@ianfontinell-0 said in Silas Brooks / Drake Von:
I would have never found that lol, thanks for being so helpful brah
@ianfontinell-0 said in Silas Brooks / Drake Von:
I would have never found that lol, thanks for being so helpful brah
This is easily one of my favorite scenes of W&G
@frostycab im looking for tv/movies/music/audiobooks all of it. Something reliable. Those two were the ones suggested to me by AI
Anyone use torrentleech or IPtorrents? Have any invites?
Would be awesome. Hope this is okay to ask on here.
I never see much content from MP on GT so im assuming maybe not many people subscribe or the owner is psychotic about hunting down leaks from his site.
Its the reason ive never once subscribed to his site all the warnings and no vpn etc. The guy is a creep psychotic. Literally busted for all sorts of crap. See for yourself:
The newest post looks good.
It sucks though because I want to see his content but not support him..I miss the murdered jockdoc mike from Jock Physical.
This is one of the wildest torrents Ive ever downloaded.... I was wondering if any one knows if the other videos exsist?
Just got this seedbox thing now that I found out we're allowed todo that.
If i have my seedbox going, can i also seed the same torrent from home as well?
@Rapsey-0 What program do you use for JBOD? Ive only used syncback for mirror / backups
Thanks for all the good info
my dual 8tb raid is setup as RAID1 so mirrored copies for my more important personal data.
@ianfontinell-0 Ill have to check it out! I love knowing behind the scenes and lore about some of these guys.
@cp2000 Young Jake Cruise a Cuban American and his long term partner in the other picture.
Okay heres what Ive gathered so far... if someone knows more for a quick update let me know please.
Jake Cruise (Ric Alonso) is now retired with his long term partner Ernie Koneck Southeast of LA in Rancho Mirage?
There was a major scandal about his partners web design firm being involved and sponsoring pageants in California? in 2011 (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ric-alonso-miss-america-preliminary-sponsor_n_1121143)
And this led him to stop updating his site?
Someone said he had a heart attack more recently? Still alive?
Meanwhile one of this more popular models Bo Dean just recently died after getting shot by a friend awhile back and becoming paralyzed from the waist down? After becoming a meth addicted unstable male escort?
And Jakes site / company was sued for not using condoms? OHSA safe work practices violation lol? I rarely see condoms anymore? Or am i crazy?
This whole thing was insane to catch up on after just asking myself last night "I wonder what Jake Cruise is doing now?"
Interesting comment I read about how these type of 'creepy' site owners using their sites to mess around with hot guys. They do seem pretty common... my favorite JockDoc from Texas that was murderd by a model. Geminimen producer guy is aboslutely buffalo bill level bizzare to me. Even the cum guzzling greedy rob from military classified. The only one ive liked that does that type of thing is Clay from BHH and RaunchyBastards because he owns the role so well but has game with the boys. Seems that business model is gone almost entirely since the fan sites and models just making their own productions (which I love)
If any one knows anything else about Jake Cruise updates please chime in?