You're first big mistake is renaming folders. You should NEVER rename anything, especially if you expect that you'll be reseeding. You're client will be looking for files with the the exact original name. You never change folders structures either. This is why a HASH is created in the first place. The other thing is, you shouldn't rename simply because if you want to upload something, checking for dups can now be tricky as you may not remember the original name.
You'd have no other choice but to re-upload the file from scratch. Not all clients reveal original names & folders it's looking for.
Doesn't that get messy? How do you organize if you have hundreds (if not thousands) of torrents that are badly named, misorganized, and all dumped into your downloads folder?
It's not about being "messy." You have to try and grasp how torrents work. When a torrent is being created for the first time it creates something called a hash. A hash is a 16 character string of mixed numeric and alpha data. If you look in any one of your torrents you will see something like this:

When you click on "create torrent file," your client checks for file sizes, names of files, file structures, and any other identifying information. The algorithm spits out that hash. You can also think of it as an torrent ID. So, if you change the name of the file, or file structure; think of it as you actually changing the hash ID. Therefore, when you client checks the files, it will see that their are things that don't match. Either the client will not download/upload the files at all, or it will only download/upload files that are seen as a match.
At that point, depending on how many files you've altered, you'll have to rename every single directory and file until it is correct. You've just made unnecessarily tedious work for yourself. Everything I tell you has a technical reason behind it. I wouldn't just tell you things for "shits and giggles." More on hashes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28348678/what-exactly-is-the-info-hash-in-a-torrent-file/28601408