I go between Firefox and Chrome, you just have to know how to deal with the privacy issues that Chrome has, there are ways to block and by-pass many of the issues that everyone is talking about. :cheers:

Posts made by WackyRabbit
RE: Which web browser to use?
RE: Do gay people dislike bisexual people?
Why do you think a group of people would hate another? You are lumping a group of people together and that is not right. It's like the assholes around the world hating all Muslim because of a few Muslims that are hateful. Hate is a very strong world, there are a few people I dislike because of what they have done to me (their actions), but I do not hate them or the person. Stop lumping a group of people as having one opinion or mind. I have friends that are gay, bi, straight, white, black, brown, Asian, etc. No two people are alike. Some people are uneducated and refuse to learn and respect others are losing out on so much.
RE: How do you live life after coming out?
Take one day at a time and enjoy each day as if it was my last.
Have you tried is 'seriousmalebondage.com' ??
RE: How Can I Get A Dildo Past My Parents?
Funny thing, when I was young, I used to have a friend that used fruits and vegetables as a dildo. He would put a condom on them and fuck away. He would fuck watermelon and cantaloupe to simulated fucking someone and cucumber, carrots, bananas when he wanted to be fucked. :cheers:
RE: Need Some Advice! I Am In A Tough Position!
**My friend, you are there to do a job and are getting paid to do so. Your most important thing for you to do when you are there at his (her) home is to take care of his grandmother. She seems to be very important to him, that he asked you to help take care of her. Do your job and stay professional when you are there taking care of her. Just be professional, if you really need the extra income just do your job. **
RE: Are you concerned about ISIS?
Yes, I am concerned, reason being is because I am worried about the incident people that they harm and/or kill. It's sad to me when people have no respect for human or any other life.
RE: Does political correctness do more harm than good?
Why is it so hard for people to be polite? They is so much hate all around, why do you need to fan the flames. As my mother told me, "If you have nothing polite to say, keep you damn BIG mouth SHUT! It is better to say nothing than to hurt someone in any way. I do not understand or know why people need to be so hateful among one another, our lives are short and we should enjoy each day that is given to us. If do not like what someone says or does, then walk away or do not watch.
Please do not get me wrong, put where has this support been for the millions of other people in these countries that deal with this every day of their lives. It happen in Italy and the world gathers around to support them, but what about the people that are in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey etc etc. These people are so afraid to walk out their front door every day. Where were we when they need help. Not all Muslims are our enemy. My heart and prays goes out to Paris, but it goes out to all these other countries as well.
RE: What is your opinion on Hillary Clinton?
**Democrats are run by & supported by Wall Street (reason Obama put none in Jail)
Republicans are run by & supported by corporationsWhich is the less of two evil. No one can run for office unless you have major backers with money to support your campaign. The system is rigged, so people with money will always have the power. It seems like there is no one out there for the Middle Class (if there is one now) or people that is not part of the 1%.
We really needs people to do there own research on politicians that they elect, You can not trust the media and you can not trust what the politicians say either. You need to look into what they have done up to this point and try to find someone that is the closest to what you want out of your elected officers.**
RE: Software for the experts
Thanks Frederick
It does not look like it is available for Windows 10 -
**You will usually see this in your client as a green, yellow or red symbol.
Green means fully connected.
Yellow means you are partially connected.
Red means you are not connected to anyone.
*Note that on the tracker you can be listed as not connectable, but still be connected to other peers. -
RE: I just wanted to introduce myself
:hiya: Welcome 'fuckall' to gaytorrent.ru, enjoy the torrents and forum. We hope you come back often and add your input to the forum groups. Just a heads up…..keep an eye on your ratio. -
RE: Free VPN
I have purchase my VPN, but was told a while back about hide.me, not to sure how good it is but was told that you do not have to download anything onto your computer. You just go to the site and type your address in and it is suppose to hide you on the internet. Again, I never used it but a friend used it a few times. https://hide.me/en/proxy
RE: How do you guys find dates?
do it the old fashion way is my way. going to clubs, groups and other events. There is too many games being played online and over apps. You never know for sure the person that you are talking to, is the one in the picture he sent you or if he is a serial killer or not.
RE: Where do you draw the line in porn?
I can handle a lot and have seen a lot through my travels around the world, but my limits may be is scat or blood.
RE: What I find annoying about a lot of asian porn
Excessive moaning or moaning just to moan is the worst, it all is just very bad porn to me. There is so much of this done through the porn industry and it drives me mad that I have to 'mute' the volume.
RE: Do you prefer top or bottom?
My opinion is I think sex actions should come natural and not planned out. What happens happen. Whether I am a top or bottom it should not be something that you have to think about, it should just feel good. Versatile Top though here.