Yes… We have been experiencing a rather high network load recently, which has caused some issues with accessing the site and/or tracker. :blownose:
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Server issues with
RE: Exceptional request about visit frequency due to health issues.
Normally, this is an automated process. With that being said however, it is an automated process that hasn't been run in some time, so unless something changes again, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
RE: "Open error" for all pictures I try to upload to QTM
You might get a better response by trying this forum thread.
RE: Getting into Linux
What if, your not exactly noob but all you've ever known is Unity and now you're scared?
I've been trying the Gnome desktop on my laptop and apart from the not liking it because it's different it is also noticeably slower, even dramatically so. Sure, the slow could be because I have it installed along side Unity but the not liking it because it's different, it is.
I take back saying Shuttleworth is the sexiest man alive. My Dell tablets (ya dude I got a dell plural) were getting all ready for convergence and now because what exactly, not making enough profit yoink. Pfft. That wee conspiracy guy that is like a devil on my shoulder keeps yelling "This is what you get for getting in bed with Microsoft" and maybe I've been listening to him too much but…
I would be inclined to recommend the gnome-session-fallback or gnome-session-flashback with Compiz instead of Unity. It's a lot more straight forward, and much less demanding on system resources. I also find it's a nice cross between the traditional Unity interface and more of a Windows type user experience. Once you get used to how you can fully customize it, I think you might find it's preferred over Unity.
RE: How to access webroot of a website?
Do you mean like to access or download the files? The only way I know of doing that is with a ripper app… The problem is that if the content is directly published, it will pick up the content, however if it is database driven, it is next to impossible to get all the contents due to the nature of the database being a variable in the equation.
RE: Bisex
Also, a little off-topic, but worth mentioning… The Scat category is set like this by default as well. If you wish to view that kind of content, you can enable this category in the same manner as the straight or bi categories.
RE: Uploading Issues
I just took a quick peek at your profile and it doesn't seem like anyone is actively downloading any of the torrents that you have in your profile.
This could be a contributing factor to your situation. I will see what I can do about fixing this as best as I can.
RE: Question about the search system?
A moderator could answer more definitively, but I remeber reading that only primary categories are indexed in searches.
This is correct. We are working on a more improved search engine, however it is a secondary thing right now to our mobile friendly version.
RE: Upload speed
Given that you're on a cable based internet platform, your situation will be dramatically different.
First, we need to understand the difference between line speed and actual file size transfer. Speed is measured in bits, kilobits, megabits, gigabits, terabits, etc
File size transfer on the other hand is measured in Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes, TeraBytes, etc
Bits are measured as follows:
1 b = 1 b
1 kb = 1000 b
1 mb = 1000 kb
1 gb = 1000 mb
1 tb = 1000 gbBytes on the other hand are measured as follows:
1 B = 8 b
1 KB = 1024 B
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GBSo… 10 mbit line speed upload would be calculated as follows:
(10 mbit) x (1,000,000 b/mbit) = 10,000,000 bits
(10,000,000 bits) / (8 b/B) = 1,250,000 B
(1,250,000 B) / (1024 B/KB) = 1,220.70 KB
(1,220.70 KB) / (1024 KB/MB) = 1.19 MBSo... Seeing 1.4 MB being transferred would suggest that you're actually getting the full speed that you're supposed to. On some connections, I find that running a torrent client at more than about 85% of the line capacity can make for a very problematic connection. So... For this reason, I would suggest limiting your connection speed to about 1.1 MB/s for optimal performance.
On a Gigabit service, as long as you have Gigabit ethernet between your computer and your modem/router, your max speed should peak out as follows:
(1 gb) x (1,000,000,000 b/gb) = 1,000,000,000 b
(1,000,000,000 b) / (8 b/B) = 125,000,000 B
(125,000,000 B) / (1024 B/KB) = 122,070.31 KB
(122,070.31 KB) / (1024 KB/MB) = 119.21 MB/sSo yes... The difference will be unreal.
RE: What's going on Hornet?
People who have had tons of sex partners are the worst life partners. Something was nulled and lost with all the sex. They lose the ability to make a significant bond with another human being. Now I am not saying you can't it's just hard.
I would tend to disagree with this statement. From my experience, people who have a plethora of sexual partners can actually be the most intimate in bed, as they have experiences to guide them on what seems to work and what doesn't. As for the inverse correlation between multiple sexual partners and an inability to be a life partner, my experience is quite the opposite. Perhaps this may be your experience in your part of the world, but it is inconsistent with my experiences.
RE: Would you date someone with an … UNUSUAL job?
If it were me, the piggy inside me would want to inquire about maybe joining him in his little weekend adventures.
That's just me though. I also understand that there are different strokes for different folks.
RE: Upload speed
This largely depends on a few factors, the three biggest of which are:
The upload speed that your ISP provides for your internet connection. Most residential internet connections have a substantially slower upload speed than their download speed, so be sure to find out what your connection's limits are.
Whether your ISP uses traffic shaping to throttle your speeds based on the presence of P2P traffic from a computer on your connection. If this is the case, a VPN such as PrivateVPN will get you around this problem. Also, if you're on a DSL service and your ISP supports it, you may also be able to get around this problem with the use of MLPPP. If you wish to go down this avenue and your ISP doesn't offer technical support for MLPPP, I would be more than happy to assist you with it. On my connection here I am on a 3 line (soon to be 4 line) MLPPP setup, but this is largely because a single line simply won't deliver a reasonable speed.
Whether you have the correct port for your torrent client forwarded both in TCP and in UDP from your router to your computer. This is the #1 most frequently missed step in the process that results in little to no upload traffic.
Of course, there are a few other factors, such as the number of leechers actively downloading the torrents, their connection speeds, what all else they're connected to, and so on, but the above 3 factors are the 3 biggest factors.
Also, remember, that DSL technology, especially the older DSL technology from the pre-Y2K era is a dying technology with very limited potentials. In terms of upload speed, you'd be looking at the following:
Copper ADSL2: 512 - 800 kbit
FTTN ADSL2: 800 - 1088 kbit
FTTN VDSL: 1088 kbit - 10 mbitThe biggest problem with FTTN service, as opposed to FTTP (aka FTTH) is the upload speed limitations, as they are largely dependent on distance from the SLAM where the copper begins. With Fibre going all the way to the end of the connection at the premise, the upload speed potential is far greater. The problem is that most of the world still hasn't rolled out this kind of technology.
RE: Deleted torrent?
Actually, not all mods can tell you why it was deleted… This is something that only a select few mods have access to. The two most common reasons for torrents disappearing are duplicates and DMCA removal requests.
RE: Where's the Scat?
Hehe… Different people like different things.... ;D
RE: Problems "stalled" on torrent - files checked.
I see that you are using Linux… Also, that error message suggests that you are using Transmission. When Transmission says that a torrent is "Stalled", generally it means that there is no activity on the torrent within the last however long your threshold settings are set to. This is not a problem necessarily, as it just means that there has been no activity.
What catches my attention though is that the tracker says you are using a different torrent client. I'm not sure how you'd check the tracker state or error message in the torrent client the tracker says you are using (or otherwise have used). I would imagine that the problem is that you're either not able to resolve the tracker's IP address. This is the most common issue with tracker communications, aside from the tracker timing out occasionally. To ensure you are able to resolve the IP address properly, I would suggest changing to Google DNS by using and as your DNS server settings.
RE: Discrepancies in seed numbers
Actually, with some torrents and some torrent clients, this is not unheard of. It's nothing to worry about though
RE: My account was deleted - how do I get it back?
Actually, I sent a PM to a particular mod who handles this kind of request. They should handle this for you once they login next.
The helpdesk request would only end up getting forwarded to said mod anyway.