I'm not reducing my cock size for anyone
(Punchline, copyright 'Deep Throat 1972"
I'm not reducing my cock size for anyone
(Punchline, copyright 'Deep Throat 1972"
I plead the Fifth ( we don't have a Fifth but it seems to work in filmsโฆ)
After the first TB things seemed excessive. Perhaps I shouldn't mention the 100s of CDs and DVDsย :crazy2:
But most important - did you collect your 600 bonus points as first time uploader https://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=20636.0
Are you going by ratio or actual data.
With your figures 10GB would have very little effect on your ratio. Just a thought
But you don't ask how many external drives I've gotโฆ
Yup, I've been watching it - latest episode seems late.
I'm enjoying it on the whole
Many people (including critics) have almost given up on Broadchurch here.
As for Cucumber I just don't care what happens.
I watched it last night. Couldn't decide why it still didn't click with me.
I then realised I felt no empathy or sympathy with any of the characters.
Probably my fault. Haven't watch Bananas 3 yet but last week's was better than Cucumber.
It may just be me.
I meant first post of a torrent but thought that went as read
First thanks to both for sharing.
The important thing is to download the torrent file you've just posted here and then open that file in your torrent client.
When the program asks where you want to save it, you point to the exact file or folder you made your torrent from. Don't worry if it says it will overwrite it - it won't.
If you've pointed it to the original file the torrent client will check and then start seeding. If it does anything else you have chosen the wrong file.
Good luck and if it's your first post here, claim your 600 bonus points
At my age I'd probably feel flattered
At your age, I wish I'd had the nerveย
Oh, and the money? Is there a home for retired porn stars?
Well, the torrent looks healthy now. Have you claimed your 600 points?
cyberyn, but please don't let that put you off. There are 600 bonus points waiting when you make your first post
cyberyn, your torrent shows in the list if you check dead (unseeded) torrents.
This probably means that you didn't download your own torrent file (the one you just posted) and open it in your torrent client as usual. You then point the client to the file you made the torrent from. The client should then check the file and if all is OK, seeding will start.
And thanks for sharing and once it starts don't forget to collect your 600 bonus points for a first-time seeder
I use Ace Utilities to check for duplicates. I choose file name and size and it scans terabytes of files in minutesย
Uploading a torrent doesn't really depend on your platform except I believe you won't be able to use Quick Torrent Maker.
But doing a manual upload is really quite simple and involves just four basic steps:
create torrent file (I use uTorrent for that
uploading it to this site
downloading the torrent you just uploaded
opening THAT downloaded torrent in your torrent client pointing it to the file you created it from
Adding picture(s) and some information is simple if you just follow the steps in Upload/Manual https://www.gaytorrent.ru/doupload.php
If you get stuck or go wrong, you can edit or delete what you've done. Or ask for help.
Good luck ย
I enjoyed Cucumber too. Watched Banana this afternoon and it made me smile. I watched Tofu online and you will miss nothing if you don't watch. But it is here, not very big and only 12 minutes of your time
I think what eaglevision was saying was that someone else had already reported the duplicate torrents. It's first come, first served for the credits.
The first person to report a duplicate torrent gets the prize. It's not hard to imagine that multiple members spot the same torrent around the same time, it's just a shame if someone beats you in reporting. It's happened to me quite a few times.
That's life