We got a search guide to search before uploading there > https://www.gaytorrent.ru/uploadguide.php?lan=1#500 , it might be helpful.
To your questions:
1. Are these noted as marks against an uploader's name ? e.g. 3 duplicates and you get warned ?
Yes, duplicates are listed on an uploader's Profile (only torrent staff can see).
There will be no warning usually, but if there are two many duplicates among the uploads the member will be set to have he uploads reviewed by a moderator prior to being made public. It is not a fixed amount of duplicates but these are seen in context of the global uploading activity. It makes a difference if an uploader got 5 duplicates among 10 uploads or among 100 uploads or if among the first days 4 uploads were 3 duplicates and it is visible the lesson was learned with the following uploads.
Thanks for the link, and prompt response, Mr Popper