In my early 20s I had a lot of casual sex, but like you I wanted more. The way I saw it was to have fun until I met the right guy who to wanted to settle down. This didnt happen until I was 26 and 12 years later we are still together.
Eventually you will find the guy you like who you want to settle with who feels the same. Just hang in there and keep looking!
I was a late bloomer and had nothing before I came out, and very little after. My first time with a guy was nothing more than a blowjob, but I fell head over heals only to be dropped like a stone and discover how the "gay sex/dating/romance world" worked. That made me build such a huge wall of defence that very few got even close enough for a kiss. Then I met this guy, he had a lot more experience than me and had been around the block so to speak, but we really hit it off and 17 years later we are still together.
We weren't looking for sex or a boyfriend when we met, just mates and it grew from there with very little effort and none of the bullshit a lot of people seem to have, it just came so natural. Yes people tried to split us up, tried to hit on one or the other but nothing got in the way. Do either of us have an amazing body "NO" are either of us drop dead gorgeous "NO" we are just average guys who didn't go looking for love, it found us.
That's a lovely story. Congrats. :hug2: