I don't know about "most," but it's pretty common. It's also more likely to grow there as you get older.
Posts made by furfiend
RE: What is the natural "hairiness" of the average man?
RE: Gay Porn Star Dustin Gold Caught in Racist Rant in NYC
I agree there shouldn't be such a thing as "acceptable racism." If I had to guess at a justification for this, I would say probably that (in Western societies, at least) bigotry against ethnic/social minorities and women have significant negative impacts on those groups, while specifically anti-white bigotry hasn't really hurt white people in nearly the same ways.
Do I think that justifies anti-white racism? No. But I can at least understand where the argument is coming from.
Quick fatigue
Have you ever tried out a weight training exercise you haven't done before – so you pick a weight to start... One rep, you think, "Oh this is easy. I may need a heavier weight." After three reps, you start feeling it. And after six reps, you literally cannot do another one?
Is this normal (especially for underworked muscles)? Or could it be a sign of too much caloric deficit or something?
RE: Quarantine Workouts?
I'm firmly in the clinically obese category. History has taught me that I'm never going to eat as healthy as I want. Job stress and a general lack of time, energy, and willpower will always lead me periodically to fast food/junk food, but I can and have made incremental changes.
@alcrow: I've only recently started using my treadmill semi-seriously, with some weight training. Looking in the mirror, I can't be sure anything's changing, but like you, I've noticed my stamina increasing. Even if I end up looking the same six months from now, I hope to keep it up for at least that reason.
By the way, if you're worried your workouts are becoming less challenging, the key is variety. If you keep doing the same exercises, yes, your body can get efficient at using those muscles at the expense of others. Always look up new exercises that target the same major areas. Odds are, they're going to use different secondary muscles, as well. A good way to find any weak spots you may have been neglecting.
Bottom line, there's always room for improvement, but doing something is almost always better than doing nothing. Keep up the work, and meanwhile, you can start trying out the advice given to see what changes might give you better results.
RE: Bush or no bush?
Over most of the body, I think the more hair, the better. I'm weirdly indifferent when it comes to the crotch.
I like hairy balls; I like smooth balls. I like wild, natural bush; I like neatly trimmed so it won't get caught in my teeth bush. I don't even mind the shave around the base of the cock for the extra visual centimetre bush. The only things that are really turn-offs for me are a completely shaven crotch (with rare exceptions) and weird, unnatural shapes like the landing strip.
RE: Getting tired too easy
You have to identify the underlying cause before you can decide on an appropriate course of action.
It could be you aren't getting enough sleep. It could be a sleep disorder like sleep apnea. It could be a thyroid or other glandular issue. It could be depression. It could be anemia. It could be an infection.Unless something changed recently in your life that coincided with a sudden change in energy levels, then I think you need to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss things. He can ask you questions and run tests to try to identify why this is happening.
RE: He likes hurting me during sex
Time to implement a safe word. If he doesn't respect the safe word, or if he starts acting differently or trying to control other aspects of your life, dump him and run like the wind.
RE: How old were you when you find that you gay ??
I'm pretty sure I was 11 when I figured it out. I remember I liked seeing our gym coach in his office in his jockstrap after PE (I didn't even know what a jockstrap was at the time), but oddly, that didn't tip me off.
As I went through puberty, I started drawing sexy pictures – of myself nude in the mirror, of women from magazines in sexy outfits, of muscular bodybuilders. I just figured I liked drawing the muscular guys because I wanted to look like that someday, until one day when I was 11 I was looking at them and literally thought to myself, "Wait a minute... I think I'm gay." Many years later, 100% confirmed. ;D
(Funny side story: Years later, my younger sister would go rummaging through my room and find my numerous drawings of nude men. That's how, as an adult, she deduced that I was probably gay. At the time, however, she says she just assumed they were for a school assignment.
RE: Favorite Jerking Position
Am I the only one that jacks off sitting on the toliet? That way I can cumm in the bowl with no mess! :dick:
Yeah, I did that when I lived with my parents, too. Often at school (uni) between classes. I guess I still do (at home) on rare occasions.
These days, I mostly do it lying or sitting in bed, though on my knees straddling a guy's chest is pretty fun, too.
RE: Past Affairs
I can understand not wanting to mess with a good thing, but also consider that secrets like this have a way of coming out eventually. How would it affect your relationship for him to find out from someone else versus you telling him on your own? Tread carefully, and consider what you know about your husband's personality, but my gut says an honest confession is going to lead to a stronger marriage than comforting lies.
Also consider that he may know already. I was in a relationship with a guy who would very obviously lie about looking at, talking to, and later meeting up with other guys. He's done the same with his boyfriends since, as well. I wouldn't have minded so much if he didn't always deny it, but he seemed utterly incapable to admitting to any fault.
RE: Let us share naked or shirtless workout video links
I like this idea. I, too, find things like this a great motivational help to my own workouts.
Shirtless bench press:
Shirtless to nude workout:
Jockstrap (short clip):
Nude workout:
Nude workout (the guy's not my cup of tea, but he's hung):
If you've got a high tolerance for crazy:
https://www.xvideos.com/video33859427/video_25_What I'd really love is footage of hot guys running shirtless (bonus points for muscle bears or buff daddies). I can never find anything online that isn't like a 30-second clip.
RE: Side effect of underwear
perhaps you can explain rather than flaming.
OP was spamming the forum with topics. Obviously looking for points and not answers.
RE: Do you sleep naked?
Yes. I find clothes uncomfortably hot and constricting when I'm trying to sleep.
I only sleep in clothes if I'm sleeping on a family member's couch or a shared bed or something. Even if I'm sharing a bed with a platonic gay friend, I'll sometimes wear shorts to bed, but then take them off under the covers and cover just my crotch with them. Comfort and modesty combined.
RE: Beard Oil/Balm?
Most of the year, I keep my beard pretty short (~1 - 2 cm), so I just shampoo/condition it with my hair. Over the summer holidays, though, I usually let my beard grow out, and then I do use beard balm.
I find it keeps my beard much softer. It also seems to make it a little easier to manage; without it, my hair immediately curls in every direction and looks even thinner than it actually is.
I don't know what the ingredients are, but I assume it's mostly just a hydrophobic barrier to keep the hairs from drying out. If you have a somewhat longish beard and it's not as soft as you like or it's not growing as long as you'd like, I say try it out. Note, you only need the tiniest amount, so it usually lasts a good while.
RE: How you do feel if you jerked off before going to the gym?
I'm not an endocrinologist, but based on personal experience : If I have a little pent-up sexual energy beforehand, I am more likely to be motivated and use that energy in my workout. I can always jerk off in the shower if my body's not too sore. If I jerk off before, though, I tend to feel tired/sleepy and less motivated to even go to the gym.
RE: Have you ever used someone strictly for sex and then left after you're done with
Casual hookup? Of course. Sometimes life gets complicated. Sometimes you miss intimacy but don't have the time or energy to pursue a relationship. Sometimes you're just horny as hell.
Make your intentions clear, be respectful, protect yourself, and don't overthink it.
RE: Hairy hole what's the best way to shave?
Get a partner who appreciates a hairy arse! ;D
RE: Ear cleaning
After every shower. I know you're not supposed to, but I'm so used to it that it bugs me if I don't.
RE: Seed bonus questions
C'est ça !
La quantité de donneés ne compte que pour le ratio.