Ah… I will send you a PM because I do not want to discuss certain aspects of the matter in public view.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Uploaded a torrent, Had 3 total snatches but still have a ratio of 0?
RE: Ratio rules … I do no think that it's working as it should
On an unrelated topic, is that avatar you? If so #WOOF!
RE: Encrypted Peers vs. Unencrypted Peers
I had a solution for the potential for DNS leaks… I use my own DNS servers now, so that I can control what passes through them, and I can be sure that no information is being skimmed out of the results because I own the actual servers that handle the requests.
RE: Not sure where to post this, just want to thank the mods!
This is definitely a change of pace for once. We really appreciate it.
RE: Download Storage Solution?
I tend not to use online storage services because of the government and law enforcement's ability to subpoena information from those providers. Instead, I have a few servers of my own setup. The two most commonly used ones are the one located in the basement at my parents' place, and the one located in the basement of the house that my trailer piggybacks off of (for power and network/internet) through underground wire that runs from the house 200 feet into the bush to the trailer. In both cases, they have external hard drives that are attached, which I can access over the network when I'm in the physical location, and soon, also over the internet securely. This way, if any information is sought after, I'll know about it because I'm in physical possession of all the hardware where the information is stored, but yet, it's easily accessible from the trailer, without the need for the bulky equipment in the trailer.
RE: Ratio rules … I do no think that it's working as it should
Actually, I don't like how little impact that had on your ratio, so look out… Here comes round 2
RE: Ratio rules … I do no think that it's working as it should
I thought you would ;D
RE: Uploaded a torrent, Had 3 total snatches but still have a ratio of 0?
This is actually a common question… I will explain why this happens.
Your torrent client updates with the tracker to obtain the list of peers and update your transfer statistics once every 30 minutes. This will mean that you'll have about 30 minutes where everything stays the same, and then all of the sudden, the stats will update. If you're seeding multiple torrents, this can become a little more complex, because the 30 minute refresh period is based on each torrent individually from the time it was started.
So... This is not at all unusual.
I also see that your upload speed is not the greatest, which kind of confuses me because I'm very familiar with your geographical area (as you're not all that far from me it would seem) and your ISP, and I fail to understand why it is so slow. The only thing that I could think of is that you have their ultra lite package perhaps?
Anyhoo... Since it would appear that you're trying to do the right thing, before your torrent gets purged from the system completely, I'm going to use it to gift you some SBP to help get your ratio in check. This should help to give you a boost to where you ideally need to be. Hopefully, this will help to get you on your way.
RE: Ratio rules … I do no think that it's working as it should
I agree that the process can definitely be frustrating, especially if you have a slower upload speed. I used to be in that boat myself, and I understand all too well how bloody frustrating that it can be.
Also, I see that you have both uploaded torrents, so I went ahead and gifted both of you a little SBP pick me up to help boost you both up a little.
RE: Encrypted Peers vs. Unencrypted Peers
Not really… While we have a strict privacy policy, the downloads themselves are run directly from peer to peer. This means that your IP address is still shown in the list of peers for where to get the content. This is something that we cannot do anything about. If you're looking for a more secure or anonymous way of torrenting, I would be inclined to suggest a VPN service that does NOT log anything, such as PrivateVPN. As long as the server you are using supports port forwarding, you'll be all set.
Now, as for the difference between encrypted and unencrypted peers, the difference there is whether or not you are establishing a regular connection to the peer, or if you are using some method of securely scrambling the information while it's being transmitted from one peer to the next. The theoretical difference there being that an encrypted connection cannot be intercepted in the manner that a regular (or unencrypted) session potentially can be.
RE: Anyone who manages it to keep 1.0 or above ratio without donating?
I will chime in and say that I feel the pain of each and every last member on this site who suffers from bandwidth poverty. Believe it or not, there are some areas even in first world countries like Canada where internet service is not so great to say the least. I'm in a trailer in the bush, in the middle of nowhere, with practically no neighbours. My only one neighbour is my good friend whose land my trailer is on, and whose house my trailer piggybacks off of for electricity and internet. Even their house (which is my ONLY neighbour) is a little over 200 feet from the house.
The problem out here is that we're on oldschool pre-Y2K legacy COPPER based ADSL2 service, and I am just over 5 kms from the CO. The result is that in theory, I'm only supposed to be able to get about 1.5mbit / 800kbit to a single DSL line, but for some reason, I'm able to crank my lines up to 4mbit / 800kbit. In order to get fast enough internet in the house and trailer that I can stream movies in 1080p HD, I had to have not one, but THREE DSL lines installed. I'm waiting on the installation of a 4th line now in order to get a faster speed. The four modems connect into a single router, which bonds them together using MLPPP, then shares the connection as a single line with the combined speed through a line that links that router into the main switch on the ceiling in the opposite corner of the basement. There's then a line that runs from that switch, across the basement ceiling, out the outside wall of the house, into the ground, and across the back yard underground about 200 feet to the trailer, where it then comes out of the ground again, into the trailer, and connects into my second wireless router inside the trailer.
Even at that though, I'm still rather limited in my upload speed (which comes at almost a whopping $200/mo CAD), I can only really upload at up to 60KB/s before I start noticing buffer bloat issues. So… For this reason, if your upload speed isn't so great and you've uploaded at least one torrent, I would be happy to hook you up with some SBP to help compensate for your lack of upload speed.
RE: Help about this auto message
I would encourage you to check out our upload guide, starting at step 4 where it talks about downloading the .torrent file that you need.
RE: I think this idea would solve the DUPLICATE problem
There's a potential problem in that idea that I see. Not all duplicates are identical duplicates, and depending on the mod that flags them, not all mods will freeleech the duplicate torrent. In some cases, the original is not quite an identical copy, and the original is too new to be made freeleech. This can create some problems with this process.
RE: UTorrent doesn't get seeding recognition
Also, FWIW, you need to make sure that no matter what torrent client you're using, the port number that said torrent client is using is forwarded from your router to your computer. In the case of using a VPN, your VPN will override any local port forwarding on your network, so you need only worry about making sure the port number that your torrent client uses is forwarded through your VPN to your computer. If you do not have the correct port forwarded both in TCP and in UDP, you will likely find it hard to get any upload traffic no matter what you do.
RE: Suggestions For a Decent NFO Creator/Maker Software That Works Here
Yes… Sadly, there were some users who were uploading the .torrent file with their passkey in the field for the NFO file. The result was that it was creating a potential security hazard for our users, so we disabled its functionality until a permanent fix can be rolled out. The only "problem" as it were is that there have been higher priority things to get done before being able to visit this feature again, largely due to the lack of its seeming lack of popular interest.
RE: 60 second posting interval?
I have just posted two quite short messages on the forum; for the second one I got the error message that I hadn't allowed 60 seconds between posts
I've never come across this before. Makes me wonder how some people manage to post dozens of one-word replies in a short period…
This policy was put into place BECAUSE of people like that… Just think of how much worse it would be if we didn't do anything at all to try to prevent such behaviours...
RE: Files not seeding
In your case, I believe that the port forwarding fix will get things working for you.
RE: User Privacy
We have a VERY strict policy surrounding the privacy of our users. Simply put, we will never reveal any information about any of our users, PERIOD. With that being said however, it may still be possible for copyright trolls to acquire your IP address by joining the peer pool on the torrent. This is something that we have no control over, as it is part and parcel of how torrents work.
there is a way of getting around this however. I would recommend the use of a VPN service such as PrivateVPN. More specifically, you want a VPN provider (such as the one I mentioned) who does not keep any logs. It's even better if you can find one that also accepts anonymous payments such as gift cards or BitCoin. This means that even your payments for the said VPN services can be anonymous. Just the fact that they don't keep any logs is sufficient though, because if they do not keep any logs, that means that they have no records that can potentially link an IP address at a specific point in time to a specific account. That way, if a legal court order were to be handed to them asking to disclose what account was associated with a specific IP address at a particular point in time, they can legitimately say "Sorry, but we cannot give you something that we do not have."
Unlike just a proxy service or a browser extension add-on, a full VPN will tunnel ALL of your internet traffic through a secure tunnel before it can go out to the internet. Your provider cannot see what you are doing, as it is all seen as encrypted traffic to a VPN, and the servers on the other end of your connections are also unable to see your real location or IP address. A VPN will also help to get around different network censorship restrictions, such as restrictions by governments in certain countries, or even restrictions placed on content, sites, etc at free public WiFi locations.
So… In short, if you're really concerned with your privacy and anonymity on the internet, I would strongly encourage you to look into a VPN service. I'm using one right now because I'm at a friend's place, and he's borrowing his one shady neighbour's WiFi, so the added security is awesome.
RE: Files not seeding
It is very rare that changing the check box is needed. The system should automatically toggle the switch to make the torrent visible as soon as there is at least one seeder that is actively seeding the torrent.
RE: Files not seeding
i think that i have the same problem with you
but i can't seem to fix it, even if i follow the moderator's instructions..
long live freeleech for me..!I think that in your case, the problem is that there are not many (if any) leechers downloading the torrents in your profile. I can put a fix to this though by placing a freeleech status on many of the torrents. This will help to encourage people to download them, which means that there will be leechers in which to send the contents of the torrents to.