There is an attitude that I think is growing not just amongst young but middle aged guys that by being on PREP that you are shielded from the worst STI and everything else is something that is fixable - which is increasingly not true - and they just go BB without a care in the world. PREP is a good thing but its abuse like this going BB and forgetting about all the other STIs is a public health crisis waiting to happen. I don't have a lot of sex but I am being propositioned for BB from PREP guys more often that say safe only but offer BB to you ( you're special oK). You're my special 9th guy today… This lax attitude is already causing guys problems. HIV strains not covered by PREP causing infection and herpes which you can't get rid of. Just sad.
Agreed. I only have sex every 4-5 months and when I do the PREP guys offer BB on the apps. One guy offered BB and told about the guys he has sex with and they also have BB sex all over the place too. He says he loves and - cum up your butt feels good - but when all 5 of your mates fuck you I don't really want to dip my dick in your well. Your mates could have given you something that can't be removed or will take a long time to clear up!
Even with 3 month testing there are those lapse periods or time between infection and testing that your spreading that around with randoms and people in your fuck circle. Be on PREP and BB away with a closed exclusive group or please use a damn condom sigh
BB fucks and PREP use usually go hand in hand and I find a lot of guys like this don't know their status (overall) between tests and more middle class guys/ well to do are getting in on the action. More education needed here I think… and less random fucking.