left/right/up/down - Condoning/accepting ANY sort of violence is abhorrent to me - I am starting to think that people, in general, seem to think that standing up to others has to include violence. People who do not resort to violence, seem to have a stigma put on them, like they are somehow weak.. which is sad. There are a million ways to protest things that are not violent. I do not even believe those that say violence is a last resort or any such nonsense.
Self Defence is the only way I can see physical altercation being ok.. as in if they hit you and you need to hit back to defend yourself or loved ones etc
Attacking people - verbally or physically in disagreement is too easy to do these days and Politics seems to bring out the worst in people. Emotions create attack and defence modes in people that are just scary - I have been part of that and seen it way too often, most recently on the internet.
I will not apologise for violence I was not responsible for or was inflicted by people I do not know at all. Just because I may sometimes share their political beliefs that doesn't suddenly mean they are miraculously forgiven for doing it or that I would do the same thing or condone it.
I know that some history buffs may point certain things out to me, where violence meant a group or groups got heard etc - but at what cost ?