We will no longer have a Request section and its subsections.
Torrent names must match the name of the video, program, etc when known.
No coded names; ie J0hn D03.

Best posts made by raphjd
Site changes 7 March 2022
RULES for this section
Please follow the new rules for this section, carefully.
All the usual site rules apply.
Uploaded pictures must NOT contain any "official" writing on them.
Counter to #2, you may post pictures that are memes, such as the various birthday, holidays, etc, etc ones floating around.
This is not a request section.
Any abuse of the rules will be dealt with and may result with this section being removed again.
RE: Why is everything new being deleted from the "Fan Sites" category?
We have a long-standing policy not to discuss DMCA takedowns.
As already stated, the site is broken up into 3 main sections (forums, torrents, and helpdesk), which staff work. We also have the software/coding part but the site owner deals directly with that.
Scotland officially bans free speech
The law bans speech "that may offend" and no "victim" is needed.
The law destroys the castle doctrine by criminalizing speech in your own home.
As seen with the Count Dankula case, intent doesn't matter, only the words used.
RE: Dropbox Account Banned
There is an international database of child pornography that all the big tech firms signed up to, to cross-reference uploads.
Likewise, many of them also agreed to scan for piracy, but this tends to be music, TV, games, and mainstream movies.
Many services ban porn no matter what and scan for that.
RE: Site changes 7 March 2022
It means they need to properly label the torrent based on the overall content; ie OF Joe Smith collection or OF Kayden123 site rip
Notice to all
Please be aware that things may change in how the forums look and act over the next several days.
As this is new software, we will NOT be accepting any feature requests at the current time. We will start accepting them once we make sure everything is secure and the bugs are gone.
Virgin Atlantic changes dress code
Virgin Atlantic has changed its dress code to allow staff to wear either men's or women's uniforms or a combination of men's and women's uniforms.
RE: Site changes 7 March 2022
@F46660T said in Site changes 7 March 2022:
^^^^^this aint a tantrum, this is the effect of dealing with whyte inbred idiots LMFAO
He was banned once for this and he's back at it.
RE: Belami/Freshmen Bargain Sale
I got a 3-month sub to BAO and 1 month of Freshmen.
RE: Can a ratio be too high?
Nothing I say here is to be construed as a site rule. It's purely my opinion as a person who's been doing this for a very long time.
My use of YOU, YOUR and YOU'RE is generic.
Having a "good" ratio is never a truly bad thing, except when you're harming other people's ability to get and/or maintain a decent ration. As an example, if you are uploading 100MB on a torrent that has 100 other seeders and only 1 leecher, you are harming every other seeder's ability to get a good ratio. Instead, turn off that torrent and put all your juice into other torrents that actually need your help.
Where possible, work on keeping old torrents alive, rather than slamming new torrents.
RE: Amateur Undie/Spank Twinks
Jeremiah (red hat) did a lot of smoking fetish porn when he was younger.
No idea of the current situation, but we used to have a lot of his stuff on here.
Absolutely no idea who the guy in green is
RE: New Uploading Rule Suggestion: No Clickbait Titles or Descriptions
Staff have areas of work and for the most part we try not to overstep. It's why we say to use the report button.
RE: Are you single ?
Netiquette dictates when you ask a question like this, you give your answer.
The only exception is when you are doing pure research and don't want to affect the results. You would say this.
BTW, I've been with my husband for 30 years this past February. We dated for the first 2 years and moved in together after that.
RE: Newbie Question: After the Upload
You will need to keep the files on your computer until about 3 or 4 others (I prefer 5) have gotten the entire thing from you.
Once this happens, you can remove them from your torrent client and computer.
RE: The use of the word "boy".
I'm 55 and my husband is 58.
Every week or 2 we go to a local traditional British cafe and the ladies there refer to us as boys; "how are you boys doing today", "the usual for you boys", etc.
Read Before Posting
When you make a post or when it is solved, please mark it as either a question or solved.
Here's how;
After making a thread, please go back into the thread and look at the top right of your post. Next to the reply button, there is a gear. Click on that and choose to mark it as a question.
It's the same thing for marking it as solved.
You can not mark something as solved until you have previously marked it as a question.
RE: Any VPN recommendations for torrenting?
Private Internet AccessThose are the 2 most popular with staff.
NordVPN did an update (about 2 years ago) that messed with several torrent sites, but they worked with site owners to fix it in less than 2 weeks. PIA had a similar issue some years before and fixed it quickly.
No VPN is perfect.
Before choosing a VPN, keep in mind how many devices you will have connected at the same time. Most VPNs allow unlimited devices but limit how many can be connected at the same time.