I do not have curse words that rightly give justice to how this tech is making me feel.
It has switched back to ignoring the HDMI input. The splash screen still comes up so I know they are at least connected but then poo.
So I go back to try everything except for my special African Foot Dance (I can only perform that under circumstances I'd rather not elaborate on) hoping against hope that something shakes something & I can have HighDef again.
So I came across a suggestion involving my model TV and the WD players but it scares me so if anyone's made it this far your thoughts on shaving off some of the plastic from the plug exposing more of the metal on the HDMI cable?
Demonstrated thusly:
           ,–-------------, <- plastic
cable       |         |----,
==========|Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â |Â <-metal
           |         |----´
           |        |------,
==========|Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â |
           |        |------´