not store anywhere NEAR as much information, and they go out of their way to put up as much of a fight as possible to resist having to cooperate with the authorities. That's part of why Google goes to great lengths to ensure that the powers that be simply cannot be contacted. Among the things that are not stored on Google but are stored if you have iOS include text messages, every single file that you've stored on your phone, all of your contacts (regardless of whether or not you use the cloud), and so, so much more.... I happen to know for a fact that in Canada, unless the phone is a Telus post-paid cell phone, once the text message is deleted from the device, it is gone forever, unless it can be retrieved from the other device that either sent you the message, or received the message from you.
Also, the different features that Android phones have to integrate into Google do come with alternatives that do not require you to use Google to make them work. If you use these options to steer clear of "the cloud", then the information is kept solely within your device. The same cannot be said about iOS products, as the ENTIRE phone is forcefully backed up to the cloud, which includes.... you guessed it.... All that information you were trying to keep OUT of the cloud.
Since I have been a person of interest by the authorities in my community in the past, this is my reason for choosing Google as sadly, being the lesser of the two evils.
RE: Your TOP 5 Guys for hottest scenes (biggest turn-on… not necess best looking)
Brad McGuire
Austin Shadow
Ty Roberts
BJ Slater
Nick MorettiIf you put me in a room with these 5 men all horned up, I guarantee it would be a HOT scene!
RE: Help finding a site rule
The short answer is yes… It is called our Banned Content List, which you can also find the link to when you click on the upload tab at the top of the page.