Google Translate gives his comments (above) as follows.
[If] Germany kills us, we will slaughter them, die, or go to prison with pride because we have exhausted all peaceful means, and what we have received from the police, state security, the prosecution, the judiciary, and the Federal Ministry of the Interior is nothing but more crimes against us. Peace is of no [use].
Second: Germany's goal has become clear. To spread Islam in Europe. They are attacking political movements critical of Islam by infiltrating them with corrupt people, including addicts, prostitutes and thieves, in order to corrupt the movement from within. Then they use the dirtiest methods against those who expose the infiltrators.
Since the movement of the former Saudi Muslims was successful, they [Germany] have begun to plot against it.
Third: What I can hardly believe is Germany's recklessness in imagining that committing a series of crimes against the Saudi Arabian opposition will pass without accountability. They think that even with Talib Al-Abdulmohsen out of prison, Talib Al-Abdulmohsen will not bring justice.
Talk about himself in 3rd person...... mental illness.
Things are indeed bad in Germany. Germany today hates Free Speech, prosecutes anyone who insults their "Establishment" or "approved" people & narratives.
BUT, mass murder is never the answer. Never.
Anti-jihadist so extreme, he became similar to jihadist.
He could use some Christianity.