@qazssllloooo Thanks! didn't see that - oops
Posts made by Dene
RE: the site says " 0 torrent download - 0 torrent upload"
RE: the site says " 0 torrent download - 0 torrent upload"
@zwinna same
- it is just stalled. I tried all the fixes they did not work (they never seem to lol)
RE: Sydney - 141 New Covid Hospitalizations - 140 were Vaccinated!
@manhandler re: Sydney - it was actually the other way ariound
140 were UNvaccinated - he got it wrong and a few secs later apologised and corrected himself
RE: Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Miraculously Dumped 100% For Biden
These are first hand eye witnesses, with video. It's not hearsay you incompetent fool. And yes, we've already seen the videos!!! We know Trump won. There is nothing to concede.
I was not attacking either of you.. just discussing things - don't attack others on here just because they share a diff view point (red or blue or freaking pink) If the extreme sides (both) on here were not so ready to attack eachother then more might join in in discussions
I simply stated the truth.. the courts can't do anything without def legal proof (heavily edited videos with no context are going to get thrown out no matter how true they are). I was not rude or taking sides just stated facts.. IF there is clear legal evidence (whether its video or watermarks or whatever) then roll on Trump for four more years
Anyway, this "incompotent fool" is outta here for another long while - hope it all pans out and maybe the US gets some well deserved peace and quiet.. but i doubt it
RE: Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Miraculously Dumped 100% For Biden
Why were Repub vote observers prevented from watching the counts in several states?
This has yet to be proven - true or not (no matter what you strongly believe) these allegations need more proof
The thing is most of these allegations have not been proven - they are purely hearsay 3rd party allegations with no actual proof.. Until they are proven then they are just allegations and therefore will mean nothing in a court of law
some of these so called allegations and issues brought to court by Trump et al have been thrown out of court within hours as they have nothing to back them up - at this point it feels like they are just throwing stuff at a wall and hoping something sticks
RE: Official Ballots Were Watermarked! Dems copied them without knowing.
In PA, they are allowing ballots where the signatures don't match.
Which is not fraud/illegal since they are not even checking - PA “does not authorize or require county election boards to reject absentee or mail-in ballots…based on an analysis of a voter’s signature.”
so it doesnt helps or hinder either side
Ilhan Omar's district already has a ballot harvesting scandal that the FBI is looking at.
People WANT FBI to to look in to it but the FBI has made no indication they are at all - the project veritas video was even debunked by Jamal (the guy who took it ) but by then it was shared and believed by so many that the fact that he said he had no actual proof was ignored
RE: Official Ballots Were Watermarked! Dems copied them without knowing.
Well! It has been revealed today that the official ballots were watermarked with non radioactive isotopes, because Trump knew that they'd do this. Democratic operatives copied them without knowing it, meaning, Trump and the military know where all the official ballots went, what was thrown away, and all the counterfeit ballots can be weeded out and people can be arrested. There's more proof than just the ballots too. It's on video, election officials kicking out GOP poll watchers and declaring that Trump votes get destroyed. He just busted them in a sting operation and that's why he's been quiet the last few days, allowing them to dig their own grave even further. It's called QFS Blockchain Encryption. This is a crypto watermark that can only be seen under a black-light, made by a special printer only by officially designated printers. Also Trump got 28% of the vote from the gay and trans community. Cheers!
You do know that there is no federal system for ballots right? Each state take care of their own ballot papers etc Trump has no way of putting anything on them - in fact if he did that is technically HIM tampering not the other way around but he hasn't because it would be impossible for him to do so
RE: Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Miraculously Dumped 100% For Biden
One thing that stood out as a possibility is that Trump's followers were told not to vote via mail/absentee/drop-off and to instead vote at the polls, and they did so.
Those not following Trump and/or worried more about Covid-19 used mail/absentee/drop-off and it is those that were recently (and are being) counted.
President Trump was a huge influence in a lot of his supporters voting in person - they then did exactly that, in most cases.
Covid fears also played a part on this
This + plus the fact that states all count differently (some count mail ins at the end etc) means each side got large quantities of votes counted at once (Trump at start and Biden much later) which led to people falsely saying its rigged/fraudulent etc
Record number of votes were cast.. which I think is amazing BUT just shows why and how tight the race is - people are polarised.. but that is a seperate discussion
RE: Re-Design
Just putting my opinion out there
but this seems sleeker now & def more modern
It is more compact than most would be used to but even using it for the first couple of minutes, it seems very easy to navigate
Terence McNally has died
I was looking up something else and came across this!
He wrote Love! Valour! Compassion! & Kiss Of The Spider Woman
A giant of the American theater, Terrence McNally has died of complications from COVID-19. An 81-year-old lung cancer survivor with chronic pulmonary disease, McNally died in a Sarasota, Fla., hospital, according to Deadline.
While celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Idris Elba, and Andy Cohen have tested positive for the virus that is now a pandemic, McNally is the highest-profile person to die of COVID-19.
RE: Gay Themed Definition
There was the new movie 1917 and also Aladdin.
But an example and others might disagree is a Madonna Concert.
I personally think Madonna is a no but i can see that could open a whole debate (I just don't think a gay icon is enough to be intrepreted as following the rules)
If they allow Madonna (except "The Next Best Thing" - her gay themed movie) then we could have Barbra Streisand Movies all over the site or a 100gb judy garland file of all of her work etc
RE: Gay Themed Definition
I think they might have already been taken down. I also reported a few over the past couple of days.
Do you remember what any of them were?
This is one.. its basically a straight mainstream non porn movie with nude men
A Madonna concert posted 2x (different formats) (1 of like 3 madonna concernt ive seen in thr last few days )
This one even says "Hurry Up" - like they know it wil get taken down
The below has a scene of an erect penis
Looks like some others I spotted had been taken down or I missed them (I looked for them while my morning coffee brewed :))
I'm curious about it, too, especially in a situation in which a film might have no overtly gay content but is an allegory of gay experience or has been analyzed by academics in the field of queer theory. Would Michelangelo's works qualify as gay themed?
To answer your Michelangelo question - A movie about his life where his character is gay (like he was) would obviously be ok but a documentary solely focused on his work.. i don't know.. i'd say no.. but others may interpret it differently BUT if the documentary was about his life AND his works that had those particular academics discussing things from a queer perspective then i'd say yes.. its a fine line & ive seen debates in comments that would get you thinking
The rules seem open to interpretation to some - in my mind they are pretty straightforward but then that may be my interpretation - see what i mean?
RE: Gay Themed Definition
Totally understand Raph.. I think where i see the most "huh?" moments in what people upload is they interpret the voyeurism as meaning they can upload a movie just based on some just frontal nudity or sexy cast members always topless and stuff like that or some vague interpretation of "homoerotic" that is such a stretch it makes you cringe
I interpret, the voyeurism part, as things like a modelling shoot of underwear or a taping of a Muscle Bulding competition etc
I was browsing down through the themed film section yesterday after reading your post and they pretty much all looked very gay themed to me. For the television shows, it wasn't so obvious one way or another.
If you see torrents that violate the rules, click the button and report them.
Yeah.. been doing that.. all good, i'll leave it up to the mods to decide.. was going to post links of a few i reported, to show you the first few i noticed in a couple of pages but this is not about naming and shaming.. its partly clarification and partly venting lol
RE: Gay Themed Definition
There is some leeway in this.
Thanks for the clarification to you both
Totally understand Raph.. I think where i see the most "huh?" moments in what people upload is they interpret the voyeurism as meaning they can upload a movie just based on some just frontal nudity or sexy cast members always topless and stuff like that or some vague interpretation of "homoerotic" that is such a stretch it makes you cringe
I interpret, the voyeurism part, as things like a modelling shoot of underwear or a taping of a Muscle Bulding competition etc
Gay Themed Definition
Hey All
Can someone please point me to the section where the definition of what is considered acceptable in the "gay themed" category is ?
I read it once a long time ago but the forum search is erroring for me
Also - is there a way we can post this definition somewhere so people see it if they try to upload in that category?
80-90% of my downloads are from there and lately it just seems to be getting full of stuff that is not gay themed at all
1 example is apparently the logic is if gay men like erections or nice butts and we see one is in a mainstream hetero film then it must be ok to be gay themed? I find this hard to believe - since then we could upload 1000s of movies that really probably shouldn't be there
much thanks in advance
RE: Hetro porn torrents ?
I always assumed Straight younger/older categories were more solo stuff or gay for pay???
So essentially its not standard het porn
RE: Australian wildfires
Over 200 people have been arrested and charged with arson and arson related charges in Australia in the last year. The vast majority of them have been charged with setting multiple fires.
If you watch the Avi Yemini's recent videos on YouTube, a lot of the climate change protesters claim that man made (arson and/or human stupidity) brush-fires is fake news.
This is directly from the Australian Federal Police re: the recent bushfires..
"Just 24 people were charged for “deliberately-lit bushfires"
Most other fires were started by the fact that everything is dry and lightning strikes started them
Not commenting on climate change etc just wanted to clarify that 1 point that you said about "over 200" - the issue is ppl are taking that fact and saying every single bushfire from the last two months is arson from 200 people.. which is completely incorrect
About 100 or so were charged with other things related to fire bans etc but that was more like "why are you lighting a BBQ on a no fire day" kinda thing..
"The release adds that legal action was taken against 53 people for allegedly failing to comply with a total fire ban and against 47 people for allegedly discarding a lighted cigarette or match on land."
these incidents are common every hot day in Australia - stupid people do stupid things.. these 100 had zero to do with starting any fires.. unfortunately the incorrect/inflated figures were ran with but have since been corrected - but facebook is its own world and doesnt deal well with actual facts
RE: Rio's Gay Avengers Kiss
I was surprised that Rio de Janeiro had an Evangelical mayor – Marcelo Crivella, a former Pentacostal bishop. As of late, his crusade has been against a gay kiss in the Avengers comic series:
Brazil (like a few other countries I know) has elected a number of high-profile, LGBT-unfriendly politicians in recent times, including their President, Jair Bolsonaro.
Lovers of superheroes and/or world politics, feel free to add your thoughts. As well, any Brazilians here who can lend insight?
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! :inlove:
He is a bit late to the party lol - Wiccan & Hulkling (the two pictured kissing) have been an item for over 10 years in the comics
RE: Increase U/L speed
I'm over it.. all other sites get easy uploads of 50 k/bs, from me - not a huge number but it is there… this site im lucky to break 10 k/bs - I just dont get it
I seed for ages.. rarely find my seeding actually does anything
I have even used my credit to freeleech other's torrents, i have downloaded, to see if that helps but nothing..