When working on torrent approval, the pictures are often the only way to correctly identify the movie. Titles and descriptions are often misleading or not clear.
Posts made by Popper
RE: Pictures not allowed on site
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
Dear wombat2,
If you face issues connecting here, feel invited to PM me on the .org site. Same user name there.
Another note to your picture:
We don't have a rule against jumping-on during initial seeding, though we don't like it.The reason is very simple: We can't watch all the initial seed torrents permanently and any action against such rule breaking would be very random and therefore not fair. To install such rule, we would need our system to control such jumping on. However it must be able to distinguish between wanted jumping-on, for example re-seed or supporting older torrents. To programme such is not as easy as it may sound apparently. There may be even cases were an uploader re-upload an deleted dead torrent with the same hash other members are still running in their torrent programme and will "jump-on" without any intention. We use that on the missing torrent replacement as a wanted "feature".
To the awarness of members:
Early jumping on is only an issue here, not on public trackers or the .org site which got no minimum ratio rules.Early in this flow, it was suggested to PM the early jumper to request to stop his seeding until the initial upload phase is finished. That is the best measure to take by any member seeing his initial seed being jumped on and not liking it. Please in a friendly member.
Because of the missing rule, Staff can't do much more than sending a PM, too. In addition early jumping on needs to be followed in a close timely manner, which easy acn be missed by the non-availability of the Staff.
We have as well no technical means to stop he seeding temporary, even if we would warn an account or force a passkey change. The torrent clients know already the peers IPs and will continue to be connected between each other. Besides that, those measures are to hard for members who may even don't know that they do something not nice to other members.
RE: Umsetzen geht nicht
Wie bitte?
Worum geht es? Einer automatischen Übersetzung, und wenn ja womit, bzw. von GayTorrent.ru selbst?
Welche Abmahnung?
RE: Discussion about bugs and backups :)
You are fully right. It is why I wrote "… point to the VIDEO_TS folder which you have renamed by the movie title before …"
That is the simplest way to avoid the issue.
On my own uploads, I put all in other folders, named by the movie, add pictures and description and then create a torrent from the folder containing all of it.
Thanks to have stressed on it.
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
It seems I've read you statement too quickliy:@contra966:
… I've read it put another way; 'if you are not connectable you lose the ability to download and upload to other unconnectible peers' ...
is completely correct. The up- and download between two not connectible peers can happen only indirectly via third connectible peers. If there is not such third, though both seed, respectively upload, no data will be transferred between them.
… However, looking at it from the perspective of an uploader who wants to improve their ratio, it may appear that being unconnectible is a good thing. If they are uploading because there is no demand for any torrents they have downloaded, the longer they spend seeding new upload the more seed points they will earn.
(I'm making the assumption that only seeding earns seed points. No points are given simply for having a torrent available to seed) ...The assumption is wrong, so the idea developed on it. It is enough to have a single torrent in seeding status in it's torrent client and it sending this status to our tracker, to earn the 0.5 seed bonus points per hour. They are not multiplied by the number of seed torrents. However having more torrents ready to upload data, increases the chance that someone downloads. Nothing is better for share ratio than uploading data, even at the best exchange rate SBP are worth a lousy 1.43 KB/s only,.
Then the way the torrent protocol works, it is better for ratio to have high upload rates (besides the comfort for the downloader), the slower the upload, the closer the upload ratio will be to 1.0 when the first leech will have completed their downloads and they will complete all together at almost the same moment, if the initial seed is slow. Our rule to limit the number of active torrents while initially uploading a new torrent (and only while that period) is going into that direction.
RE: Have donated, but…
You can not compare the data of µTorrent with our website shown tracker statistics.
µTorrent cumulates all a torrent's up- and downloads since you ever added a torrent, while our tracker database keeps only the information since the last start of the torrent (not previous). Only your total account figure is the sum of all since ever. IMHO this is due to limit the size of database and the server load.
Then you need to understand that our tracker relies on the reports of your µTorrent (made all 30 minutes, displayed with a little delay on the site). So between the updates even on first time started torrents, the µTorrent numbers are higher.
Sometimes reports don't reach our tracker and this can have a bunch of reasons …
RE: Seed
Attention, il faut ouvrir que un ports 40389 dans votre cas, pas tous les ports. C'est mieux pour la sécurité.
L'upload du torrent semble être bien, reste la vérification par un modérateur, qu'il est approuvé et visible dans notre liste publique.
RE: Seed
Le choix des torrents est bien … essais devoir si la connectivité est bon (à priori ouii):
BitTorrent > "Options" > "Assistant de configuration" > Valider seulement la boite pour "Réseau" > bouton "Démarrer les tests" SVP de nous informer du résultat.
Si non, il faut laisser tourner le logiciel et les torrent des heures. Les mise-à-jours vers le tracker ce font tous les 30 minutes.
Essais de forcer les mise-à-jour du tracker en STOP des torrents, attendre 2 minutes, puis de les redémarrer.
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
No both amice and me are saying that seeding is possible when the seeder is not connectible.
You should be aware that 420 SBP are very exceptional, go through the list and you'll see that usually it is less and sometimes even zero.
If every downloader would just gift a single Seed Bonus Points, at the en it would sum up to important amounts, just a thought …
There is another thing on which I may have got you wrong. The snatched list shows all members who have completed the download (there seems to have been a "cleaning" of history though). Independently if seeding or not.
The green and red dotsin the PM button indicate if the member is logged in, means if a PM is likely to be read immediately or not. It has nothing to do with the leeching / seeding activity. -
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
Not connectible does not mean not seeding (or leeching). If someone is off-line as a seeder or leecher of a torrent, he will simply not appear in the peer list [1].
Not connectible just means other torrent clients requests for parts (or offers) don't reach that members torrent client programme, which slows down the upload/download, but makes it not impossible.
The exchange of data happens on private tracker still directly between the members torrent client programmes, not via our site or tracker. Our tracker informs only members about peers and keeps track of the upload/downloads made by the member's torrent client programme reports.
Private tracker means that no other ways like DHT or peer exchange and so on are allowed to find peers and exchange data on that torrent. So the peers need to use a torrent with our tracker URL and a valid member passkey.
[1] If the seeding has been stopped properly, else he will show up up-to the end of a second tracker cycle (30 to 60 mins.).
RE: New Torrent Seeding Question.
The torrent was not yet approved when thangcuoi made his update, which explains the error message, but it is now.
A big thanks to surreydude for sharing new content with us :hug2:
RE: Uploading and seeding with Azureus (now Vuze)
If it doesn't download to Vuze, to where does it download?
I am asking, because when you hit the "Download" button on the description page, you will download the .torrent file to somewhere on your computer (unless you cancel the action).
RE: Ratio=0…
OK merci des précisions! Sinon j'utilise bittorrent qui me semble est plus que convenable!
OK, BitTorrent est bien.
Si c'était Vuze/Azureus, même s'il est bon aussi, il fallait changer quelque réglages par rapport ces défaut, cas nôtre tracker à le "scrape" désactivé, ce qui est un peut exotique.
Par-contre, essayez d'avoir démarrer µTorrent et les torrents le plus longtemps possible, en ne sait jamais quand quelq'un commence de télécharger les fichiers d'un torrent. D'en plus vous gagner 0.5 points de bonus de partage (Seed Bonus Points) par heure.
RE: New search program Tag suggestions….......
Both ~sneakers and ~socks are on the list now. >:D
I see ~socks, but not ~sneakers … must be blind ...
RE: Ratio=0…
Même avec le droit de télécharger (download) suspendu, c'est toujours possible d'uploader (seeder) les torrents complètés. En peut même retélécharger le petit fichier .torrent, s'il est listé dans le Profile, quand en a rétiré le torrent du logiciel torrent mais gardé le fichier(s) donnée(s) afin de recommencer de les seeder (re-seed).B/:
- Quel est votre logiciel pour les torrents?
- Est ce que vôtre logiciel torrent indique qu'ils sont en partage (Seeding, Uploading, …)?
- Si non, il faut soit forcer la démarrage, soit changer quelques réglages du logiciel torrent, soit arrêter quelques autres torrents des autre tracker ...
- Si oui, pour uploader des données, il faut que il y en a des autre membre qui les download. Mais à ce moment, personne télécharge les fichiers des torrents qui vous avez completé en téléchargement. Il est donc important quand le ratio de partage est bas de choisir des torrents d'autres souhaits télécharger toujours, quand son téléchargement est complète.
- Créer et uploader son propre nouveau torrent pour quelque chose qui manque ici (lire n'est pas en double, ni banni) est la meilleure façon d'augmenter son ratio de partage.
RE: Uploading and seeding with Azureus (now Vuze)
As already said by MrMadzda, with Vuze, you'll need to download the .torrent file yourself with the "Download" button on the description page.
To find the description page, go to your Profile and scroll to the bottom, click on the title of the listed uploaded torrent.
Likely the torrent you've loaded into Vuze hasn't got your personal secret passkey and can't connect to the tracker.
Another reason can be that your Vuze doesn't "know" where you got the file from which QTM created the torrent and tries to download that file. In that case, remove the torrent from Vuze and load it again. Usually Vuze shows a window asking to where to download the file. Navigate there to the file you've got already. If thatdoesn't work, you can place the file into the download folder of Vuze BEFORE you load the .torrent file into Vuze.
Finally you may need to change Vuze's out of the box setting so that it keeps seeding OR to force seeding. Then you'll need to wait for approval, before someone will start downloading.
RE: Merry Christmas to all our members!
If you start the new year with own new torrent uploads, it should be enough. :hug:
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
I even don't see why you shouldn't upload DVD (including double layer). In 2 to 4 days it is all done and the 'slow' download speed concerns only the initial upload period.
RE: GT.ru Holiday Recipe Contest 11/18/2010-12/18/2010 Five 5GB upload as prizes
But where can I vote,?
Came here by the link on the home page …
RE: Promotion de Partage Français
Oui, bien sûr. Pour l'instant 25 points. Un tel clip vaut que 10 points à partir l'année prochaine (mes points fonds comme la neige dans le soleil).