@ianfontinell-0 Cheers for this, have just downloaded ...thanks heaps
Posts made by Playmate
RE: Resdsed Request Please ??
RE: Resdsed Request Please ??
@raphjd done that a couple of times ...but oh well..
Resdsed Request Please ??
Hey all,
Can't find a place for this, so hopefully someone can help with it ...
I've been witinf or a download to start for ages, about 3 weeks, maybe less, and have asked for reseed on the site, but nothing happening from my request...??Can some please reseed this one for me as I really would like to have it..the file that is
Barcelona Summer Night (Barcelona nit d'estiu) - with English Subtitles
https://www.gaytor.rent/details.php?id=96e223a3b9241a08e831d1a66828062ebccf0e0c7ef9db2eThere is another much larger file, but due to lack of disc space, I can only take this one just now...
Thanks in advance...hopefully.
RE: Switch off .ru now.
as one of the admins said, there might be technical issues that stop the complete switch over, but honestly...I'm getting a peed off in general with this just now...some of the torrent I want to take are on the old site, and I have to log out of the new site, log onto the old site, do the download or reseed or whatever the reason might be, and then log out and back onto the new site Time consuming, annoying and unnecessary in my opinion.
Yes, switch off the old site, get it all sorted so members are content, don't have to fluff around getting things done, and we might all be happy...again !! -
RE: Reseed Requests script needs updating
italicised textI reported the same issue to support a couple of days ago, and got a reply that well wasn't what I expected to be honest...it made me feel like I wasn't paying for stuff and that I should "enjoy the free porn" (quote from the reply from support).
I understand the issue they are currently having with two domain names etc. but surely it should have been sorted by now?
My experience on this site of late hasn't been positive and as I've been on here for a very long time now, I guess I'll be looking for a site that at least has helpful support guys in the near future. -
RE: Ratio dissappearing ?
Hey all, againÂ
I have asked this before, and got no sense with any answers, other than to download a freeleech torrent or two which I did, but am still finding the same problem?? Doesn't anyone leech or take torrents seeded by others from this site anymore?
I've got 16 that I've downloaded, and are still seeding - if that is the right term - and yet no leechers for any of them?
My ratio is also still dissappearing so I'm just asking once again, why? -
RE: Disappearng Torrents
??? Might be posting in the wrong area, but have a similar issue with downloading of torrents from this site of late as well.
It appears that once I download a torrent into my torrent client, it gets the first few bits or kbs of the torrent then it goes into "stalled" mode and stays there so nothing gets downloaded at all.?? I've closed the programme down, forced resumed the torrents, and then it does it again, so I don't know what the cause or fix is? Can anyone assist with this as well please ? -
RE: Australia gets to vote on same sex marriage
I hope all goes well!!
Hopefully all will be, but many haven't received their "voting" papers yet? Myself includedÂ
What are the chances of the vote going with Yes? Will it be a surprising result like the US Election or Brexit?
Going by past surveys done by media, and other sources etc., the majority of the population are in favour of a YES vote, but who knows? If the NO campaigners, religous sealots etc., keep up the false advertising that they are doing, they might just get the result they want.  :cry2: hopefully not.
Will have to wait and see what the outcome is I guess, but that is just the first step in a long way to go if the YES campaign win.Is this a Brexit/Clinton situation where the polls aren't likely to be entirely accurate?
No idea to be honest, and from what I've heard and seen of the whole thing so far, there are many people that have not recieved thier voting paper yet, myself included, and that to me makes me wonder and worry that this is a total farce on the governments hehalf to be honest.
RE: Australia gets to vote on same sex marriage
I hope all goes well!!
Hopefully all will be, but many haven't received their "voting" papers yet? Myself includedÂ
What are the chances of the vote going with Yes? Will it be a surprising result like the US Election or Brexit?
Going by past surveys done by media, and other sources etc., the majority of the population are in favour of a YES vote, but who knows? If the NO campaigners, religous sealots etc., keep up the false advertising that they are doing, they might just get the result they want. :cry2: hopefully not.
Will have to wait and see what the outcome is I guess, but that is just the first step in a long way to go if the YES campaign win. -
RE: Australia gets to vote on same sex marriage
I hope all goes well!!
Hopefully all will be, but many haven't received their "voting" papers yet? Myself includedÂ
Australia gets to vote on same sex marriage
:)Finally we get to vote! However, in my opoinion it is just a survey to say the government is listening to the wishes of the voters.
This postal vote, yep a postal vote, is non binding to parliament, and has already brought out the biggots and the religous cranks with all the false information regarding same sex marriage etc., some have even said that if passed this will allow their sons to wear dresses to school and that schools will have to teach about homosexuality as well?
I don't care what others say, I'm voting yes.
It will be interesting to see what eventually happens when the postal "vote" is counted, and what action, if any, the current government takes. -
RE: Ratio dissappearing ?
Hmm, well I'm not sure because it's now down to 1.399 and it appears to continue to drop.
I have looked at a few freeleech torrents, but am hesitant just now, but will continue to download and seed and see what happens over the course of the next few weeks.
Thanks for the reply. -
Ratio dissappearing ?
Hey all you boffins out there, I'm hoping someone can explain why my ratio is suddenly decreasing?
It was 1.406 a couple of days ago, then it went to 1.404, and now it's 1.402?
I am no longer seeding a lot of torrents as my storage hard drive died, and of course torrent wnet with it, so am starting again ..but that doesn't seem to explain it to me either.
Can someone assist please?
Cheers -
RE: Gay Porn on the Deep Web?
okay. Was just curious, and have now checked out the browser, but don't think I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for the info though guys.
RE: Gay Porn on the Deep Web?
??? Umm, just to show my ignorance, what is TOR?Â
Never heard of it to be honest/ -
RE: Is gay marriage legal in your country?
The way the current and hopeless Federal Government is here in Australia, I cannot see it becoming legal any time soon to be honestÂ
Despite the majority of the populations saying YES, the Government asks for, and keeps delaying, a plebasite (not sure of spelling sorry) that basically will be biased against legalising gay marriage anyway. The voters here, and the other political parties, have all said NO to this, the plebecite thing, but the Government insists that this is what the voters want. This is going to cost the current Government a huge amount of money to hold, and in view of the current financial state or our country, well why do they want to waste more money when it could have been done, and should have been done by parliament decree or something, a long time ago. Hmm…go figure.Â
It makes me wonder why they keep delaying this issue, and then it disappears for a little while then it is brought back into the public eyes, and it all starts over again....
Why don't politicians listen to the voters, and just stop being hypocrites, and just get it done so we can have the same ceremony as the rest of the community?Â
Proud to be gay in Australia? Yeh right, I can't marry the man I want and he can't marry me, and yet if we were to live together, various Government departments recognise us as a co-habiting "couple", although that is only for their own monetary controls.
That's my opinion, so YES, let's get some sense into the whole equality issue, and just legalise same sex marriage here in Australia !! -
RE: Best Gay Apps
Hmm, not really interested in the "cute" type apps that send me dumb messages, in the hopes of boosting my confidence or whatever, and will admit that I'm over Grindr as it seems to be full of very err, umm…well - I'm sure you all know where I'm heading with thatÂ
Have tried Scruff, but again, nothing seems to happen from there either, but then again I have to be honest, I live in a mining town in the middle of almost nowhere, LOL, so I guess I expect too much from the apps.
Is there an app for older guys seeking younger guys I wonder ?Â
From what I've found, just by doing a google search, there are many gay hookup apps out there, but reading the reviews, well, that kinda puts me off many of them.Â
If you happen to find a good app with genuine people on there, let the rest of us know?
oh and Thanks from downunder ...hehehe -
RE: Australian wanting to meet other Australians
Hi all,
Yep am an Aussie, an older one, but definatly an Aussie. hehehe.Just been reading another post about gay phone apps, and found this post, so Hi to all the other Aussies on here as well.