Is anyone else having problems today with downloading any torrents? Mine is saying "finding peers". Tracker is offline (timed out). Any suggestions? Anyone else with the same problem? Are they still working on the site?

Posts made by WackyRabbit
Problem with "Finding Peers" "Tracker - offline (timed out)
RE: Price - If someone paid you a million bucks would you do porn - p4p
I am over 24 and the money is not the object for me, I would do porn. I do not understand why many people have a problem with nudity and sex. I am at a lost. We came into this world nude and we will go out the same way. We all have the same Penis, Vagina or Tits, and it not like they are something new. We all have sex, how do you think we came into this world. I am pretty sure your mother is not the Mother Mary. Do not get me wrong, I understand why we have clothes and they should be worn but what is the problem people have with the human body? I baffles me when people get all embarrassed over seeing a nipple, someone crotch outline through his pants and what not. Sex is just sex, Making love is another story. I think everyone should be allowed to have sex, do porn whenever they like as long as they are not in a relationship and if so then it has to be in an agreement between the two.
RE: Protesters condemn US case over
Reason for Immigration, Customs, and Homeland Security involvement was that underage minor where being traveled across state lines are well as around the world. What we consider to be a minor in the U.S. is not the same in many other countries. This is why the Feds we involved.
I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, I am an Independent and I vote on the person that makes me feel comfortable and stand with many of my same beliefs. The Democrats most of the time are too weak and afraid to stand up. The Republican play that stupid politicians game and never speak their minds, only speak what the party wants them to say. I like the few that do speak their minds and sad to say that there are not that many of them.
Too many of the politicians are so out of touch with American. Many of them are too old and can not relate with the changing America. We really need to get some new blood into office and start a change of things. I have a lot of hope, but I have to say many people today just do not care. They can not even vote once a year or every 2 year and sad to say not even once in 4 years. Voting registration is down by 20% and the ones that are registered can not get off their lazy ass and walked a few blocks to vote. People today have no right to complain or bitch about anything, UNLESS…...YOU VOTE! I am tried of people complaining about problems in the U.S., I will listen but once they are done I will ask a simple question to them, Did you vote? You would be surprised at the number of people that tell me that they did not vote. Then I have to speak up and tell them, to shut up and take it. It you want things to change you need to help make them change. Nothing happens to us for free. You have to work for everything in life that matters.
RE: Best City in the World
This poll was conducted all over the world and we took the top 20 that was suggested by the people of all walks of like. The poll was based om "All Around Cities" which includes government and the policies on federal, state and local levels, and the cleanliness of the city, the shops, prices, the people, friendliness, livelihood, the environment, water conditions, parks, and many other things that went into the people considering what they thought was at the top of their list.
Best City in the World
Working for a magazine, we run many polls for many different things. This time I thought I would take one myself and give my feedback as toward we all vote on here. The list are the 20 cities that are hot right now and rank the top 20 cities in the world. Lets see how the poll goes on this site. I can not wait to see what you think are you tops in this poll. Currently the cities are not in any particular order. :thankyou: If you have an opinion on any other these cities or any other, I would love to hear them.
RE: Russia - the ban of the gay word
Think of Russia as our Far Far Right Republicans, and you can understand the politics in Russia. They do not truly care for their people, all they care about is the money that they can make off the back of each citizen. Once Vladimir Putin was put back in office, he took major control, amended the constitution a few times. I was a Lieutenant Colonel of the KGB and Boris Yeltsin's right hand man. I do not hate people, but man I do not like to say this but I hate this man. :puke:
Chat Room
Is anyone else having a problem connecting to the Chat Room? Is it working?
:hmmm:Can anyone tell me if they are having problems connecting to Chat Room? Everytime I click on the Chat button then goe to the Ajax IRC Chat, a blank screen telling me "This webpage is not available". Is anyone else having this problem or is the Chat section closed or what? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank :th:
Hello From Philadelphia, PA
Hello everyone, finally after almost a year, I finally got around to visiting the Forums. I am from Philadelphia PA and I am a porn addict. There I said it, I feel free. :afraid2:
This is were you are to come to face your problems, RIGHT? -
RE: Hi from pa
Hello there "from pa"
I also am from PA, Philadelphia to be exact. Just wanted to say hello and welcome. Much Love. :hug2: