I noticed that Pawpcorn has a picture next to his comments on Torrents, but most users do not. Is there a way to associate my image with my torrent comments?

Posts made by pols1337
Avatar in Torrent comments
RE: Suggestions on Ratio?
LOL Not at all. It's a slow but steady process, I just hit 0.907
RE: Suggestions on Ratio?
I'm pleased to say that my ratio just hit 0.90! I'll eventually get it to 1.0
RE: Suggestions on Ratio?
I'm pleased to say that my ratio has been steadily going upwards. I went from 0.78 to 0.87 ratio (not easy when you have a base of 1 TB!)
Search Category A and Category B
Hi, is there a way to filter / search for torrents that must be in two categories?
For example, I'm looking for torrents that are Vintage AND Images.
RE: Ratio rules … I do no think that it's working as it should
I can't believe you're seeding over a thousand torrents.
I know you earn seedbonus points for every hour that you leave a torrent seeding but damn, you're pretty much the historical archives of GT.RU!
RE: Suggestions on Ratio?
Just a side-note… You received a low ratio warning and continued to download torrent after torrent after torrent like it was going out of style, then you complain that you downloaded so much that you dug yourself a 22 GB hole?
We expect all users to follow the same standards, and it is certainly not our fault if you do not listen to the advice you are given, and heed the warning that you need to get your ratio back up before you keep downloading more.
It would almost seem like you expect to just freeleech everything for free, without any expectation of sharing any content back in return.
I didn't know if this was directed at me. If it was directed at me, yes, I received a low ratio warning. I always try to be a responsible downloader and will always seed more than I can. In fact, in my uTorrent program I have it set to prioritize seeding and to seed up to x5 times before I start throttling any more downloading. I actually thought I was doing the right thing by aggressively targeting new files to seed, since the old files weren't getting me anywhere (and that means intentionally taking an immediate hit of downloading a popular file so I can immediately start seeding it). If I just wait for my existing files to seed, then … that might take who knows how long? I know I download files that aren't that popular, so waiting for those files to be leeched by other users might never happen when I would rather help seed immediately-desired torrents. Hope that makes sense. I really wouldn't want anyone to think I'm trying to freeleech without responsibly sharing any content back! As I mentioned in my original post, I make it a point to seed. And with another popular gay torrent website, I have an x2 ratio on a far larger amount of uploading / downloading and I've never had an issue with my ratio which is why I was so puzzled with my experience on GT.ru.
With that said, I'm proud to announce that in the past week, since opening my ports, I've lifted my ratio from 0.780 to 0.816 and I'll continue to lift it as high as possible.
RE: If You Found George W. Bush’s Speech Offensive, You’re The Problem, Not Him
Albino orangutans ….
I feel like's kinda like a vanilla-orange swirl sorbet?
RE: Suggestions on Ratio?
Thank you MrMazda and Pawps
You were correct, my ports were not being forwarded (even though in uTorrent, my connection settings: Enabled uPnP port mapping, Enabled NAT-PMP port mapping, and Added Windows Firewall exception. I thought those would be enough). I spent some time last weekend and this weeekend doing research on my router, and manually added both a TCP and UDP connection for uTorrent. I ws able to verify the port being forwarded on CanYouSeeMe.org so … fingers crossed.
We'll see. I honestly try to be a responsible seeder, but I feel like I've been fighting a losing battle and I don't know why. Thank you for your assistance, let's see if I can lift my ratio
Suggestions on Ratio?
I have (in my opinion) a terrible ratio of 0.8 with 900 GB Uploaded and 1100 GB Downloaded.
I'm not new to torrenting and I've been a member of the site for a long time, but I just don't get it. Here are things that I do to intentionally improve my ratio:
1. I target and sort by torrents with low seeders / high leechers that are new.
2. I target freeleech that have a lot of time left and a lot of leechers
3. I minimize the amount of torrents that I actually want
4. I uploaded my first torrent of a pretty nice collection
And yet, my ratio hovers around 0.8.Even right now, I'm targeting a file that has a S/L ratio of 1/46 and yet … I'm not actually uploading anything to anyone, just downloading and killing my ratio. I've always been proud seed back to the community, and on another popular Gay Torrents website I consistently maintain higher than a x2 ratio (with much more volume, something like 3 TB Uploaded) and my uTorrent is set to prioritize seeding.
I'm frustrated. Based on my metrics on the other Gay Torrents website, I can and know how to maintain great ratio. But then I come over to GayTorrent.RU and my ratio is in the toilet. I've clearly seeded a ton and want to seed a ton, and I've read ALL the guides I could find on GayTorrent.RU but I just don't know wha telse to do.
RE: Suggestions to Newbies: Getting off on the right foot
Thanks for the great guide
RE: FACT: Hillary used BLEACH BIT
Because Hillary Clinton is not the POTUS.
And no one is voting for her, because the election is over. A fact that you and the rest of your Fox news viewership seem to constantly forget, but the rest of American has moved on.
Goodness you sound like such a self-victimizing snowflake :cheesy2:
RE: I'm a "genital'ist"
I agree, I don't see what you're trying to get out of these sensationalistic "SJW mindset" posts.
RE: My inner struggle
You masturbate to men, but want a relationship with a woman
You sound like one of the following:
- Bisexual
- Closet gay
RE: Please explain: how to search for porn videos on Tumblr
Why would you go on Tumblr to find porn videos when there's xhamster, pornhub, and tons and tons of video websites?
RE: Getting an erection while talking to guys
Wink and smile more at the guy, duh
You might find a way to take care of that boner in the lockerroom shower to a very satisfying conclusion :cheers:
RE: A little awkward for me..
I hate to be blunt, but if you're looking online for "buff guys or jocks", then you better be a buff guy or jock yourself. If you go to the gym every day, take care of your body, and snap some hot pics, trust me it'll be easy to attract attention from online dating sites or apps. Clearly you're not, which means there is something wrong with your body. If you're looking on a meat market like an online dating website, you should expect to have a good body or at least an attractive one.
With that said, you don't have to go online or browse through the dating apps to find someone. There are traditional ways to meet other guys, by expanding your circle of friends and having them refer good guys your way.
RE: Male Fitness Model Strokes His Hammer In “Wrecking Ball” Parody
Meh, he should take some tips from this, the ultimate parody of Wrecking Ball.
and for the second best version
These are hilarious ;D
RE: Gay Porn Studio Owners
1. It's a job unlike any other and it's definitely not like cooking. It's … sex. And studio owners are absolutely going to want to sleep with some of their more receptive models, whether it's mutual or coerced. I think even ChaosMen's Bryan Ockert has an ongoing thing with one of his models that he talks about in his blog and I've read first-hand accounts how models are drugged up, pimped out, and passed around in sleazier studios. Behind the lens, porn is at the unfortunate intersection of wannabe-glamour, sleaze, and drugs and while I'm sure there are many top studios who strive operate ethically, there are tons of fly-by-night studios who shoot porn and take advantage of their models. I think to pretend otherwise is to be incredibly naive about porn.
And you think it's like cooking?? The frying pan doesn't try to rape you when you're drugged up and high beyond your mind.
2. No, I won't stop body-shaming in this specific instance and I reserve my right to call it out in this specific instance. If I wanted to watch a balding, fat, and aging chub, then I would watch that kind of porn. But my intent is to watch healthy, fit, hunky and toned guys and to see their dicks slobbered on by a guy like Randy Blue is such a waste. Give me another hunky guy to work the cock and fulfill my fantasy. To be clear, I have nothing against balding, fat, and aging chubs in general (in fact, most of my coworkers fit right into this category and I get along wonderfully with them in a professional and personal capacity), but that does NOT mean I can't have physical preferences in my porn fantasies.