If you want a tag for ~white then advocate for it and stop trying to argue with me about what you want to be called. It's never been about YOU. It's about the casts of the videos and works I/We upload. To not have adequate tags for the specific ETHNICITY of whites/Caucasians whether they resided in Europe or abroad was a glaring omission. I merely pointed out that omission and suggested a correction.
I didn't advocate for ~whites, because I am not sure if it is appropriate than ~caucasians. You ignore totally that since my first answer I've said that I agree with you that there should be a tag for what you name ~caucasians
It's your faulty racial rhetoric entrapped you. And if you truly feel that way this discussion can serve no further purpose. If you don't like racial/ethnicity tags then don't use them. Or use the tags you prefer. I know I'm NOT using these tags the manner in which White supremacists of the past used them. The negative socio-political overtones you're attempting infer only applies to use of ~Caucasian while attempting to ignore they ALSO existed for ~blacks, ~latinos and ~Asians too is what completely boggles my mind. I'm puzzled why you're even engaging in such a NO WIN argument.
Well your rhetoric entraps you as well
It seem to me like you only care about racial tags when they can be applied to YOU.
That is what you get from here, because indeed I feel directly involved as being part of group called ~caucasians by you ( a term I personally don't like). Hoping to stop it being added right away and have some larger membership expressing what they think about ~caucasians tag or another possible tags for that lack. Unfortunately there is no other participation than you and me.
In general, I think new tags shouldn't been added just because there is a single request for it, there should be a reflection about what is the best general term, avoiding micro tags, to much overlapping etc… For example ~Timberlands isn't a good tag IMHO, because it uses a brand. Shall we promote a brand? But then what is the right generic term for such boots? "Work boots? no idea ...
However what you can't see, is for example a recent internal staff discussion about a new category, where from the start of my participation I've expressed my bad feeling about this type of tags (and then participated what could be the right
Now I think we should start an internal discussion about another new category